Hold You Like This or Like That (Part Four)

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Three days later, Western Kun’s army packed up and left.

Despite knowing that Kun WuShang had suffered a complete defeat, Gu HuaiJiang still decided to stay for another five days in the event that Western Kun’s army decided to turn around.

From the highest point of Zhu Mountain, Western Kun’s army path of retreat could clearly be seen. Gu ShuBai had carried Yu Fu up the mountain on his back, and he put her down when they reached a flat area.

Initially, there was no need to bring Yu Fu along, but Gu ShuBai knew that she felt merciful toward Kun WuShang, thus he went out of his way to bring her up to take a look.

After seeing it with her own eyes, she would likely feel a little more at ease.

Yu Fu looked to the other side of the mountain. Western Kun’s large army left in a long line along the main road. The distance was too great, so their faces could not clearly be seen. Who knew what sort of expressions they were wearing.

But the despair and sadness emanating from the group could be seen no matter the distance.

“When they came, they were a grand army of 250 thousand troops. When they left, all that remained were these defeated soldiers and generals. It’s truly an embarrassing sight.”

Yu Fu saw a bright-yellow banner in the middle of the group. That was a sign of the imperial family. Kun WuShang should be there.

Gu ShuBai said: “Though the Gu family’s army has won a great victory, there are far more dead and injured than in previous battles. The only thing worth rejoicing over is you using the large quantities of medicine sent by the court to improve the water and soil conditions at Zhu Guan. At the very least, the water in the wells can now be consumed.”

Yu Fu said with relief: “That’s right. I even saw some chrysanthemums blooming in the wilderness a few days earlier. Though they were small, they are indeed new life. I don’t know if the trees that were poisoned will be as resilient as the smaller flowers.”

The two stood side by side at the top of the mountain. As the mountain wind howled, Gu ShuBai removed his cloak and wrapped it around her.

She was already wearing a cloak, and now another one was wrapped around her. With the two coats layered on top of each other, the lower hem was only slightly lifted by the wind.

Yu Fu looked down, “Eldest brother, are you not cold?”

With it being so windy that it seemed as if a person could be blown away, Gu ShuBai just steadily stood there. He did not look cold in the slightest.

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“I carried you on my back for an hour. I’m just starting to feel hot, so how could I feel cold?”

This was true.

Yu Fu’s face turned slightly red, “Then on the way down the mountain, I’ll walk on my own. When I was in Immortals Valley, I also traversed these sorts of mountain paths. I will be fine.”

Compared to Zhu Mountain, Immortals Valley’s mountains were like small hills.

Gu ShuBai pointed down the mountain, “Look down there. If you aren’t afraid, I will let you walk on your own.”

Yu Fu had ridden on his back on the climb up and did not notice how steep the mountain was. Looking down, the cliff was almost perpendicular to the ground.

She swallowed some saliva and thought about how she should retract her braggadocious words from earlier.

Gu ShuBai held her hand and pulled her a little closer, “Don’t stand too far away. You’re wearing a lot and are like a snowball. If you lose your step, you’ll roll down the mountain.”

Yu Fu did not agree with this, “I’ve already reached your shoulders. How can I be like a ball?”

When she was younger, she was short. With all of the thick clothing that she wore during winter, it was fine if everyone said that she was like a ball, yet he was still saying it?

She would not accept it.

“Alright, alright, alright, you aren’t like a ball. Zhu Mountain is very steep. Even if you aren’t a ball, you might still roll all the way down the mountain. It would be best to obediently stay up here.”

He squatted down to allow Yu Fu to climb onto his back.

Yu Fu looked down the mountain once more and suddenly recalled the snakes that they had mentioned in the letter. It seemed to have taken place on this Zhu Mountain.

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“Eldest brother, where were you guys surrounded by snakes?”

Gu ShuBai turned around and walked around a bit, “It was around here.”

“Then where did you find the multicolored gem?”

Gu ShuBai thought for a bit and pointed at the path going down the mountain, “After using the pouches that you gave us, we escaped down the mountain along this path. When we felt that the snakes would not be able to catch up for a while, we stopped to rest for a moment. Thinking that it might be effective, I applied some of the medicinal powder from the pouch to the soldier that had been bitten. At that time, I just happened to see that multicolored gem.”

Yu Fu listened to his telling of what happened that day and did not feel any fear. She just found it entertaining.

“Why did eldest brother think of using the powder from the pouch on the wound? That powder can indeed treat snake venom. That soldier was saved, right?”

Gu ShuBai nodded, “That powder smelled like it might be able to treat venoms, thus I tried the only medicine that I had. Even if we had rushed down the mountain without stopping, it would take just under an hour, and I fear that that soldier would not have been able to hold out.”

Yu Fu looked at him with a smile, “Eldest brother is really smart. Then if we follow this mountain path, we might be able to see another multicolored gem!”

She stood in front of him with both arms raised, gesturing for him to pick her up from the front, “The path down the mountain is too steep. If I am pressing on you from the back, both of us will roll down the mountain. Wouldn’t it be better to hold me like this?”

Gu ShuBai did not know whether to laugh or cry.

To hold her like this, what did that mean? Did she want to hang off of him as a koala hung from a tree?

He lowered Yu Fu’s hands then placed her entire body on his shoulder. Caught off-guard, Yu Fu let out a startled cry.

“This is more convenient.”

With a wicked smile, he started descending the mountain. Yu Fu did not dare struggle, fearing that any disturbance would send Gu ShuBai tumbling down the mountain.

She quickly found the benefit to being carried like this, “Eldest brother, slow down a little. I can see the ground from this position. I might be able to find a multicolored gem! I gave the gemstone that you sent back last time to His Majesty.”

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While Gu ShuBai walked, he asked: “Why did you give it to His Majesty? That gem was specifically given to you as a keepsake. Who knew that you would actually turn around and give it to someone else.”

Yu Fu hastily explained, “You just put it in an envelope. How could I know that you were giving it to me. I thought that head general, second brother, or third brother found it…”

Gu ShuBai was merely teasing her, “Then why did you give it to His Majesty?”

“At that time, news of head general crossing the border to attack Western Kun’s army had reached the capital. I was worried that someone in court might use that to denounce the Gu family’s army, so I thought that I would have the upper hand by making the first move. His Majesty saw the multicolored gem of triumph and rejoiced. When the military report came, he would only see the victory and would not quibble about the methods.”

Gu ShuBai smiled and returned her compliment, “Yu Fu is really smart. When the last letter from home came, Gu Xiang and Gu Yi vividly described your actions in the palace that night. Father was extremely surprised.”

“When was the letter sent? Why did I not see it?”

Yu Fu wiggled around in dissatisfaction, and Gu ShuBai put her down on a rock next to the path. This was where he had found the previous multicolored gem.

“The entire letter was about your actions in the palace that night. Father determined that you would not want to see it, thus we did not show it to you.”

Yu Fu was frightened, “Oh no, what did fifth brother and sixth brother say about me? Those two have always been prone to exaggeration, and they definitely made it sound very frightening. I must see it when we get down from the mountain!”

Gu ShuBai snorted, “The two of them usually don’t exaggerate. It’s only when praising you that they exaggerate without any limits.”

The two of them were just like Yu Fu’s little footmen. Once Su YunYan married into Marquis Gu’s Manor, there might be three little footmen.

Gu ShuBai thought about this and could not help but let out a laugh. Yu Fu hastily asked what he was laughing at.

“It’s nothing. I just think that the two of them are very strange. Even when they praised father or me, they would never be so open with their praise.”

Yu Fu said: “Naturally, how can they exaggerate when praising their own father or brothers? If others heard it, they would definitely say that the people of Marquis Gu’s Manor are too lacking in humility.”

Gu ShuBai then asked her, “Aren’t you their eldest sister-in-law?”

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“Hmph, hmph…”

Yu Fu started choking upon hearing those words. She started blushing and did not know how to respond.

She could not always be left speechless by him saying that sort of thing, right?

Yu Fu searched the ground for a possible retort and suddenly saw a shiny object next to her foot. Letting out a cry, she raised her foot and dug that thing out of the ground.

Impressively, it was a multicolored gem the size of an egg!

“Eldest brother, look!”

Yu Fu used her handkerchief to wipe the mud off of the gemstone. The gemstone revealed its original appearance, and the light of the multicolored gem shone. It was far more beautiful than any other gemstone in the world.

She said that she wanted to find a multicolored gem as a joke, but who knew that she would actually find one.

The previous multicolored gem had also been found here, and it was only the size of a fingernail. That one was already exceptionally beautiful, but this one was the size of an egg.

Yu Fu was overjoyed, while Gu ShuBai held her hand to take a look. After being stunned for a moment, he started laughing.

Yu Fu said that she would look for one, and she found one. Was she a deity who had transformed?

“It seems that the heavens show great care for my Gu family’s army. Both victories have resulted in finding multicolored gems. Yu Fu, you really are our little lucky star!”

He hugged Yu Fu tight, rejoicing like a child.

Yu Fu was stunned and shyly pulled her hands out from his embrace, “The previous multicolored gem was given to His Majesty, so what should we do with this one?”

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