Proofread by Claire.KK

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Mu Nanzhi took off the bracelet that was decorated with gold and jade. Then she took out the pair of bracelets from the white jade box and put them on. Three kinds of colors could be seen on the jadeite round-shape bracelets, including scarlet, dark green and pink gold. It was so fantastic and beautiful that could even compare with the sunset glow at dusk and bright flowers in spring. No flaws could be found. Actually, they were just perfect! Mu Nanzhi could see those thin blood vessels in her wrist clearly through the bracelets. She knew that empress dowager had a pair of bracelets like them. She payed attention to it because the color was so fancy and special. She got to know that the bracelets were called Fortune Colorful Bracelets. And colorful jadeite is so rare that even empress seemed to have no jewelry which was made of it. Though the color and the quality of empress dowager’s bracelets was great, Mu Nanzhi knew that the pair of bracelets on her wrists were much better than hers. She had no idea how much the pair of bracelets would be, but she could understand why they could be packed in such a superb white jade box.

“Cousin, are they good on me?” Mu Nanzhi carefully stretched out her hands and said in a small voice, “It was really too precious for me. I can hardly breathe smoothly wearing it. I’d better take them off.”

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The young girl’s rouge looked rosy on her fair face. The colorful jadeite bracelets was just on her thin wrists now.

All those things about the girl were so beautiful.

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Lu Zhishan unconsciously got closer to her and carefully looked at them with the candlelight. Seeing that Mu Nanzhi was about to take them off, he quickly grasped her hands saying, “They are good on you. Don’t take them off.”

Mu Nanzhi stared at the bracelets, keeping still. Then she asked, “Cousin, empress dowager has such a pair of bracelets too. But this pair of bracelets is much better.”

“It’s me who gave that pair of bracelets to her.”

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Mu Nanzhi couldn’t help uttering, “Cousin, you are so wealthy.”

Lu Zhishan burst into laughter. It was the fourth month of the seventeenth year of Jiasheng and it was also the fortieth birthday of Siam’s empress. There was a great banquet in the palace. Lu Zhishan just took the chance to collect military information. They firstly planed to get into the crown prince’s palace but they finally entered the sleeping chamber of the empress of Siam. By accident, the empress was looking at the bracelets that she just got. Siam abounded with jadeite but this kind jadeite was still rare to see. Lu Zhishan was hiding outside the window at the moment and cast a glance to it, surprised. Seeing that his master liked the bracelets, Xie Lun tried hard to bring the bracelets out from the palace. Lu Zhishan intended to give them to empress dowager and empress respectively. But he finally kept the round-shape bracelets.

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He was a man and his people were all rough men too. It was the first time for him to get interested in these things that girls would like. He really liked the pair of bracelets. It was until the time when Mu Nanzhi cried and said to him that she was so afraid of growing up that he suddenly recalled the bracelets.

They were beautiful.

“Cousin, you treat me so well.” Mu Nanzhi looked at his eyes and then looked down at the bracelets saying, “You treat me the best.” Lu Zhishan then said, “You treat me well too. You have sent me plenty of goat legs and pheasants.”

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