Face, It’s Green

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Yu Fu’s magnificent little carriage noisily set out.

In the carriage to her left and right were Gu ShuBai and Gu JiuGe, respectively.

A moment earlier in front of the manor, the group had argued for a bit over who would accompany Yu Fu in the carriage.

With the exception of rain or snow, everyone would usually set out together on horseback; however, Gu Yi acted spoiled and said that he wanted to ride in the carriage with Yu Fu.

Wherever Gu Yi was, Gu Xiang naturally wanted to be. As such, the two wanted to ride in the carriage. Seeing this, Gu ShuBai and Gu JiuGe hastily went to stop this.

“You two spend all day studying and playing with Yu Fu. Is this not enough? Do you even need to be at her side when going out?”

In the end, the two spots in Yu Fu’s carriage were somehow taken by Gu ShuBai and Gu JiuGe. This left Gu Yi stomping his feet in anger.

If he had known that this would be the outcome, he would have just obediently ridden his horse. Why did he have to bring up riding in the carriage?

This was definitely what Teacher Lin meant by making wedding clothes for others. How truly absurd!*

In the carriage, the two sat across from each other, and a feeling of enmity seemed to be stirring, or it could be that Gu Yi’s open displeasure caused certain feelings that had been left unsaid to slowly rise to the surface.

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This sort of feeling left the two feeling very surprised. As for Yu Fu, who was caught in the middle, she did not notice a thing. With her head down, she was fiddling with the necklace.

“Eldest brother, this is something that belonged to your mother. Why do you think head general would give this to me?”

This necklace looked more and more beautiful, especially the lotus that was made up of seven different types of gems. It looked better every single time.

Before Gu ShuBai could speak, Gu JiuGe rushed to say: “That’s because of your identity. Right now, everyone in the capital knows about you. Father is worried that you would be looked down on by others, thus he gave it to you to wear. When others see something that belonged to mother, they won’t dare to go against you.”

After all, Gu HuaiJiang’s feelings for his wife were known by all in Eastern Ling. Everyone knew just how much she meant.

To give her treasured necklace to Yu Fu was the same as telling others that this child was one that he and his late wife recognized.

This sort of honor might be something that a future daughter-in-law of Marquis Gu’s Manor would not even receive.

Yu Fu nodded her head while only understanding a little and continued to feel the necklace, “Then I will definitely be careful to not damage it.”

She had never met Gu HuaiJiang’s deceased wife, but looking at Gu ShuBai and the others, she knew that she was definitely a kind woman.

Just like this necklace, there was an essence of Buddha in its magnificence.

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Gu ShuBai looked up at him.

Yu Fu had called out eldest brother, so why did he rush to answer her?

Gu JiuGe looked at him in delight. He disliked it when Yu Fu only called out for her eldest brother. It felt as though Gu ShuBai was the only one in her eyes.

“Second brother, the matter with Yao Yue that I discussed with you a few days ago, how is that going?”

Gu ShuBai suddenly felt the desire to banter and brought up the matter with Yao Yue to mock him. Sure enough, his bluster was reduced by a third.

Yu Fu heard this familiar name and raised her head, saying: “Second brother, Miss Yao Yue is fine, right?”

With her asking this, Gu JiuGe felt even more uncomfortable.

“She’s fine. What could happen to her? She had simply been provoked by someone. That’s why an incident nearly occurred. There was never anything between the two of us, and even if someone did make a big deal out of it, I am not worried.”

After saying this, he slightly cleared his throat. He then lifted a corner of the carriage’s curtain and took a look outside.

Yu Fu said: “It’s good as long as she’s fine. The sound of her pipa is really nice, especially that song of longing.”

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Gu ShuBai could hardly hold back his laughter and used his sleeve to cover his mouth.

“Everyone says that the strings carry emotions, and only notes played with emotion are able to move people. Miss Yao Yue has feelings for second brother. That song of longing is most suited to her feelings, so it’s natural that it sounds good.”

Gu JiuGe looked out of the window; however, his ears picked up on every single word that Gu ShuBai said, and he nearly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

“Eldest brother, don’t spout nonsense! How could Yao Yue have feelings for me, and if there are any feelings, they would be feelings of gratitude! They’re feelings of sympathy for the musically inclined!”

Saying this, he unconsciously glanced in Yu Fu’s direction.

The second young sir of the Gu family, who was usually calm in matters of romance, had never felt so flustered over anything before. The more Gu ShuBai heard, the more he wanted to laugh.

Hitting the mark, he did not want to provoke Gu JiuGe to prevent Gu JiuGe from losing himself in front of Yu Fu.

Who knew that Yu Fu would look up and earnestly say: “I feel that eldest brother is right. Miss Yao Yue likes second brother. I noticed it the first time that I met her!”

Now, Gu JiuGe really wanted to cough up blood.

“Yu Fu, listen to me explain. She and I…”

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Before he could say anything else, he ran out of things to say, and Yu Fu stared at him curiously.

Gu JiuGe himself also felt that he had spoken to rashly and rudely. Yu Fu was his little sister. What was he in such a rush to explain. This was a little too much like declaring that there was no silver buried in the ground.**

Seeing Gu ShuBai hold back his laughter to the side, he committed this sight to heart.

“Yao Yue’s status is unsuited to us. Even if she likes me, there can’t be any results. As for eldest brother, I heard His Majesty already bring up marriage to father and wants to have Princess DanYang marry you.”

Before Yu Fu could even feel shocked, Gu ShuBai casually said: “Second brother has heard wrong. Father has already refused, and His Majesty did not insist. This sort of rumor should not be trusted.”

Yu Fu secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Though she tried to do it secretly, the other two present were experts and were very close to her. How could they fail to notice the sound of her breathing?


Gu ShuBai could not hold back his laughter, and Gu JiuGe’s face instantly turned green.

*TN: Girls from poor families could not afford to make their own wedding dresses but might still need to make wedding dresses for others.
**TN: Based on an idiom about hiding silver underground then putting up a sign declaring that there is no silver buried there

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