The Metal Chunk on the Arrowhead (Part Three)

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“Because he’s the prime minister, he might feel that you appearing here was overly strange, and he came to question you because of it.”

Ning TangShu thought about it and found this explanation to be most reasonable.

Kun YuYang looked around. Everyone had already left the mountain, and the two of them were the only ones still here.

She climbed off her horse and walked over toward where Emperor Ning’s group had surrounded the wild boar. It looked as if she was looking for something.

With nobody keeping an eye on the wild boar, it had run off. All that remained was the mess on the ground.

Kun YuYang leaned over and started looking around on the ground. Ning TangShu also got off his horse and walked up behind her, feeling that she was acting very strangely today.

Normally, she would not be like this.

“YuYang, what exactly are you looking for?”

Kun YuYang was not in the mood to talk to him. She focused her attention on what was in front of her to try and find some sort of evidence.

The two people whom she had overheard said that the arrows used by the second prince were specially made. Once it struck a person, it would completely destroy their internal organs.

Such a strange arrow would definitely be built differently from all other arrows. She might be able to find some clues.

Ning TangShu followed along behind her. Finally, she saw a dark piece of metal in the grass and quickly rushed over to pick it up.

“What is this?”

Kun YuYang replied with her own question, “Have you never seen it before? Have you seen anything similar on the second prince’s arrow?”

Having been asked this, Ning TangShu suddenly remembered, “When we were coming up the mountain, I was right behind the second prince. He had his quiver on his back, and the arrows inside did indeed have something similar. What exactly is this?”

He took the piece of metal from Kun YuYang’s hand and carefully looked it over. It was a ring-shaped piece of metal that was buckled to the middle part of the arrow. It did not seem to have any other purpose than to increase the weight of the arrow.

Kun YuYang took the piece of metal and led Ning TangShu further into the forest, “I have something important that I absolutely need to tell you.”

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When Emperor Ning was brought to the main tent at the camp, he had already stopped breathing.

All of the imperial physicians who had come along were being pushed by the members of the imperial harem and the court officials to save His Majesty; however, nobody moved. There was not even a prescription for any medicine.

Imperial Physician Sun was pushed forward by the other imperial physicians. He had a good relationship with Yu Fu. Not long after Xun Chi left, he became the most distinguished member of the imperial physician’s group because he dared to go and visit Marquis Gu’s Manor to ask Yu Fu for help.

He said with difficulty: “Let me put it this way. Your Highness, my lords, even if the Deity of Medicine was here, he could not save someone whose heart has been liquified. The arrow that struck His Majesty was not a normal arrow. There was some mechanism inside that destroyed His Majesty’s heart. No amount of medicine would have any effect.”

“There was a mechanism in the second prince’s arrow? Then that’s to say that he deliberately tried to assassinate His Majesty?”

The officials started discussing the matter. Emperor Ning’s sudden death caused a great deal of fear and panic. The one to assassinate Emperor Ning was also the one who was most likely to have been chosen as the crown prince!

What should they do now?

Imperial Consort Xian rushed over to Emperor Ning’s corpse and wiped away tears with her handkerchief, “Your Majesty, you treated the second prince so well. How could he be willing to assassinate Your Majesty? He truly is vicious!”

Nobody noticed that there were not many tears in her handkerchief. On the contrary, it looked like there was some joy that was barely being contained.

Emperor Ning had died, and the second prince was taking the blame. They had succeeded!

The throne would surely be given to the eldest prince, and she was about to assume the most esteemed position as empress dowager of Eastern Ling! She had to cover up the joy and excitement from this situation with her handkerchief, or it would have leaked out.

The officials were at their wits’ end, “Your Highness, don’t cry. Right now, writing a constitution is the most important thing. His Majesty suddenly passed away, so how should things be handled from now on?”

Imperial Consort Xian immediately shot a glance at Yin Shuo, “This One is a member of the inner palace. How could I know that much? Since the prime minister is here, I hope that the prime minister can come up with an idea.”

All of the officials looked toward Yin Shuo. Although Emperor Ning had already stopped trusting him, he did not go too far in trying to suppress him. He even married Princess DanYang to him, allowing him to become a husband to the imperial family.

It had to be said that when it came to managing the court’s affairs, he did very well. Having him take the lead here could not be more appropriate.

Yin Shuo stepped forward, “The first and most important thing to do right now is to bring His Majesty back to the capital. It’s already getting late in the day. My lords and ladies, let us endure some suffering for tonight and start packing our things. We will leave for the capital first thing tomorrow morning. The second matter is that the country cannot be without a ruler. His Majesty’s passing was sudden and did not leave behind a will. Who should be the new ruler?”

With this sensitive topic getting brought up, everyone became nervous.

Was there a need to say it?

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The second prince had assassinated Emperor Ning and had already been arrested. Aside from him, the prince with the highest hopes would be the eldest prince.

Unless Emperor Ning had a will before he died that passed the throne down to the second prince, who would dare suggest him?

The eldest prince was confident that the conditions were right and that things were about to go as planned. Who knew that Ji DaoGong would slowly step forward from the crowd.

He had always been a man of few words. If he stepped forward, it was natural that he would have something to contribute. The officials immediately turned to look in his direction as if he was their guiding light.

Yin Shuo slightly furrowed his brow. Comparing their prestige in court, he naturally could not compare with Ji DaoGong.

Not to mention him, but not even his father, Yin Yan, could compare.

The only one who could compare with Ji DaoGong in terms of prestige would probably be Gu HuaiJiang.

The two officials, one civil and one military, were the ones whom Emperor Ning trusted the most.

Ji DaoGong stroked his beard and looked around at everyone’s reactions.

The eldest prince was nervous, Yin Shuo was vigilant, and Imperial Consort Xian looked a little uneasy… Everyone’s expressions were taken in by the old yet keen eyes. Not a single detail was missed.

He slowly said: “Prime Minister Yin is right. The most important matter at hand is to escort His Majesty back to the capital to be laid to rest. The funeral must be conducted properly. As for the matter of the new ruler, there is no need to rush. His Majesty’s passing was sudden, and he did not leave behind any verbal instructions. It might be possible that there is something hidden in the palace. Also, it’s possible that the officials of the cabinet or Lord Marquis Gu, who is still at the border, were given instructions.”

That’s why this old man believes that we should first bring His Majesty back to the capital. Discussion of the new ruler can wait until there has been a discussion between members of the cabinet and after Lord Marquis Gu returns. Imperial guards, immediately send someone to the border to pass along the news. Urge Lord Marquis Gu to rush back to court!”


A voice came from outside the main tent, and they immediately set to work on handling the matter.

Yin Shuo’s expression was a little ugly. They had not yet accepted Ji DaoGong’s plans, yet the imperial guards were already going to work.

It seemed that the commander of the imperial guards, Meng Fei, was not on their side.

The officials felt that Ji DaoGong’s recommendations were reasonable, and they all agreed to them. Yin Shuo and the eldest prince were in no place to say anything else. That night, nobody slept.

Near the imperial family’s main tent, one tent saw the light inside put out early. A young couple lay in bed, tightly embracing one another.

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In the silence, Ning TangShu said: “We should have the maidservant come and light a lantern, right?”

Kun YuYang grabbed his arm, “No, don’t light a lantern. I’m scared. I would rather stay in the dark.”

Ning TangShu consoled her, “YuYang, be a little more understanding. In my eyes, you have always been a smart girl. Tonight, nobody will be able to sleep. Every tent will have some sort of lighting. If we are the only ones without any light, won’t it arouse some suspicions?”

Kun YuYang let go of his arm, and a maidservant came in to place a lantern on the table before quickly retreating from the tent.

It fell silent once more. Both of them looked quite sad.

Kun YuYang gnashed her teeth and said: “Husband, I am someone from Western Kun. I don’t quite understand the political situation in Eastern Ling. I will just say how I see it. If I say something wrong, please tell me. Is that fine?”


She lowered her voice: “The second prince’s arrow was tampered with. After he shot the arrow, he panicked and was given no room to defend himself. I, however, believe that he was being set up by someone else. Someone wanted to get the second prince in trouble and also wanted to assassinate His Majesty. The one to benefit would naturally be the one who is most likely to become the ruler. Originally, the one who was more likely to win was the second prince. Now that the second prince has been framed, that would mean… it’s the eldest prince?”

“You suspect that this was the eldest prince’s scheme?”

Ning TangShu shook his head, “But Prime Minister Yin’s reaction was also very strange. If it was a scheme put together by him and the eldest prince, something would be off. He and the second prince are the ones connected through marriage. Why would he help the eldest prince go against the second prince?”

Kun YuYang said: “What marriage? To Princess DanYang? The relationship between Princess DanYang and Prime Minister Yin has never been good. During the banquet at ChunHe Garden, we all saw how Princess DanYang humiliated him. Isn’t that right? Is it possible that Prime Minister Yin has not forgiven that humiliation, thus he would rather support the eldest prince?”

If Kun YuYang said it like this, it really might be possible.

Ning TangShu said: “Yin Shuo is the prime minister, but his power was taken away by His Majesty, and he had to endure a haughty noble lady humiliate him. If you say that he was unhappy with Princess DanYang and His Majesty because of this, it’s not impossible.”

Kun YuYang anxiously grabbed his hand, “Will you expose this matter? If it really is true that the eldest prince killed his father and ruler, and he still ends up becoming the emperor, what righteousness is there in this world?!”

Ning TangShu comforted her while thinking about countermeasures.

“As a member of the imperial family, since I know about this, I obviously cannot just ignore it. But right now, this is not the most important problem. Lord Ji has already said it. We will discuss the matter of the new ruler when Marquis Gu returns. Right now, the most important matter is… you.”


“Yes, you.”

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Ning TangShu helplessly looked at her, “You recklessly came up the mountain today and were already being suspected by Yin Shuo. Although we were able to deal with the situation temporarily, Yin Shuo might be able to see through some mistakes after a bit of thought. Think carefully, did you really not get seen when you overheard that conversation?”

In the quiet night, while everyone else was busily preparing to return to the capital, the eldest prince entered Yin Shuo’s tent.

“What happened?”

The eldest prince’s footsteps were hurried, and his brow was tightly furrowed, “What do you mean your subordinates were overheard? Who exactly heard it?”

“Eldest prince, don’t be so anxious.”

Yin Shuo was much calmer than him, “I have already taught those two subordinates a lesson. When they heard a sound, they went outside, but that person had already run away. They were unable to tell who that person was. Although they could not see their face, they could tell that it was a man wearing dark green clothes.”

The eldest prince sat down and held a hot cup of tea in his hands, “A man?”

“Yes, they said that it was a man. Does eldest prince have any clues?”

The eldest prince remembered that Imperial Consort Xian had said that when Kun YuYang rode into the forest, she had been a little strange, but she was a girl. She was also wearing pink and green. It was clear that she was not the man wearing dark green clothes.

He shook his head, “I have nothing. We must find that man who was dressed in dark green clothes. If the truth is uncovered by Ji DaoGong or Gu HuaiJiang, we will be done for!”

The eldest prince was furious, as he stared at Yin Shuo with a decisive glare.

Emperor Ning had already died. He no longer had a path of retreat. If he did not succeed, it would all be over for him!

Yin Shuo comforted him, “Eldest prince, please sit. There’s no need to worry. I have already ordered my people to search the area for this person. The man wearing dark green clothes, even if they are not a threat, I absolutely will not allow this matter to leak.”

With Yin Shuo’s guarantee, the eldest prince felt reassured, “Since that’s the case, I will leave this matter to you, but I keep feeling uneasy. Ji DaoGong has always been a man of few words. If he did not speak up today, I would already be the new ruler!”

Yin Shuo laughed, “Eldest prince sure has oversimplified the situation. Even if Ji DaoGong did not step forward today, without the members of the cabinet present and without Marquis Gu present, which official would dare to recommend Your Highness as the new ruler? Nobody has that much sway.”

The eldest prince thought for a bit and arrived at the same conclusion, “Then what is the plan? When Gu HuaiJiang returns, will he oppose my enthronement? What if he really knows about the poisoning? He definitely won’t want to let me ascend the throne!”

“If Your Highness is not allowed to ascend, who will they allow to ascend? Will they have the second prince, who assassinated His Majesty in front of everyone, ascend?”

Yin Shuo faintly smiled and picked up a cup of tea while feeling completely reassured, “One poisoning and one assassination, which one is nobler? Moreover, since Gu HuaiJiang did not speak on that matter at that time, he might not bring it up now. As for the second prince’s guilt, it is something that everyone in court knows about. How should he oppose Your Highness’ enthronement?”

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