The Inside of his Treasured Chest Is Yu Fu (Part One)

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Yu Fu never thought that her random actions would be able to temporarily delay the battle.

Lao Jin was elated when he entered the tent, and it looked as if he had run here, “Young miss Yu Fu is truly divine! Western Kun’s army had already gathered its army and was about to advance when they suddenly dispersed! Our scouts did not even see the enemy head general. It must be the effect of the poison!”

If the scouts did not see him, it meant that Kun WuShang did not even leave the main tent. He must have no clue what sort of tactic he had fallen for.

Gu JiuGe slapped the table, “Serves him right! He employed such an underhanded tactic against us, so even if he dies, it would not be enough to atone for his sins. Yu Fu, is your poison capable of killing him?”

Yu Fu shook her head without even thinking, “It can’t. This gu poison was never intended to kill people. It can only temporarily weaken people. At that time, it was because he gave Yin Shuo the poison that nearly killed eldest brother that I worried that he would do something treacherous again. As a result, I decided to place a gu poison near him. If he dared to do anything treacherous again, it would be able to keep him under control. Who knew that it would be useful here.”

Gu JiuGe was a little disappointed, “Is it like that poison butterfly that you used?”

Yu Fu spoke in a dejected voice: “If it was as poisonous as that poison butterfly, Western Kun’s army would be holding a funeral.”

Although it would not kill Kun WuShang, it would at least stall him. It gave the Gu family’s army some breathing room, and this was already worth rejoicing.

Gu HuaiJiang asked: “Yu Fu, are you certain that it will be able to delay them by five days?”

Yu Fu thought for a bit, “It shouldn’t be a problem. When I gave him that bottle of poison, I told him to bring it back to Immortals Valley to be turned in as his homework, and he seemed to believe me. But he didn’t return to Immortals Valley, and he still hasn’t noticed the gu poison afflicting him after such a long time. This time, it still doesn’t seem that he has noticed it. By the time that he does notice it, it will take at least five days to treat.”

“Good, there will be many important things for us to take care of during these five days.”

Gu HuaiJiang pulled out his token of authority and sternly said: “Immediately send people out to the cities nearby to look for medicinal supplies. If there isn’t enough, ask the courts to send more supplies. We absolutely must have enough of the necessary supplies to decontaminate the poisoned ground around the city.”

At this critical juncture, Gu HuaiJiang used this brief moment of respite to think about the land and water rather than military affairs.

In his heart, family and country were always of the utmost importance.

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Everyone stood up, and Yu Fu fiercely nodded, “I will do my best.”

The sound of beating war drums roared like thunder, but the army did not move out. Following this came the gong signaling for the soldiers to retreat.

It was as if a foolish child was running around the military camp, treating the war drums and retreat gong like toys. Assembling troops and dispersing them had become a game. The morale that Western Kun’s army had worked so hard to regain was instantly lost.

With the head general, Kun WuShang, nowhere to be seen, discussion filled the camp.

The entrance to the main tent was closed, with Kun WuShang’s personal guards standing guard outside. Neither the generals from the Liu family’s army nor the generals from the Wang family’s army were allowed to get close.

They had absolutely no idea of what had happened inside the main tent.

“What happened to His Highness the seventh prince? Please go in and report and tell him that we wish to see His Highness!”

A number of generals were gathered outside the main tent, but the personal guards did not move, “His Highness is not seeing anyone right now. Everyone, please go back!”

“You didn’t even go in to report. How do you know that he doesn’t want to see us?!”

The generals had been disrespected by the soldiers and immediately started shouting. With a commotion breaking out outside the tent, one person sat curled up on the bed in the tent. His face was ashen, and he held his chest.

His heart was beating so fast that it felt as if it was about to leap out of his chest. This sort of feeling made it feel as if he was struggling to breathe.

His years of training in Immortals Valley told him that this was the result of a poison.

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“Lun Yue!”

He shouted toward the tent’s entrance, and commotion outside immediately fell silent, as a guard entered.

“Yes, what are Your Highness’ orders?”

He looked up and saw that Kun WuShang’s complexion was even worse than before. He hastily stepped forward to help support him, “Your Highness!”

Kun WuShang waved his hand, “I’m fine. Go out and tell those generals to lead their soldiers back. We can’t lead the soldiers out today. As for when the soldiers can set out, wait for my order.”

Lun Yue saw his complexion worsen and gritted his teeth but ultimately retreated, “Yes, this subordinate will take care of that immediately.”

Kun WuShang held his chest. In the darkness, he thought back on his recent actions.

He had studied in Immortals Valley, but he could not be invincible against poisons like Xun Chi, nor had he been dotingly raised by Xun Chi with the best supplements from a young age like Yu Fu.

However, he, at the very least, would not be overcome by normal poisons, thus he would not be unable to think back on when he had been poisoned.

He thought long and hard, but he could not figure out when exactly he had been poisoned.

It just had to happen at this time. If it had happened on any other day, he might have already led his army and taken Zhu Guan!

Before setting out to battle, his dear eldest brother led ten thousand allied court officials out in his crown prince’s robes and showed off his power, “Seventh brother must be sure to take care of yourself. This isn’t your first time losing to Marquis gu. Last time, you had that foolish Emperor Ning to save your life. This time, be careful to not have your head cut off on the battlefield.”

As he said this, he slid his thumb across his throat, warning him of a decapitation. Even in his dreams, Kun WuShang could not forget about that ferocious look in his eyes.

He was the one to volunteer for this expedition. He held too much power in court, and the crown prince’s tolerance of him was already at its limit. If he could not return victorious, he would meet a fate even worse than what befell Liu Kuang, who lost hundreds of thousands of troops!

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It just had to happen now. It just had to happen now!

Kun WuShang gnashed his teeth and punched a wall, “Could this truly be heaven’s will? Do the heavens intend to kill me, Kun WuShang?! I have patiently endured it since I was young, leaving the palace at a young age to go and study. When I finally managed to claim a proper position in court, have the heavens found me, Kun WuShang, to be so unpleasant?!”

He only dared to become so hysterical when there were no others present.

After venting his frustrations, he calmed down a little.

His mind then followed a train of thought, connecting dot after dot. From the moment that he arrived at the border to when the moments before he prepared to set out for battle then back to when he arrived in Western Kun’s court then back to when he was in Lin’An…

He suddenly remembered something and started flipping through his luggage, throwing his fine clothes to the ground.

The floor was a mess, and the chest was a mess, but he finally found what he had been looking for.

It was a brocade box that he had always treasured. When Lun Yue had helped him pack his luggage, he had carefully placed it at the very bottom to keep it from getting damaged.

He opened the brocade box, and a small embroidered shoe entered his field of view. It was only three or four inches in length. On the surface of the sky-blue shoe was an embroidery of red lychee. It was very realistic. It was immediately clear that the shoe belonged to a pampered little girl.

It was a shoe that Yu Fu had worn when she was young. Other shoes were embroidered with flowers, and only this pair had been embroidered with lychees. They were her favorite, so Yu Fu loved them dearly.

Later on, when she was playing in Immortals Valley, she dropped a shoe down a cliff. She had been quite sad about this for a spell, and Xun Chi ordered a new pair of shoes embroidered with grapes and peaches for her. Only then did she cheer up.

Kun WuShang lifted her small embroidered shoe and endured the pain in his chest. With a smile, he rubbed it a few times.

Yu Fu did not know this, but Kun WuShang secretly spent one day and one night searching the bottom of the cliff for the shoe before finding it. For this, he was chastised by Xun Chi for fooling around.

He never returned this shoe to Yu Fu and always kept it for himself.

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He carefully placed the embroidered shoe in the compartment and pulled open a second compartment. Inside was a tooth that resembled a grain of rice. It was one of Yu Fu’s baby teeth that had fallen out and been tossed onto a roof, but he secretly went and retrieved it.

Looking further down, there was a handkerchief that Yu Fu had used when she was young. It was unreasonably small. Unfolding it now, it was only the size of his palm.

There were also locks of hair from when senior disciple sister had helped her cut her fringe, a pebble that she had gifted him, a bowl of congee that she had brought him when his master had punished him…

He had eaten the congee, but the cleaned wooden bowl was kept inside the brocade box. After many years of being caressed, its surface had become smooth and shiny.

During his many years at Immortals Valley, he could not even keep track of how many times he had been punished by his master.

The only thing that he could remember was that every time that he was punished, the only person who came to visit him with food was Yu Fu.

At the very bottom…

His hands froze in midair, as he saw the small porcelain bottle quietly laying there.

His smile slowly disappeared. Pulling the porcelain bottle out of the box, he sniffed it. The scent of hibiscus was faint but lingered. It was the medicine that Yu Fu had given him to turn in as homework at Immortals Valley.

After leaving Eastern Ling, he never returned to Immortals Valley. Naturally, this medicine was never used and was stored in the brocade box like the other things.

Yu Fu’s treasured chest contained various drugs, while his treasured chest contained Yu Fu and things related to Yu Fu.

He opened the porcelain bottle. The green balls of medicine had disappeared at some point, and all that remained was the heavy scent of medicine.

When the fragrance entered his lungs, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. His body slumped against the table, as he passed out and slid down to the ground…

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