Princess and Family (Part Four)

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As he said this, he waved his hand in front of his nose with a look of great disdain.

Gu ShuBai furrowed his brow and said: “Western Kun is ambitious and has always coveted our Eastern Ling’s border region. Sure enough, them sending people as a peaceful envoy had a hidden objective. But how is it that you know that they will take up arms?”

Xun Chi snorted, “Heaven’s secrets must not be exposed. You just need to know that I wouldn’t lie to you. With that, things have been decided. In three days, we will be returning to Immortals Valley.”

Yu Fu tugged on his sleeve beneath the table, and Gu ShuBai quickly recovered.

Xun Chi had deliberately revealed that there would be a war to allow them some time to prepare.

“The Deity of Medicine truly said that?”

“Father, that is indeed the case.”

In the main hall, Gu ShuBai relayed what Xun Chi had said to Gu HuaiJiang, and the latter fell deep into thought for a prolonged period of time.

With his outer clothes draped on his shoulders, he paced back and forth for a long time, “This is bad. When Western Kun’s special envoy came last time, Kun WuShang did a number of improper things, so the court has been a bit more vigilant. But a few days earlier, Western Kun’s special envoy sent a letter of credence, saying that it was for the sake of repairing relations between the two countries and that they specially sent a princess to solidify relations through marriage. His Majesty was absolutely elated. The princess is already on her way. If I say that Western Kun will launch an attack on our border at a time like this, who would believe it?”

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“Does father not believe what Deity of Medicine said?”

“That’s not the case.”

Gu HuaiJiang said: “Deity of Medicine is very certain, so it can’t be fake. Also, whether it’s him allowing Tian Shu to teach his unique training methods to the members of the manor, or him accepting the engagement between you and Yu Fu, or him helping treat His Majesty’s poisoning, he has done plenty to prove that he has been helping us this entire time. Today’s words are also no exception.”

Gu ShuBai nodded and said: “Son also thinks this way. It’s just that if the court members truly believe that Western Kun wants reconciliation, there’s no way for us to reinforce the border with more troops. If that’s the case, there’s nothing that we can do with this information.”

Gu HuaiJiang let out a long sigh, “It’s one thing with the members of court, but His Majesty is the more important. He wholeheartedly hopes for Western Kun and Eastern Ling to be on peaceful terms and does not want to see the flames of war burn once more. Without proof of Western Kun deploying troops brought before him, he will not allow us to deploy troops first.”

He thought for a bit then quickly said: “How about this, order the border guards to keep a close eye on Western Kun’s movements. As soon as they feel that something is off, immediately send a report back with haste!”

“Yes, father.”

That night, Gu HuaiJiang and Gu ShuBai were unable to sleep soundly.

On the battlefield, in just a split second, blood could flower like a river, as the corpses of civilians and soldiers piled up like mountains.

They did not dare be negligent in the slightest, as they constantly thought about the situation at the border and which city they would counterattack from…

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This continued until the sun came up. Gu HuaiJiang was getting old and could not fight off the need to close his eyes.

Gu ShuBai, however, opened his eyes and lifted his blanket, walking out of his courtyard while it was still early in the morning and seeing the sun rise above the treetops.

It was bright but not so much that it was dazzling. It was warm but not too hot.

This was true of the morning sun, and it was true of Eastern Ling, as it would continue to steadily prosper.

He stretched his arms and suddenly saw a figure leaning back at the top of a tree. They also seemed to be looking at the scenery of the rising sun.

Looking more closely, it looked like Gu HanMo’s figure.

“Third brother?”

The person at the top of the tree turned his head, “Eldest brother, why have you woken up so early?”

Gu HanMo descended the tree in a blur and landed next to him. The area under his eyes was faintly bruised.

Gu ShuBai wanted to point this out, but Gu HanMo said: “Eldest brother, the area under your eyes is bruised. Did you not sleep well last night?”

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He suddenly let out a laugh, “You’re talking about me, but isn’t it true of you too? Coming here to look at the sunrise so early in the morning. It must be because of fourth brother.”

Gu HanMo paused for a moment before finally nodding.

“It’s not all because of fourth brother. It’s also because of Yu Fu and Yu Guan. I thought about a number of things last night. Eldest brother, do you also think that I was in the wrong?”

Gu ShuBai shook his head, “You didn’t do anything wrong. You were worried about your little brother and worried that he would learn something bad. This is something that an older brother should do. On that point, eldest brother has not done as well as you. Eldest brother didn’t even know that fourth brother was learning to act.”

He repeatedly praised him, but Gu HanMo felt even more dejected.

He had clearly done something wrong, yet eldest brother did not assign any blame and brought up his good points.

“But eldest brother also feels that Yu Fu did nothing wrong and that fourth brother did nothing wrong. Isn’t that right?”

Gu ShuBai saw that he was feeling regret and patted his shoulder, “You guys have different viewpoints, but none have done anything wrong. Yu Fu just wants to help fourth brother keep his best friend, and fourth brother just happens to like operas and has not forsaken all that he has learned for it. As for Yu Guan…”

He laughed and said: “You also saw it. He’s not someone with wicked intentions. If he did, he would not have dared to come to Marquis Gu’s Manor yesterday, but he was able to summon the courage to come and plead for fourth brother’s punishment to be reduced.”

Gu HanMo’s expression became relaxed and was not as cold as usual.

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He said: “Fourth brother came to plead for forgiveness yesterday before getting his injuries treated. He said a lot and said that Yu Guan is a good friend. He said that they benefit a great deal from their interactions. Eldest brother, do you know what I was thinking about?”

“What is it?”

“I was thinking that I don’t have any friends, so I don’t understand his feelings.”

Gu ShuBai looked at him in shock, never thinking that he would say such a thing. It seemed to be full of regret and jealousy.


He had always placed all of his focus on training and treated family warmly with a cold expression. He also had no outside friends.

Gu ShuBai always thought that he did not need friends; otherwise, given his status, there would be plenty of people who would want to be friends with him.

It turned out… he also wanted to have friends?

Gu ShuBai had helped Gu HuaiJiang raise his younger brothers for many years, and this was the first time that he did not know what to say to console Gu HanMo.

After a long pause, he finally said: “No, you have a friend. Isn’t Tian Shu your friend?”

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