Princess and the General

Chapter 228: 228

It Was Actually Yin Shuo (Part Five)

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Today’s matter really was full of twists and turns.

They initially thought that the two imperial censors had been deceived into impeaching Gu HuaiJiang and that the whole thing was a misunderstanding, thus everything was resolved.

Who knew that Yin Shuo would suddenly bring up such an angle and bring things to a stalemate once more.

Based on His Majesty’s earlier tone, he also did not know what the real military report was. It was evident that Gu HuaiJiang had sent orders to the army stationed at the border, yet he did not know about it.

As the head general of the Gu family’s army, there was nothing improper about Gu HuaiJiang giving orders to the soldiers under his command, but…

He had too much military might. If he made a move, all of Eastern Ling would be shaken by that step, so precautions had to be taken.

Emperor Ning furrowed his brow and hesitantly looked at Gu HuaiJiang.

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This matter was just like that golden tally that he had granted Gu HuaiJiang. There was no need for him to be informed, but if he used it, it would inevitably attract some sideways glances. There was no need to play it safe and be so respectful.

Naturally, everyone hoped that he would not make use of it.

Gu HuaiJiang said: “Prime minister, as someone who stands above all but one, you should indeed ask this sort of question, but there is a bit of a unique situation to these orders. This marquis cannot divulge any further information in court in front of so many people.”

He then cupped his hands toward Emperor Ning and said: “After court is dismissed, I welcome Your Majesty to speak further.”

“Since the Deity of Medicine is certain that Western Kun will start a war, why did you not tell Us?”

Inside the imperial study, ruler and subject sat on the sofa. After Emperor Ning finished listening to Gu HuaiJiang, he immediately became frantic.

Western Kun’s special envoy had already visited Eastern Ling, and the princess meant to marry into the imperial family was on her way. He fully believed that Western Kun truly changed their ways and would no longer invade Eastern Ling.

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However, Xun Chi was not a normal person. He was an immortal who was hundreds of years old. The prophetic words that he uttered could not be ignored.

Gu HuaiJiang let out a sigh, “This subject did not deliberately try to hide it from Your Majesty. Rather, this subject has reminded Your Majesty many times not to trust Western Kun’s people; however, Your Majesty felt that this subject was being too eager to go to war. Even when Western Kun’s seventh prince snuck into my manor to steal military information, Your Majesty dreaded stoking the flames of war and refused to punish him. This subject had no choice but to send a confidant to the border to keep an eye on Western Kun’s movements. If there were any unusual movements, they were to immediately send word back.”

Not to mention the past, but even now, Emperor Ning still did not want to believe it.

Could it be that Western Kun wanted to use a princess as a blindfold for the sake of obtaining the upper hand in a surprise strike on the border?

Right, he had heard that Emperor Kun had many children. Just counting the daughters, there were tens. To him, giving away an unloved princess would mean nothing.

“If there have already been some unexpected movements, no matter how fast the horse, it would not arrive in time! We were foolish in the past and should have trusted you when it came to military affairs. HuaiJiang, what do you think we should do now?”

“Your Majesty believes the Deity of Medicine’s words?”

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“Of course! The Deity of Medicine saved Our life. If We do not trust him, whom should We trust?”

Gu HuaiJiang stood up from the sofa and performed a solemn salute, “This subject is the same as Your Majesty and believe the Deity of Medicine’s words. Since we received an early warning, we cannot waste this opportunity and allow Western Kun to bring misery to our Eastern Ling’s citizens living near the border. This subject requests Your Majesty give a secret order to allow this subject to mobilize troops at the border to deal with Western Kun in the most effective manner possible!”

“You… you want to personally go to the border?”

Gu HuaiJiang shook his head, “This subject cannot personally go. Once Western Kun’s special envoy arrives with the princess and sees that this subject is not in the capital, they might not dare attack. This is why this subject is asking Your Majesty to give a secret order. We cannot allow the idle officials and people from Western Kun to know.”

Emperor Ning had a sudden realization, “Strike when the enemy is unprepared?”

Gu HuaiJiang smiled and said: “Your Majesty has always been adept at learning military strategies. This subject is very moved. This subject will secretly send some secret orders to mobilize the troops and officers in a way that Western Kun won’t notice. When they decide to attack, we will be prepared to fight them head-on!”

He was always this way, kissing up to Emperor Ning without making it noticeable. This made Emperor Ning laugh loudly, “What nonsense is that. Who would dare to discuss military strategies in front of you? Would that not be like an apprentice showing off in front of their master? We are no fool. We will not compete with you in this.”

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He waved his hand and suddenly remembered something, “HuaiJiang, if you really want to keep secrets from the court, is it because you suspect someone in court is working with Western Kun?”

“It’s not quite that dire.”

Gu HuaiJiang waved his hand, “It’s just that it’s not good if too many people know. If one person revealed it to their madam, and that madam told a young miss, and that young miss told a maidservant… Haha, it would not be hard for someone from Western Kun to find out about it. When that happens, they won’t dare to attack. Wouldn’t all of our efforts have then gone to waste?”

“You’re right. But We feel that those two imperial censors impeaching you did not happen by accident. If they did not have someone supporting them, how could they dare to take action against you?”

Gu HuaiJiang did not say anything.

Emperor Ning understood that he had a cautious personality, thus he made a deduction, “It’s not the head imperial censor, Lord Ji, so the most likely person would be…”

The two reached a tacit understanding, and Gu HuaiJiang said: “Before there is solid evidence, this subject does not wish to suspect anyone. The previous prime minister has already resigned from his position. If this subject allows anything to happen to his only son, I fear that people would begin talking about how this subject is ruthless and uses my position as a general to squeeze out the civil officials.”

Emperor Ning hastily said: “How could this be you squeezing them out? Yin Yan was jealous of your position and tried to kill ShuBai. That was something that he could only blame on himself! As for Yin Shuo, We previously felt that that child was quite good. Looking back now to what Kun WuShang said, the one who wanted the poison to kill ShuBai was actually Yin Shuo, but for what reason…”

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