Go and Tell His Majesty Immediately (Part Three)

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DaRui Palace was a large place, and it was where the princesses of the imperial family would get married, thus there was a garden to the side.

Yin Shuo and Yu Fu had their conversation in the garden. There were no other people nearby, and there was no need to worry about being heard by others while remaining in view of the other guests.

“It’s exceptionally hot, and it’s already the middle of summer, yet the flowers in DaRui Palace are blooming so beautifully.”

He reached out and ran his fingers through the flower petals without showing the slightest hint of emotion.

Yu Fu suddenly recalled the first time that they had met. Gu JiuGe and the others had taken her out to see Lin’An at night; however, she ended up falling into the river before being saved by Gu ShuBai. At that time, Yin Shuo had appeared before her, completely soaked.

First impressions are often important. Even if Gu ShuBai and the others suspected Yin Shuo at that time, Yu Fu had already started viewing him as a good person.

Moreover, he was an exceedingly handsome person.

It was only after determining that the one behind the plot to assassinate Gu ShuBai in Changzhou was Yin Shuo that Yu Fu’s view of him was completely ruined.

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All that remained for her were feelings of vigilance and indifference, but she still needed to pretend to be ignorant.

“With something as grand as two princesses getting married, it’s natural that the imperial gardeners would be exceptionally careful with the flowers in hopes of them looking good. Speaking of this, I still haven’t congratulated prime minister on getting married.”

While she was offering her congratulations, her expression showed that she was quite unhappy. She even felt awkward just saying it.

Yin Shuo, who had looked dejected for most of the day, suddenly burst out laughing, “You clearly know that this isn’t a joyous matter for me or Princess DanYang, so what are you saying congratulations for? You’re still so young, yet you’re learning to just say niceties to suit the situation from others.”

Yu Fu also felt that there was nothing that could be done about it, “This level of pleasantry still needs to be said. I know that you don’t want to hear it, so that’s why I only planned to offer my congratulations once. Who knew that you wouldn’t be able to tolerate just that.”

The two went back and forth, and the tone of their conversation returned to normal, no longer feeling distant and unfamiliar.

Yin Shuo lowered his head with a smile but did not speak. If others said this ten or twenty times, he would not mind, but he did not want to hear Yu Fu say it even once.

In his mind, how could she possibly be compared with others?

“Just now, you were trying to give the phoenix hairpin to Western Kun’s princess, didn’t you? That’s also something that you should do. When a princess born of a concubine gets married, she should wear a coronet with seven phoenixes. Princess DanYang is a selfish and petty person, and she thought that by not allowing Western Kun’s princess to wear a coronet with seven phoenixes would make herself look good. She has no clue that others think of her as an idiotic laughingstock.”

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Yu Fu looked at him in shock.

He became prime minister at the age of 21, and it did not happen because he relied on his identity as the previous prime minister’s eldest son. It was more a result of how he handled court work. He was very smooth in court, even winning the favor of Emperor Ning and the other court officials.

When secretly talking about others, using such ugly words to describe someone else was not something that Yin Shuo should do.

“Since you hate Princess DanYang so much, why not ask His Majesty to cancel the engagement?”

“It’s precisely because I hate her that I didn’t cancel the engagement as she had hoped. More importantly… with the two of us getting married, she can no longer go after the eldest young sir of Marquis Gu’s Manor. You ought to be quite happy.”

Yin Shuo avoided the most important reason by bringing up some minor reasons.

Yu Fu figured it out but did not expose it, “I can’t say anything about being happy or not. It would indeed cause me less of a headache if she visited Marquis Gu’s Manor less often, but it’s all trivial. She has no right to affect the affairs of Marquis Gu’s Manor.”

Yin Shuo smiled, “You’re right. Even His Majesty might not have the right to affect them, much less Princess DanYang.”

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Yu Fu did not agree with this, saying: “Naturally, His Majesty has the right.”

But His Majesty would not interfere with Marquis Gu’s Manor for a short-term gain.

Yin Shuo said: “I know that you won’t believe the reason that I presented earlier, so I will just tell you the truth. His Majesty is suspicious of me and wants to reduce my influence. If I refused the marriage, I would be completely beyond salvation. It’s possible that I could never return to my current position. Enduring these ups and downs is where I feel at home. I can’t leave this court.”

He actually admitted it.

Yu Fu said: “Is it really worth marrying a girl you hate for the sake of rank and power?”

Yin Shuo took a step forward, his shadow covering Yu Fu, “Without rank or power, what would I use to win over the girl of my affections? The person whom I have wanted to marry this entire time has always been you.”

His gaze remained fixed on Yu Fu, and a haze surrounded his figure. Yu Fu suddenly remembered what Gu JiuGe said during their first visit to Yu Shan Building.

There would be no danger to Gu HanMo on his trip to the border, but there would be danger if Gu ShuBai had gone.

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This was what he meant by it…

Yu Fu furrowed her brow and suddenly sneered.

“Many thanks for the love, prime minister. But I truly do wonder if someone like you know what love is?”

Even when she found out that he had dispatched someone with poison to assassinate Gu ShuBai, her attitude toward him was not this distant.

Yin Shuo was surprised. He did not know what he had said wrong to make her angry, “Of course, I do. Ever since I met you for the first time at Marquis Gu’s Manor, I…”

“Love is not won through fighting or murder. Love is a beautiful thing. How can you talk about love with bloodied hands? You’re too frightening. Your ideas are too abnormal.”

Yin Shuo forcibly restrained his voice, “Gu ShuBai is the person to whom you are engaged. Before you love me, I can only use violent methods to get rid of him. I admit that I am selfish, but that’s unrelated to my feelings for you!”

“Then what is the relation?”

Yu Fu did not get angry. On the contrary, she laughed, pointing at DaRui Palace’s main hall, “Then how about this, you said that you want to marry me. Naturally, that would mean leaving the position of official wife for me. If you go in and tell His Majesty that you won’t marry Princess DanYang, I will acknowledge your feelings. How about it?”

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