Proofread by Claire.KK

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“Yes. The fourth prince gained a lot in this autumn hunting, including a Mongolian gazelle, two foxes, a little deer and something else, which were about seven to eight preys in total. By the way, he let the little deer go after seeing it was young and poor. Everybody said that he was humane. His Majesty specially awarded him a lot of things… ” Mu Nanzhi suddenly realized she seemed have said the wrong thing. She went on after stealing a glance at Lu Zhishan and seeing that he looked as usual, “Oh, the gigot was sent to the Mansion of Princess Heshou by the people of fourth prince after we were back to the capital city.”

Lu Zhishan felt a little surprised in his heart. Lu Zhiyue should unexpectedly send Mu Nanzhi the gigot privately, which was really unnatural. First of all, with the distinguished identity, it was not necessary for Lu Zhiyue to fawn on Mu Nanzhi, who was an exotic princess as well as a hostage actually. On the other hand, Mu Nanzhi had already had her engagement. As an unmarried cousin, he should have avoided arousing suspicion.

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“My cousin, please wait for the next spring hunting. I will surely shoot a Mongolian gazelle by myself. Then I will send you all the four legs.” Mu Nanzhi cupped her gills with her hands. Her pink lips kept opening and closing, which were like the peach blossoms flickering in the spring breeze.

Staring at the young and charming girl, Lu Zhishan suddenly realized something with fear that Lu Zhiyue must have some special thoughts on Mu Nanzhi. He suppressed the shock in his heart and said with a smile, “Great. I will wait for it. ”

“Right, cousin, were the gigot and venison delicious?”

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“They taste good.” Lu Zhishan took a sip of tea slowly, “But I didn’t dare to eat them until two days passed after you sent them here, so they were not very fresh.”

Mu Nanzhi frowned and said confusingly, “Why didn’t you have them when they were fresh? The gigot and venison were so good that you should eat them when they were fresh. What a pity you didn’t have them in time! You were recklessly wasting good things.”

Lu Zhishan smiled unfathomably, “I was afraid that you would ask me to give them back, wasn’t I?”

Mu Nanzhi, “…”

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Lu Zhishan couldn’t help but laugh out.

Mu Nanzhi flushed and looked away, then said bitterly, “I will never talk to Butler Song again!”

Lu Zhishan smiled with his eyes narrowed, and asked after taking a sip of tea, “Did the little son of Marquis Zhongyuan also attend this autumn hunting?”

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“No. I heard that the Marchioness Zhongyuan felt unwell, so he left in the mansion to wait on his mother.” In case Lu Zhishan would have the cold tea, Mu Nanzhi took the cup from his hand and returned to him after refilling the hot tea for him, “But there was no difference whether he came or not, as he could get nothing anyhow. He just made a trip in vain, and made himself exhausted.”

Lu Zhishan took over the cup and held it with both hands. He looked at Mu Nanzhi with his eyebrows raised, “Infanta doesn’t like him?”

“Yes.” Mu Nanzhi blurted out. She always felt relax and casual in front of Lu Zhishan, so that she said this thing without any embarrassment. Once thinking about Lu Zhinian’s thin fragile figure, Mu Nanzhi twitched her month with unhappiness full of her face, “He is not as tall as a horse, even a little shorter than me, and need others’ support for getting on and off the horse. He sat opposite to me in the birthday party of the empress dowager yesterday. Just after drinking a cup of wine made with cypress leaf, he coughed for a long time. I felt he was like a porcelain doll, and I even dared not talk with him loudly.”

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