Kill Yin Shuo to Avoid Future Problems! (Part Three)

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Yin Shuo’s subordinates gave chase into Yin JiYao’s courtyard. Seeing that it was the young miss’ courtyard, there was a bit of hesitation.

“Capturing that person is the top priority. The eldest young sir no longer cares about the young miss, so why should we care what she does?”

With one person saying this, another immediately agreed, “That’s right. Capturing the expert from Marquis Gu’s Manor and being rewarded is more important. A young miss who isn’t shown any favor is worth less than a maidservant. There’s no need to worry about her!”

The group barged into the courtyard and searched through all of the rooms, yet there was not a single servant who came to stop them.

This search continued until they reached the young miss’ bed chamber. Suddenly, they smelled a floral fragrance drifting out with some steam accompanied by the sound of girls laughing.

“Now you’ve done it, Pei’er. You actually dared to splash water on me. I’ll splash water on you too!”

“Alright, young miss! Please forgive this servant. This servant won’t dare do it again!”

The sound of splashing water and the fragrance of flowers caused everyone to swallow the saliva in their mouths. Without needing to look, they knew what was happening inside.

Their rash movements while searching the other rooms gradually softened. they feared that they would make a loud sound that could startle the maidservant and young miss inside, as that would bring an end to the ambiguous but fragrant scene in their minds.

The group looked around at each other, and one person finally said: “This is the only room that remains in the courtyard. What should we do? Do we go in or not?”

They all wanted to go in but did not dare go in.

A girl’s reputation was not something to be messed with. Although this young miss did not have much standing in the manor, she was still the daughter of the previous prime minister.

A search of her courtyard turned up nothing, so would ruining her reputation not be their deaths?

But they also did not dare stop outside for fear of that person hiding inside this room.

The leader said: “We clearly saw that person in grey clothes enter this courtyard. How could we not find them? If that person is inside this room, would it not be a pity to let them go so easily?”

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This was also true, but the scene inside was that of the young miss taking a bath…

Just as that person was about to knock on the door, he suddenly heard the young miss and maidservant chat, “Young miss, you’re being treated so poorly. It’s about to be winter, yet the eldest young sir won’t even give us a brazier. Young miss already has a scar on your forehead. What would we do if you caught a cold?”

The young miss said: “There’s no need to worry. I have already sent a letter back home to father. He will quickly be coming back. No matter how fiercely eldest brother might treat me, he would not dare to ignore father’s instructions. When fatehr returns, I will have him see!”

The last sentence was spoken in a sharp tone, and the people who were about to move hesitated once more.

If the former master returned and found out about this, not even the eldest young sir would be able to avoid getting in trouble, much less them?

No, this was not worth the trouble.

The leader hesitated for a moment, “The young miss is bathing inside. I heard that the members of Marquis Gu’s Manor are all upright and proper gentlemen. How could they sneak in while the young miss is bathing?”

“This… seems to be true.”

“Then let’s go and search the other places!”

As the group left, the sound of the water being splashed slowly came to a stop. Gu HanMo was listening to the conversation outside from the beams above and could now let out a sigh of relief.

“Hold it!”

The leader raised his hand, and the group stopped. Gu HanMo immediately froze once more.

Situated behind the screen, Yin JiYao and her maidservant sat in the tub and became anxious once more. They did not know why they would leave and then come back.

They then heard a wretched laugh, “Hehe, I’m going to poke a hole in the window and see if it really is just the young miss and her maidservant inside. This can also serve as a way to search the room. What do you guys think?”

Everyone chimed in: “I’ll go, I’ll go! I have really good eyesight!”

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The three inside let out sighs of relief. Yin JiYao hastily lowered herself further into the water, leaving only her neck and head exposed, while Gu HanMo observed where the hole was poked in the window.

“Scram, scram, scram! Everyone else, get lost! Of course, I personally need to take a look!”

That person rubbed his hands together in a vulgar manner and approached the window. Placing his finger in his mouth, he licked it and then poked a hole that was roughly the size of a pigeon’s egg in the window.

There was a limit to what could be seen through such a small hole. Gu HanMo moved quietly in the beams above to a location where he could not be spotted from the hole.

That person’s attention was not at all on what else was in the room. Looking over at Yin JiYao and her servant in the tub, he could only see their heads. Since they did not stand up after a while, he started to lose interest.

Even showing a bit of shoulder would have been fine.

“Let’s go, let’s go. There’s nobody else in the room. Let’s quickly head to the next courtyard!”

“Tell us, what did you see? Did you see the young miss…”

After their voices started moving further and further away, Yin JiYao and Pei’er quickly got out of the water and changed into clean clothes.

Gu HanMo dropped down from the beam and cupped his hands, saying: “Many thanks, young miss Yin for the assistance.”

Yin JiYao quickly opened the door and looked around, “It seems that they’ve left. Third young sir should quickly leave! They might return soon!”

Gu HanMo took a few steps and then suddenly turned around. His eyes landed on the large and dark scar on Yin JiYao’s forehead once more.

The young miss of the dignified prime minister’s manor being reduced to this state was truly inconceivable.

Thinking about what those guards had said earlier, her life in this manor must be incredibly difficult. If Yin Shuo found out that she had helped him escape, would it be bad for her?

Yin JiYao subconsciously moved to cover the scar on her forehead, “Don’t tell the second young sir about this. I don’t want him to know that I have become so ugly. Just leave him with the memory of me when I was most beautiful. That is the only gift that I can give him.”

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“Reporting to eldest young sir, we didn’t find the person that snuck into the Eastern Courtyard!”

The group returned to the outer study to report, and Yin Shuo became furious, “Idiots! There was only one person on the other side, yet you were actually unable to capture him?”

He had set up an elaborate net to capture anyone, for he was certain that Marquis Gu’s Manor would send someone to find Princess DanYang.

Who knew that they would still be able to escape.

The eldest prince unhappily said: “With this, haven’t you lost in your marriage and in the battle? I told you before to keep an eye on DanYang, yet you insisted on using her as bait to capture whoever came from Marquis Gu’s Manor. Where has that person from Marquis Gu’s Manor gone now? Where are they?”

Yin Shuo ignored him, flicking his sleeves and returning to his seat behind the desk, “Who was it that came from Marquis Gu’s Manor? Was it Gu ShuBai?”


The group looked around at each other, “Reporting to eldest young sir, we couldn’t see that person’s face. We could only see that he was wearing a grey coat.”

The eldest prince sneered with disdain, “It seems that Prime Minister Yin’s subordinates are this worthless. A group numbering in the tens allowed a lone opponent to escape and didn’t even manage to see the opponent’s face. It seems that this prince has mistakenly blamed Prime Minister Yin. Having such worthless subordinates, it’s only natural to fail.”

The eldest prince was starting to have complaints about Yin Shuo because he was starting to lose control over the situation in court. Yin Shuo was already displeased, and losing face in front of him caused him to feel even more irritated.

Seeing that his complexion was quite ugly, the pursuing guard immediately said: “Eldest young sir, please quell your anger. Eldest prince, please understand that it isn’t a result of us being worthless! This subordinate recalls that we have searched the entire manor, and only the young miss’ side room was not searched. At that time, we heard the young miss bathing, thus we did not dare go in.”

He did not reveal that he had poked a hole in the window and only told them about Yin JiYao bathing, “Initially, we were willing to incur the young miss’ wrath and go in regardless, but the young miss said to her maidservant that she already wrote a letter to the former master. If the former master were to return, I fear even eldest young sir would have been implicated!”


Yin Shuo stood up in anger, “The young miss has been confined to her courtyard and cannot go out. How could she possibly have written a letter to the former master? You’ve all been deceived by her. Quickly, immediately return to the young miss’ courtyard to continue your search!”

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He personally led the group to Yin JiYao’s courtyard. Having been left behind, the eldest prince felt extremely displeased.

The prime minister’s manor did not have many people, but it had too many affairs to sort out.

A younger sister and a wife, though Yin Shuo had these two family members, he did not allow anyone close to him. No matter how smart he might have been, he was still completely alone.

A thought came to the eldest prince, and a sense of fear washed over him when he considered the idea of being completely alone.

With someone like Yin Shuo, once he helped him ascend the throne, how could he possibly have just one condition?

If he restored the importance of the prime minister’s position, would it be detrimental to his state? Would he also try to assassinate him like he had assassinated Emperor Ning?

Once he succeeded, he would absolutely need to have this sort of person killed off to avoid any future problems.

Right now, he would allow Yin Shuo to be the one to bring him success…

Yin Shuo led the crowd to Yin JiYao’s room and was shocked to find that she was not in the room. Her personal maidservant, Pei’er, was also nowhere to be found.

There were signs that the closet had been disturbed. It seemed that she had packed some clothes before leaving.

Yin Shuo’s expression reached a level of ugliness that had never been seen before. Looking at his subordinates behind him, he squinted his eyes, and his murderous intent rose.

“Eldest young sir, spare us! Eldest young sir, spare us!”

Yin Shuo’s cold voice came through his gritted teeth, “Immediately send someone in the direction of Marquis Gu’s Manor to carry out a search. No matter what, you must bring the young miss back. My Yin family’s daughter absolutely cannot be taken away by someone!”

He was not worried that Yin JiYao would reveal his use of honey trap tactics, nor was he worried about her safety.

What he worried about the most was Yin JiYao’s secret, the one that nobody in the world aside from he and Yin Yan knew about.

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