Letter From Tian Shu (Part Three)

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As a princess of Western Kun, Kun YuYang personally stepped forward and spoke on Emperor Kun’s way of thinking.

Even for Eastern Ling’s officials, who constantly mentioned that they were a country of etiquette did, remaining passive was something that they wished to avoid.

More importantly, Yu Fu said that if they wanted to oppose it any further, they should go to the border and experience the suffering of the citizens there. This princess was greatly revered, so it was possible that Emperor Ning and Marquis Gu would go along with anything that she said just to please her.

For the sake of their own safety, those with objections swallowed their opinions.

Regardless of what was said, they had won the battle. The banquet carried on with a lively atmosphere until the moon hung high in the sky. Only after everyone accompanied Emperor Ning in admiring the moon did they start returning to their manors.

“It’s fortunate that we didn’t allow Yin Shuo to get his way today. He still wants to accuse father of secretly opposing His Majesty. He’s truly too vicious!”

“It’s fortunate that it was a victory. Father was too valiant this time, actually crossing the border to defeat Western Kun! I will definitely need to have eldest brother tell me what the situation was at that time!”

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi loudly chattered, “Little Yu Fu, it’s fortunate that you were present today. With the two of us being as stupid as we are, how could we possibly overcome Yin Shuo? But how did you memorize all of that history?”

Yu Fu blinked a few times to show her confusion.

“Is there any need to memorize it? I could remember it after reading it just once.”

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Gu Xiang and Gu Yi: “…”

“But it’s fortunate that Kun YuYang was present today. If not for her speaking out as a princess of Western Kun, I might not be able to convince His Majesty and the various officials.”

The horses and carriage that they had arrived in were waiting outside the palace. As they left the palace, a guard rushed over to the carriage.

Was this not one of the guards that stood at the manor’s gates? Why was he here?

“Young miss, the fourth young sir has an urgent matter to discuss and invites you to quickly return to the manor!”

Yu Fu’s heart dropped, as that bad feeling that had been troubling her all evening returned. The situation in the palace earlier had been filled with ups and downs, but it still had not ended?

“Let’s go back to the manor immediately!”

Gu WenQing waited for them in the Western Wing. When the three entered the courtyard, they felt that the atmosphere was quite strange.

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“Fourth brother, what happened?”

Gu WenQing pointed to a letter on the table, “I also don’t know what happened, but it’s definitely something big! It’s a letter for Yu Fu from Immortals Valley. In the past, when Immortals Valley sent a letter to Yu Fu, they would not send it to the manor, nor would the person delivering the letter say anything. This time, things were too strange.”

Yu Fu opened the letter and asked, “What did the person delivering the letter say to fourth brother?”

“He said that something urgent has happened. Something has happened on the border, and you must quickly think of a plan to deal with it!”

Just a mere mention of trouble on the border was enough to make Gu WenQing almost pass out.

Yu Fu quickly tore open the letter and skimmed through it. She then furrowed her brow and read through it once more.

This was how she was accustomed to reading letters. It was easy to tell whether the letter contained good news or bad news based on her expression after the first skim through.

Seeing her furrow her brow, they could tell that it was not just bad news. It was extraordinarily bad news!

“It’s a letter from my second senior disciple. Western Kun’s head general, Liu Kuang, lost the battle. There are quite a few disciples in Immortals Valley from Western Kun, and there has been speculation that Liu Kuang will be punished or replaced. As for the one replacing Liu Kuang as the head general…”

Yu Fu pursed her lips, “Second senior disciple said that he has received reliable information that the one taking over that position is Kun WuShang.”

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“Kun WuShang?!”

Gu Yi exaggeratedly snorted, “He both has no skill in martial arts and has no talents. What qualifications does he have to become the head general? Is it just because he’s a prince? Aside from knowing how to poison people and feign ignorance, I don’t see him having any ability to lead an army!”

“When it comes to leading troops in battle, Kun WuShang is definitely inferior to father and eldest brother. It’s possible that he isn’t even on par with Liu Kuang. But he knows about poisons. This is frightening enough.”

Gu Xiang was not as optimistic as Gu Yi, thinking back to when Gu HuaiJiang had been poisoned. During that time, Yu Fu would read medical books without resting. This left him quite worried.

If Kun WuShang used poison to harm Gu HuaiJiang and the others, what should they do?

Yu Fu said: “Second senior disciple is worried about this. That’s why he wrote this letter to tell me. You guys might not know, but Immortals Valley has rules. Master does not like when his disciples participate in the battles between countries or in court affairs. When Kun WuShang was a disciple of Immortals Valley, he did not dare act so brazenly. Now that he has left Immortals Valley, he does not need to worry about anything.”

Even while he needed to worry, he was still brazen enough to poison Gu HuaiJiang’s study and give Yin Shuo poison to attempt an assassination. Now that he had no scruples…

What would he do?

While thinking about the people who were away, the four in Marquis Gu’s Manor were unable to sleep well that night.

Gu WenQing walked out with a shirt draped over his shoulder. He wandered around in the courtyard under the moonlight with his mind a mess.

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The adults were away, and he was the oldest one still present. Right before leaving, Gu HuaiJiang had told him to take care of his younger siblings, and he had done it.

But when it came to matters on the frontline… he was powerless.

After much thought, he ended up walking over to the Western Wing. he was shocked to notice the flickering lights in the Western Wing.

Could it be that Yu Fu was also unable to sleep?

Gu WenQing passed through the gate and walked inside. He heard the sound of someone pacing back and forth in the main hall, while maidservants seemed to be packing something up.

“The sun is about to come up. Pack some thicker clothes for the young miss. She absolutely must not catch a cold.”

“There are also the pastries. Pack some more pastries for the young miss. The border region is desolate. What would we do if we can’t find any pastries there for her?”

“Young miss, how about discussing it with the fourth young sir first before deciding if you should go or not?”

Gu WenQing stood outside the door. He did not have the courage to go inside.

He just heard Yu Fu say in a fresh and cheerful tone, “There’s no need to discuss it with fourth brother. He is surely worried about head general and the others while also reluctant to allow me to go on such a long journey. Rather than trouble him, it would be better for me to make the decision myself.”

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