A Misunderstanding

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The carriages that had gone to pick up Madam Su arrived in front of Marquis Gu’s Manor; however, they found that there was a crowd of palace servants entering the manor while carrying treasures with bright-yellow labels attached.

The palace servants also had bright-yellow labels on them. It was clear that His Majesty had granted Marquis Gu’s Manor another reward.

Madam Su and Su YunYan had just arrived. Seeing this scene, they hastily retreated to avoid causing trouble.

The people from Marquis Gu’s Manor, however, had long since become accustomed to this sight. It was only after Gu ShuBai invited Madam Su inside that she began to walk forward with Su YunYan.

The palace servants brushed past them, and Su YunYan’s eyes landed on the treasures that they were carrying. A light flickered in her eyes.

Sure enough, she had been right!

In JinLing and in the Su Manor, when had they ever seen His Majesty reward them with stuff?

As for them, this was their first day in the capital, yet they saw this sort of a scene. The members of Marquis Gu’s Manor even looked completely accustomed to this.

It could be seen just how aristocratic Marquis Gu’s Manor really was. It was on par with the imperial family.

“Eldest brother, is this a reward granted to uncle by His Majesty?”

Su YunYan pointed at the treasures and asked Gu ShuBai with joy and curiosity.

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One of the eunuchs who happened to be walking past heard this and respectfully stopped, bowing and saying: “Young miss, this was granted to you by His Majesty.”

Su YunYan’s eyes suddenly grew wide, not daring to believe what she had just heard!

“To, to me?”

Could it be that His Majesty knew that she would be entering the capital today, thus he specifically sent people to give her gifts?

Madam Su was a little dumbfounded but heard the eunuch continue: “That’s right, His Majesty said it himself. It’s to be given to the young miss of Marquis Gu’s Manor.”

He had heard Su YunYan address Gu ShuBai as eldest brother. In the capital, was there anyone else who could refer to the eldest son of Marquis Gu’s Manor as eldest brother?

It was clear that it was this young miss.

Having received confirmation once more, Su YunYan became elated and looked at Madam Su in a confused manner.

“Mother, it was His Majesty who gave it to me.”

“His Majesty hasn’t even met you before. It must be to give face to your uncle that he would grant you with gifts.”

Madam Su naturally knew just how grand Marquis Gu’s Manor was in the capital; however, she never thought that it would be to such a degree. His Majesty would even grant such a grand gift to a cousin.

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Gu HuaiJiang must have brought it up to the Emperor before.

“Young miss of Marquis Gu’s Manor?”

Gu JiuGe repeated this and slightly raised an eyebrow, looking toward Gu ShuBai.

Everyone in the capital knew that Marquis Gu’s Manor only had one young miss, and that was Yu Fu.

This eunuch must have heard Su YunYan call him eldest brother and mistook her for Yu Fu. That was why he said all of those nice things.

Now, things were really quite great. Madam Su and Su YunYan had both misunderstood.

Gu ShuBai looked at the mother and daughter and noted their looks of joy. He found it hard to bear, but if the misunderstanding was not cleared up, it might end up causing even more trouble.

He gently cleared his throat and gritted his teeth, asking the eunuch, “Did you hear clearly? The one His Majesty is rewarding, is it young miss Yu Fu or young miss Su?”

“Young miss Su?”

The eunuch had never heard of any young miss Su. He thought that Marquis Gu’s Manor only had Yu Fu as its only young miss. That was why he dared to chime in.

Now that he had been given this shock, when he looked up, he found that the young miss before him did not seem to be the right age.

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Word about the young miss of Marquis Gu’s Manor had already spread around the capital. She was merely twelve years of age, yet her skills with the zither were exceptional, and her performance had dazzled everyone!

How could it be a fully matured girl?

“This servant deserves to be punished. His Majesty instructed that the gifts be given to young miss Yu Fu. This servant did not know that there was also a young miss Su in Marquis Gu’s Manor. Please forgive this servant’s mistake!”

The eunuch was so scared that he was on the verge of tears, and his head was hanging so low that it was nearly touching the ground. He hated himself for being so eager to speak up for someone else.

If he had not been so quick to speak, would this misunderstanding have never happened?

Now, things were just great. He had caused an incident.

Su YunYan’s expression instantly turned ugly. Furrowing her brow and gritting her teeth, she fiercely clenched her handkerchief.

Madam Su was stunned and embarrassingly frowned. She never thought that such a muddled situation would occur.

She and Su YunYan had completely forgotten about the existence of Yu Fu. Who knew that an adopted daughter would be so loved by the Emperor that he would send people to reward her.

Su YunYan, a proper young miss related to the family, did not get anything, yet all of this had been given to her.

Gu ShuBai waved his hand, “Those who did not know are not guilty. Madam Gu and my cousin both arrived today. It’s normal that you would not recognize them. You may leave.”

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“Many thanks, eldest young sir. Many thanks, Madam Gu and young miss!”

The eunuch retreated while expressing his gratitude. Su YunYan watched the palace servants pass by the main hall then wrap around to a courtyard off to the side, and her chest tightened.

“Aunty, it was the eunuch who did not understand. Please don’t argue with him. Father is still waiting in the main hall. This way, please.”

Gu JiuGe also said: “That’s right, aunty, that eunuch was ignorant. Please do not take it to heart. You are the noblest ‘young miss’ of this manor. Father has already had people tidy up the Lotus Courtyard where you resided before getting married. It looks brand new.”

In any case, Madam Su was someone who was born in Marqui Gu’s Manor and had seen many trying experiences. Hearing Gu JiuGe’s flattering words, she managed to regain her calm demeanor.

“Your father has been considerate. Every time that I come back to visit, he would always fix up Lotus Courtyard. When I stay there, it’s like returning back to my youth. I feel very at ease.”

It seemed that the unhappiness from earlier had already passed.

It was just that she suddenly stopped outside the main hall and looked over to where the group of palace servants was headed, “I remember that the Western Wing was in that direction, right?”

The Western Wing was originally where Gu HuaiJiang and his wife had intended for their daughter to live.

Who knew that she would give birth to the twins, Gu Xiang and Gu Yi, then pass away from complications related to the birth. She had been unable to give birth to a daughter, thus the Western Wing had always been kept empty.

“Yes, that is where Yu Fu now resides.”

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