Are We Not the Same Type of People? (Part One)

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The small room was tidy and simple. In the middle of the room, a person dressed in a red costume was singing.

His voice was choppy, and his movements were a little stiff. It was clear that he was not a professional, yet every verse was sung with sincerity.

To the side, a man with powder on his face faintly smiled. Seated on a small stool, he played the accompaniment.

“A flower for you, flower-like maiden, but remember that water flows like water flows…”*

The man singing raised his sleeves, as he sang the most moving part of Peony Pavilion. Every movement was full of emotion.

The flowing white sleeves waved about in the air, and when they reached up, it was like watching a white lotus flower bloom from up close. It also blocked the view for the two on the roof.

The flowing sleeves quickly dropped, and Gu HanMo’s expression became extremely ugly.

The one singing was Gu WenQing.

The one playing the instrument suddenly stopped, and Yu Guan’s cheerful voice could be heard, “Fourth young sir has improved significantly this time. Who knew that you would be so good after practicing just a few times!”

“Really? I felt that I was a little stiff when I got to that one part. Look here-”

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The door to the room was forcefully kicked open, and the door itself fell to the ground. Yu Guan held his chest from the shock.

Gu WenQing had been interrupted, and he instinctively picked up his sword and moved to stand in front of Yu Guan, pointing his sword at the door.

The fallen door had kicked up a lot of dust, as two familiar figures walked in through the door. The sword in Gu WenQing’s hand began to tremble.

“Third brother?”

Under direct examination, Gu HanMo’s eyes became even colder.

His gaze landed on the performer’s clothes that Gu WenQing wore and the flowing sleeves, and his eyes were filled with unhappiness. Yu Guan saw this and hastily helped Gu WenQing remove his costume.

The two moved quickly, and the costume was quickly removed.

Gu HanMo coldly looked over Yu Guan, but his words were directed at Gu WenQing: “As the son of a prominent family, you actually dare to sink so low and learn to act? The martial arts that father taught you, was it for you to come and throw your sleeves around?”

Family matters were hard to get involved in. Seeing Yu Guan tremble with fear, Tian Shu walked out of the room.

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He had come with Gu HanMo, and it would not be good to scare someone with no martial arts ability to the point of causing trouble would not be good.

Gu WenQing opened his mouth and said like an unfilial son: “Third brother, I just felt that things have calmed down for the manor. His Majesty has conferred many rewards, and Yu Fu was conferred the title of princess. Even if I did some things that are improper, it could not be made use of against the manor.”

“The more that Marquis Gu’s Manor enjoys His Majesty’s grace, the more important it becomes that you do not act improperly. Just looked at yourself. You’re even worse than Gu Xiang and Gu Yi. Even they aren’t so lacking in understanding.”

This was in front of Yu Guan, and Tian Shu would likely be able to hear from outside the door, thus he did not want to say too much.

He just coldly said: “You still aren’t going to follow me back to the manor?”

Since he had been taught from a young age, Gu WenQing had always respected his elders, and he did not dare go against his older brother’s orders. He could only give Yu Guan a look.

Yu Guan had always been good at reading the atmosphere. Seeing the current situation, he gave him a reassuring look.

Gu HanMo was an educated young sir from a prominent family. He had only kicked down his door and had not beaten him or insulted him.

Moreover, he was right. He himself was someone of low standing. Gu WenQing mingling with him was indeed improper…

Gu HanMo strode out of the room, and Gu WenQing followed him out with his head down.

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A strong gust of wind blew into the room through the exposed doorway. Yu Guan leaned against the dusty wall and watched the three ride off in a daze.

He thought back to every time that Gu WenQing had taken advantage of when there was nobody home to come and ask him to teach him to perform with his sincere and joyous expression.

Gu WenQing really liked acting. He truly did not think that acting was lowly. On the contrary, he felt that it was very interesting.

He had traveled with his troupe to many places and met many young sirs from many prominent families. Regardless of whether they had money or influence, there was never another person who treated him as earnestly as Gu WenQing.

It was not for the sake of toying with him nor to mess with him.

Every time that the two got together in this small room, one would sing and one would learn. While one trained in singing, the other played the accompaniment. It was quite enjoyable.

Unfortunately, those enjoyable days would probably never come again…

“Oh, is this not Yu Guan? What are you standing there on your own and crying for?”

There was not much business during the day, and the girls working at the brothel would come to observe Yu Guan when they were idle.

It was very rare for such extravagant young sirs to come and visit a place as uncouth as theirs, much less ones so brilliant.

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Who knew that they would happen to see Yu Guan made a fool of.

Yu Guan immediately wiped away his tears and forced a smile, saying: “It’s nothing. The wind just got into my eyes.”

He turned around and walked back into the room. Although he lived near these brothels, he had never interacted with these people much. They also were not on the same path in life.

The girls saw that he was ignoring them. This made them want to bully him even more, thus they barged straight into his room.


The door had been kicked down by Gu HanMo and could not be immediately repaired. He wanted to chase these girls out but had no way of doing so. For a while, he was angry and ashamed.

One of the girls was eating seeds and said with a smile: “What, are you afraid that we’ll make your place dirty? You don’t even think about what difference there is between us; are we not the same type of people? What, a rabbit god dares to have embarrassed of us? Damn!”**

A mouthful of seed husks was spat out from her red lips. They fluttered in the air like snowflakes before landing on Yu Guan’s clean floor.

Author’s Note: Don’t think that fourth brother and Yu Guan are doing anything shameful. They are very pure. My little cuties who thought differently should reflect on themselves haha~

*TN: The altered opening of Shan Tao Hong. The original opening says “the years pass like water flows.”
**TN: Rabbit god is in reference to Tu’er Ye, and it’s apparently a term used to refer to gay men.

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