Liu YinYin (Part One)

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The sunlight at dawn was dim, as a few groups departed from the Gu family’s army’s main camp.

Gu HuaiJiang stood in place and watched Gu JiuGe and Gu HanMo depart. Gu ShuBai stood to the side while feeling puzzled.

“Father, why did you not let son go?”

In this war, Western Kun was opening up multiple fronts. He sent Gu JiuGe and Gu HanMo out with the older generals to the border cities to fight together.

He only kept Gu ShuBai behind.

He was the young general of the Gu family’s army. He was the one who should have been the top candidate to be sent out.

After a long time, Gu HuaiJiang retracted his gaze, “My judgment is that Zhu Guan is where Western Kun’s main army will attack. That’s why I have kept you here.”

Gu HuaiJiang’s judgment on the battlefield had practically never been wrong before. Gu ShuBai did not understand his judgment but subconsciously decided to believe it.

“So that’s the case. That’s also good. Second brother and third brother have just been conferred their titles as generals and are lacking in experience. Having them gain experience on the smaller battlefields is better than having them go directly to the main battlefield.”

Gu HuaiJiang looked at him with a smile.

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“Father knew. How could my sons possibly fall out and become enemies while contending for the same love. As long as things between you and JiuGe… are fine, everything is good.”

This was the first time that he had ever brought this up in front of Gu ShuBai. Gu ShuBai had always believed that he was not worried about it, but it turned out that he was indeed worried about it. It was just that he never said it.

“Back when father engaged Yu Fu to me, why did you not consider second brother’s feelings, not even saying anything to him?”

“What? All of you like Yu Fu. Does father need to say something to all of you one by one?”

Gu HuaiJiang was in a good mood and rolled his eyes at him, “Don’t think that father engaged Yu Fu to you because I favor you. Father wasn’t paying attention to you guys. Father was paying attention to whom Yu Fu liked. If she liked JiuGe, father would have engaged her to him!”

Gu ShuBai let out a sigh of relief. A father who did not know how to take care of a daughter was able to judge whom this daughter liked. Was it luck or was it ability?

Regardless, it was fortunate that his judgment was correct.

“Let’s go. While the sun has yet to rise, follow father up Zhu Mountain.”

Zhu Guan had mountains to its two sides. The one with the sheerest peak was known as Zhu Mountain because of how it rose straight into the clouds like bamboo.

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Those who have never been to the border might think that Zhu Mountain was covered in bamboo, but that was not the case.* The mountain was heavily forested and had all sorts of tall trees that could conceal the sky.

“Father, there won’t be a path to follow if we go any further.”

Father and son only had a small group of escorting soldiers with them. Halfway up the mountain, the sun began to rise beautifully.

They had no time to appreciate the beauty. Looking up, they found themselves at a mountain face, and it suddenly felt as though they had come up against an impossible task.

Gu HuaiJiang wiped the sweat from his brow, “We will continue until we reach the peak. Just behind Zhu Mountain is Western Kun’s territory. I’m bringing you to take a look at their camp.”

The final stretch up to the top of the mountain saw them climb up using ratan that hung down from the top of the sheer face.

“Be careful and conceal yourself. Zhu Mountain is a clear marker on the border of the two countries. Right now, it could be said that we’re in Eastern Ling’s borders, and it could also be said that we’re in Western Kun’s border.”

Everyone lay down on the peak and looked over to the other side of Zhu Mountain, instantly becoming enlightened.

There was an endless stretch of black tents, stern and solemn. The character Liu could be seen on Western Kun’s army banners.

Gu HuaiJiang said: “Western Kun’s head general, Liu Kuang, is said to lead a force of 500 thousand troops. That is a force that could destroy all countries. Based on the tents, can you tell if that number is true or false?”

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He was testing Gu ShuBai.

Gu ShuBai thought about it then quickly replied: “Based on historical experience, when it’s claimed that there are one million, there are 500 thousand soldiers at most. Now that it’s said there are 500 thousand, there are, at best, 300 thousand. At our current angle, we can see all of their tents. Adding them together, there should be over 100 thousand. If we note it down, we can carefully calculate it once we get back. Then we will have our answer.”

He turned his head and found that the escort soldiers had already begun noting things down, “But this is just the camp nearest to Zhu Guan. We also need to account for Weizhou and the smaller cities on the border. When second brother and the others return with their information, we will have a total, but…”

“But what?”

“But if father’s judgment is correct, Zhu Guan’s battlefield will have just over 100 thousand troops, the army dispatched by Western Kun would not even total 300 thousand. There would be 200 thousand at most.”

Gu HuaiJiang ran his fingers through his beard, his eyes full of praise, “Good, it’s exactly as father was thinking. But do you know what sort of person this Liu Kuang is?”

Gu ShuBai looked through his mind. Over the years, Western Kun’s army repeatedly launched attacks on the border, thus he remembered the names of numerous generals from Western Kun and the way that they used their troops. Liu Kuang was the only name that he was not familiar with.

“Father, this Liu Kuang, is there any relation between him and the female general, Liu YinYin, from over a decade ago?”

Liu YinYin.

Gu HuaiJiang suddenly heaved a sigh, “Who knew that you would still remember Liu YinYin. That’s right, this Liu Kuang is Liu YinYin’s older brother. They come from Western Kun’s largest military family, the Liu family.”

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In Western Kun, women were able to participate in warfare like men; however, there were not many who were able to fight on the same level as the men. Liu YinYin could be considered outstanding.

Therefore, Gu ShuBai was able to clearly remember this name.

Over a decade ago, Liu YinYin was the most promising female general of Western Kun, and she was tasked by Emperor Kun to lead the army in an attack on Eastern Ling, and it was during the battle at Zhu Guan that she was captured alive by Gu HuaiJiang.

To have their general captured alive was a great humiliation for Western Kun, especially since this general was also female.

At that time, Western Kun offered to exchange 500 captured Eastern Ling soldiers for Liu YinYin, and Gu HuaiJiang had accepted, but…

“Liu YinYin, having been captured, felt humiliated. While the guards were not paying attention, she committed suicide by poison. At that time, Liu Kuang was the deputy general, and he executed the 500 captives in a fit of rage.”

Gu HuaiJiang pointed to the other side, just outside of Zhu Guan’s gates, “It was there. I watched on, as 500 soldiers were decapitated, blood flowing like a river.”

It was only now that Gu ShuBai understood why Zhu Guan would be the main battlefield.

*TN: Zhu Mountain if translated directly would be named Bamboo Mountain.

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