Proofread by Claire.KK

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That Taoist priest became Marquis Deng’s apprentice. So he called Marchioness sisterMarchioness . And in the year after Marchioness Deng got married, her father Lord Deng, the poor man, died of disease soon. All his apprentices left in a matter of days except the Taoist priest. As he always got along well with Marchioness Deng, the Taoist priest chose to stay there as a protege.

It was the third year that Marchioness Deng gave birth to a boy. But soon after they found the little prince suffered from serious heart disease, shocked and disappointed. Marchioness Deng was afraid that her son’s diseased might influence on his position, so she concealed the truth and always kept the secret, meanwhile trying to find a way to cure her son together with the Taoist priest. Hard work eventually payed off and they found a prescript after reading so many ancient book. However, the prescript was not an ordinary one as doomed virgin’s heart blood was necessary in it. According to the little prince’s birth time, they got the information that the girl should be a noble girl from the north. They were so anxious as they had no idea who the girl would be. But things totally changed as the little princess of Northern Di came to the capital city. The birth date of Mu Nanzhi matched perfectly with that of the little prince, which made Marchioness Deng get excited. A few years later, she asked empress dowager to marry Princess Mu to her son. And that was why emperor made the order about the marriage later.

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The wedding date was coming. The Taoist priest suddenly began to have trouble with nightmare. Every night he could dream that there was a big hole on Mu Nanzhi’s chest and blood continuously ran out from her heart. The young girl just gazed at him with no expression on her face, asking him why he wanted to kill her.

The Taoist priest gradually got crazy after having the same nightmare for almost half a year. He even got into Marquis Zhongyuan’s Mansion on the day when the adult ceremony of Mu Nanzhi was held. He urged Marchioness Deng to refuse the marriage and not to kill the young girl. Otherwise, he would reveal the truth to the public. Marchioness Deng hated him so much that she sent her people to kill the Taoist priest that night. But Xie Lun’s appearance totally destroyed her plan. After that, the Taoist realized Marchioness Deng was going to kill him, so he immediately went to the government office and told everything to the senior officer Zhao Liren. He simply thought that Zhao Liren could help him save Mu Nanzhi, but the officer just came up with another idea. Zhao Liren went to see Marchioness Deng and asked for a large sum of money to keep the secret and kill the Taoist priest for her. He was afraid that someone would notice it if he killed the Tao priest in the prison. So he told two trusted men to take the Taoist priest out and kill him in an empty alley. Unexpectedly, they were found by the guard troop and were caught on spot.

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Emperor got furious for that and make an order to kill Zhao Liren and Marchioness Deng immediately. Marquis Zhongyuan failed to manage his home well and allowed his wife to commit such a crime, so he was demoted as Viscount Buren while Buren meant heartless.

Naturally, the marriage between the young prince and Mu Nanzhi fell through. To comfort Mu Nanzhi, who was too frightened to get out of bed, Emperor improved her position to high-ranking princess and expanded the scope of her administration from one thousand and two hundred families to two thousand families..

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It was at the end of the twelfth lunar month of the eighteenth year of Jiasheng.

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As the event of Marchioness Deng finished, Xie Lun had a few free days, after which he became busy again. He always worked hard all night long. As soon as it was dark, he would go out to search for more information.

Du Heng entered the study with a pot of hot tea in his hand, sighing. “Great General has been in the capital city for half a month. Emperor refuses to meet him. And even those officers of both the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of War are not willing to see him. Xie Lun worked two whole nights and went to all officers’ homes to collect information in the past two days. All information suggests that Great General will get nothing back.”

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