Sincere Friend (Part Five)

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Yu Fu suddenly changed her tone. She had told off those prostitutes for him just a moment earlier, but now she said such a thing.

For a moment, Yu Guan did not dare believe it, as he stood in place in a daze while at a complete loss.

Based on his memories, Yu Fu was not like this.

At that time, when she met him for the first time backstage, she was still surrounded by a childish aura. Although Marquis Gu treated her like a treasure, she did not end up spoiled.

It was at that moment that he knew that Yu Fu was not like the average young miss from a wealthy family. She would not look down on him because of his status.

She was just like Gu WenQing.

Right, Gu WenQing.

He would often mention Yu Fu to him, saying that Yu Fu was the one who was most supportive of him coming to visit.

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Why was it that Yu Fu’s tune had now changed?

Yu Guan was stunned for quite some time. Walking over to the table, he pulled out a chair and wiped it with a sleeve, “Young miss, please sit to talk. I was preparing to give this chair to the fourth young sir, so it should be relatively clean.”

He then used his feet to sweep away the seeds on the floor without any concern for his shoes getting dirty.

When he finally managed to clean up a spot, Yu Fu quietly sat down on the chair. She wanted to hear how Yu Guan would respond.

Being stared at by her young and imposing gaze, Yu Guan took a deep breath.

After a long pause, he finally spoke, “Responding to young miss Yu Fu, this lowly one did not lead the fourth young sir down a bad path. Fourth young sir saved this lowly one’s life, so this lowly one has always treated him well. How could I lead him down a bad path?”

“Then why did you teach fourth brother acting?”

“Fourth young sir is kind and thorough. He likes poetry and operas, and this lowly one happens to be an actor, thus he was taught a bit. Although he has learned, he does not go out to act, nor does he mingle with the sons of wealthy families. He is merely acting for fun. How, how could it be considered as learning something bad?”

Yu Fu kept her eyes on him. At first, she was expressionless, but a smile slowly appeared.

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She was smiling?

Yu Guan was so confused that he did not know what to say.

What exactly was the meaning of this. Could it be that what she had said earlier was meant to instigate him?

Yu Fu said with a smile: “Since you know that you did not lead fourth brother down a bad path, why is it that you don’t dare to explain it clearly to third brother? Could it be that you have done something bad that won’t allow you to raise your head in front of third brother?”

Sure enough.

“No, I have always stayed away from trouble and have not done anything improper! When fourth young sir saved me, I happened to be getting attacked by two playboys and could not get away. At that time, I thought things through. If they were going to force themselves on me, I would protect my cleanliness even if it meant dying!”

Yu Guan unconsciously began defending himself, but his voice became smaller and smaller, “But my status is low, so how could I be worthy of speaking to third young sir? If not for fourth young sir not looking down on me, I would not have the right to speak with fourth young sir or young miss.”

“There are no people who are naturally of lower status than others. I’ve heard fourth brother bring it up before that you had no choice but to join an acting troupe after your family was ruined and only act to eke out a living. Seeing you live here and get pushed around by those women, it’s clear that you are not the same as them.”

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When Yu Guan had been getting bullied by them, he had been able to keep himself composed, but for some reason, when he heard Yu Fu’s words, tears began to well up in his eyes.

This would not do. Men should not cry so easily. He could not allow Yu Fu to look down on him!

He turned around to regain his composure before quickly turning back, “I am just a lowly actor. If I lived on my own, it would make others feel jealous. Fourth young sir also wanted to arrange for me to live somewhere in the city, but I was worried that people in the city would notice him coming to visit me, and that would ruin his reputation. That’s why I decided to come and live in this sort of place outside the city.”

So that was the case.

It was no wonder why he did not fall so low with his position as a lead actor in his troupe.

Yu Fu stood up and said: “Yu Guan, do you want to return to the manor with me right now and explain things to head general and third brother? It’s possible that if you personally explain, you might be trusted a little more. More importantly, could it be that you don’t hope to be accepted by them, so that you and fourth brother can meet openly in the future?”

“Openly? This lowly one absolutely does not dare ask for that much! This lowly one wishes to go with young miss Yu Fu. As long as this lowly one can help reduce fourth young sir’s punishment, this lowly one is willing to do anything!”

He turned back to look at his room and brought along his coin purse. Yu Fu said: “I came out in a hurry and did not bring anyone with me. The door to your house was broken down, so it would be best to bring along any important items to keep from losing them.”

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Yu Guan smiled freely, “There’s no need. What important matters are there? It’s nothing more than some worldly possessions. I always keep the cloth that fourth young sir gave me on hand. There’s nothing else of importance.”

In an instant, Yu Fu was moved by his words.

He, the one that Gu HanMo considered a lowly actor, actually viewed money as something so unimportant and was willing to abandon it all for Gu WenQing’s sake.

Just how sincere of a friend was he. It was no wonder Gu WenQing refused to give up on coming to visit him.

“To have one confidant in life, one can die without regrets. For fourth brother to have a friend like you is very fortunate for him.”

Yu Guan smiled, “No, this lowly one having a friend like fourth young sir is this lowly one’s good fortune.”

Stepping over the fallen door, the two walked out of the building and left without looking back.

The entrance to the small and simple room was left open, reflecting the open mountains and cloudless sky.

It just remained there, waiting for its owner’s return.

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