It Turned Out He Was Pretending (Part Two)

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The carriage left Lin’An City, and there were a pair of imperial carriages waiting outside.

The old driver saw this from quite far away and reported inside: “Deity of Medicine, there are some members of the imperial family waiting up ahead. Do you wish to give them some face?”

Xun Chi seemed to be chewing on something, and the words that he said were not very clear, “Is this how Gu HuaiJiang does things? Didn’t I tell him that I would be leaving in secret and that he should not tell Emperor Ning? What a waste of time! Just pretend that you didn’t see them and go around!”


The old servant was very experienced. Previously, he had maintained a good posture and had his chest puffed out. It was very clear that the passengers in the carriage were not normal people.

Now, he was hunched over and kept his shoulders slumped. He now had a stupid look on his face, and he pretended to have no strength in his hands.

Anyone who saw this would think that this carriage did not have anyone of importance. It was simply a poor person who had no money to request a driver with more vigor.

“Lord Deity of Medicine, please wait!”

When passing by the imperial carriages, a female voice came from inside the carriage.

Xun Chi’s eyebrow slightly raised and thought to himself that this person was not someone that the driver could deal with on his own, thus he nudged Tian Shu with his elbow, “You go and get rid of her.”

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Tian Shu obediently climbed out of the carriage and saw a girl wearing exquisite clothing standing outside of the carriage with a large cloak that covered her face.

“Deity of Medicine, do you still remember This One?”

They had met once in Marquis Gu’s Manor. At that time, Eunuch Gao had been instructed to invite Xun Chi into the palace to treat the Emperor, and she had tried to stop him because of the promise to confer Yu Fu the title of princess.

Tian Shu had a blank expression and slightly bowed, “Princess DanYang.”

The round face hidden by the cloak looked up. She wore a dignified and refined smile, as she pointed at a pavilion nearby, “Would Deity of Medicine please stay and chat for a while.”

“There’s no need. I don’t like idle talk.”

Princess DanYang knew that this person would act as he wished, actually daring to enter Emperor Ning’s chambers without removing his sword, thus it was natural that he would dare to not give face to a princess.

She did not get frustrated and looked over at the carriage that Xun Chi sat in, “It’s not idle talk. It’s an important matter. If immortal practitioner of medicine is unwilling for fear of being delayed, my father Emperor wants to dispatch all of his civil and military officials to send Deity of Medicine off. When that happens, I fear that Deity of Medicine will be even more displeased.”

She was using this to threaten him.

Tian Shu furrowed his brow and looked at her sideways before walking toward the pavilion.

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They were the only two people at the pavilion, thus Princess DanYang spoke without any reservations, “When This One heard that Deity of Medicine and immortal practitioner of medicine were leaving, I refused to believe it. Who knew that it would end up being true. Since immortal practitioner of medicine is leaving like this, what about Yu Fu?”

Heard that they were leaving?

Not even Emperor Ning had heard this news, so where did a princess like her hear this news?

Tian Shu plainly responded, “Yu Fu?”

“That’s right!”

Princess DanYang would not forget that scene in front of Emperor Ning’s bed chamber. The lofty Gu ShuBai whom she admired was competing with Tian Shu like a normal person for Yu Fu.

She had always thought that Yu Fu was trying to climb up the social ladder with Gu ShuBai, but this ended up with her taking a slap to the face.

“Doesn’t immortal practitioner of medicine love Yu Fu? If you leave just like this, wouldn’t it just be the same as giving up and giving her to brother ShuBai? Are you really fine with that?”

A smile flitted through his eyes, finally understanding why Princess DanYang had come to seek him out.

It seemed that his acting was too good, and Princess DanYang truly believed that he liked Yu Fu and wanted to compete with Gu ShuBai for her.

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He did not expose the truth, “The one who doesn’t want to accept it is princess, isn’t that right? Naturally, I also feel that way, but master has already agreed to their engagement and now wants to return to Immortals Valley. What can I possibly do?”

Princess DanYang said: “As long as you want it, there is naturally something that can be done! You are an immortal practitioner of medicine and a disciple of the Deity of Medicine. Even father Emperor would give you some leeway! If you stay in the capital, This One has a plan to support you and Yu Fu!”

If she helped Tian Shu and Yu Fu get together, Gu ShuBai would belong to her.

This idea was not bad; however, she had unfortunately sought out the wrong partner.

Tian Shu said: “Princess has feelings for the heir to Marquis Gu’s Manor, yet you have never come up with a good plan to get him over all of these years. I don’t dare compliment princess’ ability.”

As Emperor Ning’s only princess born to the empress, she was part of the imperial family and absolutely could not tolerate being looked down on by others.

She immediately flew into a rage over Tian Shu’s provocation and hastily said: “In the past, brother ShuBai never felt anything for others, so I naturally thought that we would come together when the situation was right! Who knew that Yu Fu would suddenly appear along the way. She’s the one who came between us! I won’t hide it from you, but you aren’t the only one who likes Yu Fu. My second brother also likes her. If you don’t want to help, Yu Fu will end up belonging to my second brother!”

It was natural for her to be frantic.

Gu ShuBai and Yu Fu were only engaged because Yu Fu was not yet old enough, but with her age being what it was, her marriage to Yin Shuo was looming.

She could not afford to wait.

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Eastern Ling’s second prince…

The memory of him kneeling in front of Xun Chi and pleading for him to go into the palace to treat Emperor Ning appeared in Tian Shu’s mind.

Being able to adjust to the situation to accomplish his goals, that person had some ability.

Tian Shu suddenly sneered, “Then just let her be given to the second prince. I fear that even if I am willing to allow it, the second prince might not be so fortunate.”

After saying this, he turned around and left the pavilion without saluting her.

Princess DanYang stood in place and was beyond confused.

Did he not like Yu Fu? How could he give up so easily?

Xun Chi’s carriage continued to advance, and the imperial carriages did not dare stop them without orders from Princess DanYang. They had no choice but to salute and send off the Deity of Medicine.

The spring breeze was a little chilly, and Princess DanYang suddenly shuddered.

“It turned out that they were putting on an act…”

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