Going to Yu Shan Building Together (Part Five)

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Gu HanMo led a group of 20 soldiers and left the manor. Leaving on fast horses, they maintained a low profile.

Looking carefully, they still had their backs straight and carried themselves in a manner unique to soldiers. The speed of the horses was also beyond what a normal horse could reach.

Military horses were the best of the best and have seen all sorts of things on the battlefield. As a result, they were steadier than normal horses.

Gu HanMo’s horse carried a white sack on its back that contained a variety of medicinal herbs.

They were given to him by Yu Fu right before they set out. She said that they grew around the border region. She told him that he should order the soldiers to harvest some more. They should then be steeped in boiling water.

First, summer was fast approaching, and it would help reduce the effects of the heat. Second, the people of Western Kun had already considered something as underhanded as poisoning Gu HuaiJiang, thus there was a possibility that they would try again.

If he was poisoned, it would be able to reduce the effects of the poison until a doctor could treat him.

“Little Yu Fu, you’re clearly an immortal practitioner of poison, but I feel that you are becoming more and more like an immortal practitioner of medicine. When will you check my pulse for me?”

Gu Yi watched Gu HanMo cheerfully load the sack of medicinal herbs onto his horse and felt that things were a little unfair.

Yu Fu treated third brother so well, so why did she not give him any medicine?

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Yu Fu smirked, “I only know how to treat poisons and only have a basic understanding of other things. There are some things that I learned from the imperial physicians. If sixth brother does not dislike the idea, how about I check your pulse?”

After Xun Chi left, Yu Fu no longer allowed the imperial physicians to address her as master. She was worried about attracting too much unnecessary attention.

Those imperial physicians were reluctant to do so, fearing that she would push them out from being part of Immortals Valley’s ranks. It was only after Yu Fu tried to provide all manners of explanations and reasonings that they were finally willing to relent.

“Alright, alright!”

Gu Yi extended his hand, and Yu Fu felt his pulse before bursting out in laughter.

“What is it?”

Seeing Gu Yi completely confused, Yu Fu smiled and said: “Sixth brother, what did you eat this morning?”

“Just the usual. Some steamed buns and congee. Oh right, there was also this pastry. Little Mu Tou bought it outside for me.”

Yu Fu covered her mouth and had an enigmatic expression, “Sixth brother should return to your courtyard. Don’t ask why. You will know once you get back.”

Gu Yi did not know what to make of this, and Gu Xiang was also very curious, accompanying him back to their courtyard.

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Gu WenQing was curious and asked: “Yu Fu, what exactly is going on?”

Just as he said this, Gu Yi, who had not gotten very far, suddenly held his stomach and doubled over, “Oh, my stomach really hurts! It hurts so much! Let’s quickly get back!”

Yu Fu helplessly said: “Little Mu Tou’s attempt to win favor backfired. The pastry that he bought was probably dirty, and sixth brother ended up with an upset stomach.”

Gu WenQing could not stop himself from letting out a chuckle before giving up entirely and laughing.

“This is bad. This is really bad. Little Mu Tou is definitely doomed. I need to go and hold him back!”

After saying this, he chased after Gu Yi and Gu Xiang, heading toward their courtyard.

Yu Fu had been planning to return to her room and happened to see Gu JiuGe walking out. During the past few days, he had been frequently going out to see Yin JiYao. She knew about this.

She had also heard Gu WenQing say that Gu JiuGe and Yin JiYao often met up at Yu Shan Building.

“Second brother, are you going to Yu Shan Building?”

“That’s right.”

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Yu Fu said: “Then how about you take me with you? After all, it was started under my name, yet I haven’t even visited it once! I wonder if Yu Guan is struggling with it at all and if Hong Zui and Lu Xiu are properly helping him.”

Gu JiuGe thought for a moment then smiled and said: “That’s right, Yu Shan Building has been operating for some time, yet you still haven’t visited. Fourth brother frequently goes there, so why has he never thought of bringing you with him?”

Yu Fu said: “Fourth brother said that it was really messy and chaotic and that he was worried that it would be dangerous for me to go. Now that things have gotten better, it should be fine.”

After saying this, she turned to Yao Lan and said: “Go and tell Aunty Li that I am going to Yu Shan Building with second brother. Tell them to eat on their own.”

Yao Lan saw that she was quite anxious and hastily said: “Young miss, I need to go out with you. How can you go out without a single maidservant?”

At this moment, a servant happened to be walking past, and Yao Lan grabbed him and gave him a number of instructions before going out with Yu Fu.

Inside the carriage, Gu JiuGe suddenly remembered something, “I heard that a prisoner escaped from the prison?”

“Un, Yan Zheng led a group and followed her. They only left after watching her reach the prime minister’s manor.”

Gu ShuBai’s guess was correct. A country’s borders could easily be changed, but a person’s character was harder to change. In the end, Qi Ting did not inherit her father’s or grandfather’s loyalty. She chose betrayal.

“Second brother, do you think that there will be any danger to third brother now that Yin Shuo knows about this?”

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Gu JiuGe laughed, and his brow slightly twitched, “Is that the reason that you gave him that pile of medicine? Are you worried that Yin Shuo will try to deal with third brother in the same way that he tried to deal with eldest brother?”

Yu Fu did not speak.

On their previous outing to save Gu ShuBai in Changzhou, it was the two of them who had gone together. He understood just how worried Yu Fu had been.

He gently tapped Yu Fu on the head, “Don’t worry. Yin Shuo wants to cause the collapse of Marquis Gu’s Manor in court. It’s not something that can be done by simply killing someone. If it was eldest brother, he might try to commit to the assassination, but he won’t do it with third brother.”

“Why is it that he would do it if it was eldest brother but not if it’s someone else? Could it be because eldest brother is the heir to Marquis Gu’s Manor?”

But even without this heir, Marquis Gu’s Manor had five other sons. There would no shortage of possible replacement heirs. This would not pose a threat to Marquis Gu’s Manor’s lineage.

Yu Fu was puzzled, which caused Gu JiuGe to freeze.

In the end, she was still young and did not have a thorough understanding of romantic feelings.

If not for that, she should have been able to tell that the reason that Yin Shuo wanted Gu ShuBai’s life was none other than her…

Author’s note: Second brother expresses that even if they could not become lovers, they would still be brother and sister.

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