Not Going to the Eldest Prince’s Manor (Part Three)

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“Then why did you run away after that?”

Once Gu ShuBai said this, the room fell silent, and Baibu Yang’s eyes became covered in a layer of grey.

It seemed as if he had recalled something unbearable from his past. Gnashing his teeth, he said with difficulty: “I got the one thousand taels of silver that were promised. Coming back to look for brother Yun, I suddenly heard assassins outside. The second prince had already been arrested. At that time, brother Yun knew that things were not good. We packed up some things and left the courtyard…”

“The alley outside was densely packed with over 50 experts standing there. Holding hold blades, they rushed at us.”

Though Baibu Yang and Qianli Yun were experts from jianghu, facing off against over fifty well-trained assailants, it was evident just how much danger they faced.

He covered the scar on his face, “This scar is from an injury that I got from one of the assailant’s blades. It’s fortunate that brother Yun was there, or the cut wouldn’t have just been on my face. It would have taken my head.”

Qianli Yun said: “At that time, I saw that brother Yang could not handle it on his own, so I brought him along and fled. Unfortunately, the two of us are poor and only had one horse between us, and we were completely unable to escape. In that desperate situation, we hid in a farm, thinking that the assailants would surely search more distant areas, not thinking that we would hide in a farm so close by.”

“We were able to enjoy a few days of safety, but the imperial might was too great, and everything under the heavens belongs to the rulers. In the end, we were still discovered.”

Qianli Yun reached this point then stood up and cupped his hands, “We brothers thank eldest young sir for aiding us and thank Lord Marquis for taking us in. The grace of saving our lives is one that will never be forgotten!”

Before anyone else could speak, Baibu Yang suddenly dropped to his knees and kowtowed deeply.

“Lord Marquis Gu, eldest young sir, this humble one knows that I assisted in the murder of the ruler and do not dare to defend myself nor ask for forgiveness, but brother Yun is innocent. As a friend, he simply provided me with a place to live, and he did not know anything about what was happening. Lord Marquis Gu, please understand that I alone must bear the burden for this crime. It has nothing to do with brother Yun!”

“Brother Yang, you…”

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Qianli Yun anxious aid: “Why must you separate me from this? You and I met by chance in jianghu and, after a short time, became friends who would share good times and bad times together. For something so big, it’s only natural that you and I would share the burden together!”

Baibu Yang said: “Brother Yun, don’t say any more! Lord Marquis Gu, as long as you will ensure brother Yun’s safety, this humble one is willing to tell you everything that I know. I know that you want to find the truth behind His Majesty’s assassination. Although the people who sought me out did not clearly state their backgrounds, I do recognize their unique features!”

Gu HuaiJiang finally spoke up after hearing this, ‘There’s no need for you two to worry. The murderer is trying to kill you to silence you. Staying in Marquis Gu’s Manor is the safest place for you two. As long as you can help in the investigation into His Majesty’s assassination, you will be able to pay off your debt. This marquis will allow you two to keep your lives.”

Joy shone from the bottom of their eyes, “Is Lord Marquis telling the truth?”

“This marquis never lies.”

Qianli Yun cupped his hands and said: “Though this humble one is just a lowly member of jianghu, I have lived in the capital for a long time and have heard of Lord Marquis Gu’s reputation. Lord Marquis Gu is a pillar of the court and a hero who has defended the nation. This time, the investigation into His Majesty’s assassination has been carried out with even more vigor. I trust Lord Marquis!”

He quickly turned toward Baibu Yang and said: “Brother Yang, quickly tell him everything that you know!”

Baibu Yang nodded, “Alright, I’ll speak. When those people sought me out, all of them were wearing black boots that officials serving noble families wear, and they said that I would be teaching a nobleman. Though I was tempted by the promise of one thousand taels of silver, I am not a complete fool who would casually accept a mission from complete strangers. I secretly followed them back and found that they disappeared around the eldest prince’s manor. At that time, I thought that the one that they wanted me to teach was the eldest prince.”

Gu ShuBai furrowed his brow and said: “You mean to say that they were the eldest prince’s people?”

Baibu Yang said with certainty: “Yes. They also had waist tags from the eldest prince’s manor. Although they were expertly concealed, on their way back, it was still exposed, and I got a clear look at it.”

It turned out that the unique feature that he spoke of was the waist tag.

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Gu ShuBai, however, did not respond for quite some time. Gu HanMo said: “Eldest brother, what’s wrong?”

Yu Fu knew what Gu ShuBai was thinking and said: “Third brother, when eldest brother and I went to the imperial family’s prison to see the second prince, he said that Yin Shuo was the one who introduced him to Baibu Yang. But now, Baibu Yang said that it was the eldest prince’s people who sought him out. Aren’t the two contradicting each other?”

“No, it can’t be considered a contradiction.”

Gu ShuBai seemed to suddenly understand something, “The eldest prince’s people found an expert in archery like Baibu Yang, and he wanted to trick the second prince into looking for Baibu Yang on his own. That’s why he had Yin Shuo come out and say it. Yin Shuo is the second prince’s brother-in-law, so the second prince naturally believed him. As a result, this matter was easily taken care of.”

Gu HanMo felt that this explanation was reasonable, “It seems that the eldest prince is the one who is behind this matter. For the sake of accomplishing his own goals, Yin Shuo simply cooperated with him.”

Gu HuaiJiang waved his hand, “Who was the mastermind and who was simply helping is something that still needs to be investigated. We already have witnesses. Right now, the most important thing is physical evidence. Baibu Yang, the lotus flower arrows that you mentioned, were they also given to you by those people wearing the eldest prince’s waist tags?”

Baibu Yang cupped his hands and said: “Yes, they’re the ones who gave them to me, but they did not give them to me the first time we met. Instead, they were given to me after I left the second prince’s manor for the first time. I thought that they felt that after I spent a day teaching the second prince, I would definitely understand that the second prince had no talent in martial arts and was completely incapable of learning it well, and I would only accept the lotus flower arrow if they gave it to me at that time.”

Gu HuaiJiang stood up from his seat, and everyone followed suit.

He said: “Stay in the manor and don’t go anywhere. Have the guards protect these two and prevent the other side from sneaking in and assassinating them. This case will be solved very soon. There is just one thing missing.”

“What is it?”

Qi An suddenly entered from the courtyard and reported: “Lord Marquis, Lin ShaoQing from the Imperial Court of Justice has come to see Lord Marquis. He says that he has something to discuss.”

The corners of Gu HuaiJiang’s lips curled up, revealing a faint smile.

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Ever since finding out about His Majesty’s passing, he had not smiled. His putting on this rarely-seen smile today shocked everyone.

Could it be that the thing that he had mentioned was with Lin ShaoQing?

“What? How could he have been taken away? Who took him away?”

The eldest prince roared like thunder. With the most important witness, Baibu Yang, being taken away, it was as if his clothes had been stripped from his body.

His body trembled. He felt so exposed as if anyone could come and stab him at will.

His subordinate’s body was covered in injuries. Through swollen eyes, he reported: “Reporting to eldest prince, who else could it be? Aside from Marquis Gu’s Manor’speople, who would dare to oppose the eldest prince’s manor?”

“Gu HuaiJiang, it was Gu HuaiJiang again! When this prince ascends the throne, your head will be the first one to be chopped off!”

The eldest prince smashed all of the things from the table onto the ground. The sound of shattering porcelain scared the maidservant waiting outside, causing her entire body to tremble.

He angrily cursed: “Does he really hope to bring Ning ChengZhi out of prison to ascend the throne? How exactly am I worse than that good for nothing? Aside from my lack of a good background from my mother’s side, where am I worse than him?! Does he think that Ning ChengZhi would be a wise ruler? Impossible!”

The subordinate endured his anger and contemplated the situation before saying: “Your Highness, now’s not the time to get angry. The most pressing matter right now is to look for Prime Minister Yin to discuss a countermeasure. If Lord Marquis Gu brings Baibu Yang out as a witness in front of the court, that would be incredibly unfavorable for Your Highness!”

“Hmph, Yin Shuo has been more and more unreliable in his handling of things recently. He was unable to control DanYang, and even his own little sister ran away! I didn’t feel this way in the past, but, the more I look at him now, the more I feel he’s useless!”

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The eldest prince whined endlessly, and the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. In the end, he still sent someone to the prime minister’s manor, “Servant, go to the prime minister’s manor and invite Prime Minister Yin for a visit. Just say that this prince has something important to discuss with him!”

“Your Highness, do you think that Lord Marquis Gu will keep Baibu Yang and his friend in his manor?”

“How could this prince know?!”

The eldest prince roared impatiently then suddenly understood what his subordinate meant, “You mean to say that since we couldn’t silence him at the farm outside the city, you want to silence him inside the city?”

Saying this, he furrowed his brow once more, “How can that be possible? Every member of the Gu family’s army is elite. You were unable to succeed outside the city, yet you think that you can succeed inside the city, where there are even members of the Gu family’s army patrolling the streets?”

The subordinate said: “We cannot, but we can have Prime Minister Yin send people to help! Even if we have to give our lives, we need to kill Baibu Yang and his friend. Leaving them alive is a big threat to Your Highness!”

The eldest prince joyfully said: “Good! When Yin Shuo arrives, this prince will immediately talk to him about it. Send someone to keep an eye on Marquis Gu’s Manor. If they see Baibu Yang and the others come out, immediately follow up and report!”

In the prime minister’s manor, Yin Shuo received the news of Baibu Yang’s disappearance at nearly the same time.

He nodded with a smile, “So quick, Gu ShuBai really acts swiftly and cleanly. It’s no wonder Gu HuaiJiang favors him so much.”

His servant stood at the door, “Eldest young sir, the eldest prince has invited you to his manor. Will you be going?”

Yin Shuo stood up with a smile and straightened out his clothes, “I have been prepared to go out this entire time, but… it’s not to the eldest prince’s manor.”

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