No Longer a Citizen of Western Kun (Part Five)

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Early in the morning, Yin Shuo was wearing his red wedding clothes, and he had been standing in the ancestral hall for quite some time.

On the day of the wedding, he needed to kowtow to his parents, but Yin Yan was far away and could not come back, thus he had no choice but to perform this rite in the ancestral hall.

It was also better that he could not come back. In his mind, he did not truly think of today as his grand wedding day.

Every word that Princess DanYang said to humiliate him at ChunHe Garden echoed in his mind.

Thinking of that plump and arrogant woman dressed in decadent clothes, adorned with pearls looking down at him with disdain caused his gaze to turn cold.

She dared to humiliate him, and he would eventually return the favor.

After standing for a long time until his legs started to feel numb, he turned to the side, “Where’s the young miss? After I go into the palace, she will be the only master in the manor. Welcoming the princess into the manor will rely on her thoroughness.”

The servant behind him bowed, “Replying to eldest young sir, the wound on the young miss’ forehead still hasn’t healed. She said that it’s inconvenient to go out and receive guests and cannot go outside today.”

“It still hasn’t healed after such a long time?”

Yin Shuo turned to look at him with a piercing gaze, “What are you all doing? Could it be that you haven’t been bringing a doctor in every day to change her dressing?”

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Nothing must happen to Yin JiYao’s face. He still needed to rely on Yin JiYao to gain more information on the cabinet.

The servant panicked, “We have. Of course, we servants have! Last time, the doctor said that the wound has already formed a scab, but for some reason, when the scab was removed, it started bleeding again. The doctor initially said that it wouldn’t leave a scar, but now…”

The eldest young miss of a venerated family did not need to work. She did not even need to go out. How could her scab have been removed?

There was only one possibility. Yin JiYao herself did not want the wound to heal and was deliberately removing the scab.

“Very well, everyone seems to be going against me. Good, very good.”

He repeated himself numerous times to the point that the servants thought that he was mad at him. Frightened, he dropped to his knees to beg for forgiveness.

Yin Shuo sneered, “Today is the day of my wedding. I don’t want to argue with her. Go and tell the young miss that if her wound still has not healed by the next time that the doctor visits, there’s no need for it to ever heal.”

After saying this, he strode out of the hall.

After waiting for him to get further away, the servant trepidatiously raised his head. Turning his head, he saw the figure in red gradually move further and further away until he disappeared from view outside the ancestral hall’s courtyard.

For some reason, he felt that the red clothes that Yin Shuo wore did not have the slightest celebratory atmosphere.

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“Princess, it’s almost time. When should we set out?”

In the posthouse, all of the people who had come from Western Kun were waiting for Kun YuYang’s order. She would be the one to decide when they set out.

Whether they set out earlier or later, there were many rules to such a thing.

It was no good if they went too early, as it would show that she was too lacking in restraint. After Western Kun mobilized its army, there were quite a few in Eastern Ling’s court who criticized her background, so if she went too early, she would just be mocked.

It was even worse if she went too late.

For Emperor Ning to allow her to get married as a princess meant to improve relations between two countries was already very generous. If she showed the slightest bit of negligence, it was possible that it would become a topic of discussion for others.

When it came to her life, Kun YuYang needed to make the most appropriate decision.

After taking a deep breath, she smiled at everyone with a radiant look, “There’s no need to wait. We will set out now.”

When it came to survival, face was not too important. This was something that she had learned from her many years of living in Western Kun’s imperial palace.

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Every member of the envoy from Western Kun revealed looks of hesitation, and some showed looks of dissatisfaction.

By doing this, Kun YuYang was losing face for herself and losing face for Western Kun!

This was indeed something that Western Kun should feel ashamed about doing to Eastern Ling, but as people from Western Kun, they had no other choice. They had no choice but to preserve the dignity of their home country!

“Princess, how about waiting a little longer?”

The member of the envoy with the highest ranking spoke up, and Kun YuYang looked at him. It was a third rank official from Western Kun’s court. Because he had offended the crown prince, he had been sent as cannon fodder.

She laughed sarcastically, “In any case, this princess is the daughter of Emperor Kun, so being sent to Eastern Ling as a sacrifice can be ignored. It’s fortunate that His Majesty of Eastern Ling was magnanimous and did not implicate me. Who knew that the one who really wants me to die is you, my lord.”

The official’s expression changed, “Princess, it’s because you are the daughter of Emperor Kun that you must not trample on our Western Kun’s dignity! If you were humiliated by others, it would be the same as our Western Kun’s people being humiliated!”

“One can only be humiliated if they have done something shameful!”

Kun YuYang quickly interrupted him. She was endlessly thankful to have learned this from Yu Fu a few days earlier and could use it now, “Western Kun pretended to try and get along with Eastern Ling for the sake of attacking while Eastern Ling was not prepared. As a girl, I absolutely despise this sort of lowly tactic! The one to humiliate Western Kun was not Eastern Ling. It was father Emperor himself!”

The official furiously glared at her, “Princess, as a member of Western Kun’s imperial family, how can you disrespect His Majesty like that?!”

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“Apologies, she is now a wife to Eastern Ling’s imperial family. She is no longer a citizen of Western Kun.”

Outside the small courtyard, a man in red clothes walked in with a smile. His demeanor was quite casual.

Kun YuYang looked at him in disbelief.

This… Was this not her future husband?

“What, do I look too handsome today that my dear wife has become dazed?”

“Uncle Ning” walked over to Kun YuYang’s side and unreservedly placed an arm around her waist. The nanny’s heart tightened upon seeing this, never expecting Eastern Ling’s people to also be so unreserved.

Even in Western Kun, where the people were more open, an unmarried couple would not be so intimate!

Kun YuYang blushed.

It was not just a result of being held at the waist, but it was also that he had personally come to receive her, relieving her of the awkwardness of entering the palace on her own. He had also spoken up for her, leaving the official unable to say anything against her.

Behind “uncle Ning” was a group of relatives from the imperial family that looked at Kun YuYang with approval, “This brat is treating the princess like a real treasure, insisting on personally coming to fetch you. We were teasing him for wanting to be a husband to Western Kun’s imperial family, but hearing what princess had to say, it’s clear to see that princess is an insightful person unlike the average person from Western Kun.”

When that person mentioned the average person from Western Kun, he glanced at the official from Western Kun before looking away with disdain. He then cupped his hands toward Kun YuYang, “In the past, we misjudged princess. Princess, please do not blame us. Today, we will personally welcome princess into the palace as an apology.”

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