Swallowed a Poison Needle

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“Don’t hold it with your fingers like this. This wastes too much energy. You don’t have much strength and need to choose a position that conserves energy.”

In the backyard of the Western Wing, a lazy little puppy was currently lazily laying in a bit of grass next to a pond. Listening to the man’s soft and low voice, it enjoyed sweet dreams.

It was the little puppy given to Yu Fu by Gu WenQing. It could eat and sleep, and it was growing chubbier and chubbier. The name that Yu Fu chose for it was Pang Jiu.*

There was a simple round target hanging in the hall, and Gu ShuBai was currently leading Yu Fu in training with flying needles.

“Like this?”

Yu Fu was used to holding poison needles between her fingers. Suddenly asking her to change how she held the needles left her not knowing what to do.

Gu ShuBai could only lead her by the hand, gently squeezing her fingers together, “Like this, then straight out. Try it.”

He pointed at the target that was placed nearby.

Yu Fu did as he instructed. Taking a deep breath, she took aim at the red center of the target and quickly let it fly.

After this, she jogged over to the target. Even though the needle had not hit the center of the target, she saw that it was at least stuck in the target. Clapping her hands in joy, she hopped and skipped back.

“Last time, third brother taught you martial arts. Though you did not continue with it, you learned some breathing techniques. Remember to breathe with your dantian when throwing it, and you will be able to throw it even more accurately.”

He gently cheered her on, which made Yu Fu even more eager to learn.

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“Really? Then I’ll try it again!”

It might be that she was too eager, as she accidentally pricked herself on the tip of the needle. A bead of blood instantly appeared on the round tip of her finger.

“Oh no!”

The area that had been pricked by the needle immediately turned purple. Gu ShuBai leaned over and quickly grabbed her hand. Without even thinking, he placed her finger inside his mouth.

“Eldest brother…”

He was… sucking out the poisoned blood for her?

Yu Fu was stunned. Gu ShuBai had already spat out a mouthful of blood. Seeing that the blood coming out of her finger was red once more, he felt relieved.

“Eldest brother, this poison is one that I prepared. I have the antidote.”

She looked at him with her large eyes, feeling moved and a little at a loss from his subconscious actions.

Gu ShuBai paused, only just realizing that he might have been a little excessive.

Yu Fu was an immortal practitioner of poison. She was not at all afraid of poison.

He doubled down and said: “Medicine is also made up of poison. You were poisoned and would need to take medicine to deal with it. It’s definitely not good for your health. My body is sturdy. It would be better to let me get poisoned and take the antidote.”

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As he said this, he stood up. His lips were slightly purple, as he strode into the room.

“Yao Lan, quickly go and fetch your young miss’ antidote for me!”

Yu Fu stood back and watched him in a daze. After a moment, she suddenly began to laugh.

His expression was so resolute; however, his ears were unreasonably red. They were the same color as a boiled crab.

This was her first time seeing an embarrassed Gu ShuBai… Sure enough, he was still good looking.

“Yu Fu, I’ll tell you a bit of news. You know… Huh? Eldest brother, why are your lips purple?”

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi had run over to the Western Wing. Initially, they had come looking for Yu Fu. Who knew that they would find Gu ShuBai sitting at a table on his own, his lips looking a little purple.

“Eldest young sir, this is the antidote for young miss’ poison needle.”

Yao Lan noisily brought out a large chest. Opening it revealed all sorts of bottles and containers. There were some made of porcelain and some made of wood. There were some as large as bowls and some as small as wine cups…

Yao Lan accurately pulled out a round wooden canister and retrieved two pills of medicine, handing them to Gu ShuBai.

“Oh my word, little Yu Fu has quite a few treasures. What are all of these?”

Gu Yi reached out to touch them but had his hand smacked away by Gu Xiang.

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“Don’t mess around. What would you do if you ended up poisoned like eldest brother? Eldest brother, how did you end up getting pricked by Yu Fu’s poison needle?”

Gu ShuBai did not want to answer. Letting out a gentle sigh, he wanted to avoid the topic with just that.

Who knew that Yao Lan would earnestly say: “Eldest young sir, quickly take it. Though this poison is not serious, it would not be good to drag things out. You ingested it orally, which is far more serious than if you had been pricked!”


Gu Yi hastily grabbed his mouth, “Eldest brother, did you swallow the poison needle? This isn’t any small matter. Let me take a look, quickly let me take a look!”

Gu ShuBai: “…”

“Fifth brother, sixth brother, you two came?”

Yu Fu walked in from the back. Since she had not yet put away the poison needle in her hand, Gu Xiang and Gu Yi shrank back upon seeing her.

“Little Yu Fu, quickly put your little treasure away. Even with his amazing martial abilities, eldest brother has swallowed a needle. We don’t dare touch one!”

“Swallowed a needle?”

Yu Fu had a look of confusion, but before she could say anything, she heard Gu ShuBai gently clear his throat.

“You two ran over here in a rush. What was it that you wanted to tell Yu Fu?”

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In the end, Gu Xiang and Gu Yi were too simpleminded, being distracted by just that one comment. They happily began to report the good news that they heard.

“Just now, an official from the Board of Public Works came to the manor. They said that His Majesty specifically granted you use of the large boat that he uses to enjoy the West Lake! Didn’t you say that you wanted to go and play at West Lake? His Majesty knows that you fell out of the boat and into the river, thus he specially granted you use of this large boat. Like this, you can run around all you like without falling into the water.”

Gu ShuBai swallowed the two pills, and his lips slowly turned from purple back to pink. The poison must have already been dealt with.

“The Board of Public Works just had that boat built for His Majesty last year. Does that boat have a large golden dragon decoration?”

Gu Xiang said: “That’s right. That’s the one. It’s because it’s the one that was just built that an official personally came to tell father. They said that boat is already docked on the shore of West Lake. We can go at any time. Little Yu Fu, when do you want to go?”

Yu Fu tilted her small head and thought for a bit. She had been wanting to go and see the sights of West Lake for quite some time, and she naturally wanted to go as soon as possible.

But even more than that, she wanted…

“When will the head general have time? When elder brothers have time, how about we all go together?”

Gu Yi quickly said: “We all have free time and can go at any time. But… Father and eldest brother are rather busy. Eldest brother, when will you and father have time?”

Gu ShuBai looked over at Yu Fu. Her eyes glittered while staring at him, her face full of expectation.

He dotingly patted her head, “I get it. I will go and ask father. Would Yu Fu like to go on a clear day or on a rainy day?”

After all, when it came to West Lake in the sixth month, the water glimmers beautifully on a sunny day, and the colors of the scenery are richer in the rain.

*TN: This puppy’s name translated directly is Fat Nine

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