It All Comes Down to This.

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“Did you scare them too much?”

I didn’t mean to, though.

You see, I was smiling and laughing the whole time, wasn’t I?

My husband snickered at me and sat down on the chair next to me.

“So, are you really not going to do anything?”

“Who knows? What do you think? There are times when misfortunes come in pairs, so I can’t say anything about it.”

“You’re quite right.”

Husband didn’t ask me if I was interested in anything more than that.

But yes, maybe when the family business suddenly went bankrupt, or suffered an unfortunate investment loss, ―― You never know how life would turn out.

That was exactly what happened to me when I married the Duke of Lindbeld.

“By the way, are you alright?”

“I’ve convinced him. I hope he likes his new home.”

“I’m sure he’ll be happy to do it. It’s just right for someone who always wanted to control everything.”

When I was facing Elise at the tea party, my husband was confronting Rockdell.

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I had no idea what they talked about, but he introduced Rockdell to his new workplace.

His new destination was the Count of Verdigo’s family.

Currently, there was a successor to Ragnard in the Count of Verdigo’s family, but he was from the current Count’s father’s side and never asked Ragnard to teach him.

Of course, Ragnard didn’t want to teach someone with such a character. When Ragnato quit, he was all too happy that he could finally do as he pleased.

However, reality hit him. The two people who had been working for him had left, and he’d been overwhelmed with a lot of unfamiliar work, so he couldn’t seem to steer the ship.

Ragnard received a letter from the top saying that they could rehire him under him, but Ragnard had already transferred completely to my husband.

Instead, Ragnard introduced Rockdell to them, thinking that it was just Rockdell, who had a desire to control everything with his own hands, was just right for the job. 

Rockdell also accepted the offer, thinking it would be better than ending up like this.

But was everything really alright?

I couldn’t believe that a former chief steward, who was well versed in the affairs of the Lindbeld duchy, was introduced to another nobleman.

“It’s not like he knows much. He was educated with my father in the first place, so that’s about it. Even if he can do the job, he can only do a few things, and he hasn’t been educated in the deeper aspects of the Lindbeld dukedom.”

What a dismal evaluation.

My husband’s grandfather, who gave up on my father-in-law early on, naturally provided only a modest education to the butler who assisted him.

Of course, he could have raised and trained Rockdell well, but his grandfather reckoned that his character was too dangerous.

And unfortunately, he was the only one in the family of butlers who could be the successor of the previous butler back then.

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It was really a tough time for them due to the lack of human resources. As a matter of fact, the Duke’s domain was the one that suffered the most from the epidemic at that time.

Many of the best talents were sent to various places and ended up losing their lives in the process.

Those who survived were also sent to the imperial court, starting with the most talented.

As a result, there was a shortage of human resources in various positions.

Assigning an incompetent person in the position of the chief steward was foolish. For this reason, teaching Rockdell was kept at a minimum, and a lot of things were put on the back burner, waiting for the time when my husband could take his place and choose someone worthy.

That must have been a lot of work, eh, Husband?

He was doing a job that was left to posterity.

“That’s why an experienced butler who can do the job is greatly appreciated…I’d like to thank you for introducing me to Ragnard.”

“I don’t mind. I’ve always wanted an ally too.”

I know exactly who my enemy is, you know?

“Come on, don’t say that.”

My husband tugged at me without warning, and I wobbled toward him.

With a thud, I collapsed into his chest and was trapped in his arms. When I looked up to question what he was up to, I saw a mischievous smile on his face.

I felt an ominous premonition, but it was too late.

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My husband’s beautiful face loomed over me. I couldn’t even resist, when he kissed me. 

I went rigid from head to toe, but I couldn’t do anything because of the hug.

On top of that, my stance was unfavorable.

I was pulled out of my chair, so my knees were on the ground.

I couldn’t do anything when I was trapped from above.

“Nng! Wh――!”

The moment my lips were released, I screamed in protest, but they were sealed again, and this time something slimy entered me.

“Haa! Nnn!!”

My husband’s unrelenting kisses, for the first time, threw me for a loop, and I gradually lost my senses.

Before I completely lost consciousness, my husband let me go, but I lost all strength and could not stand straight.

He picked me up in his arms and sat me on his lap.

I was left to my own devices, and in a daze, I rested my head on my husband’s chest.

“You look your age when you do that.”

I glared at my chuckling husband, but he licked away the tears that had welled up in the corners of my eyes.

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“What the heck are you doing?!!”

“Ragnard advised us to do it when we were alone, so I did. Madam? But still, your reaction is so artless, it makes me intrigued…I lied about what I said at the time, but I think I understand why my father is so enamored with young women.”

Innocent… shut up, it was my very first time! 

Please take responsibility as a gentleman for kissing a maiden without her permission! ―― No, you don’t have to take responsibility, just give me some consolation fee!

From the onset, as I have said many times before, we are not in this kind of relationship!

If you’re frustrated, please take your frustration elsewhere.

My husband didn’t give a damn about my glares and instead incorrigibly kissed my temples.

“Alright, keep up the good work, Risha.”

Don’t be ridiculous, Mister.

I don’t want anything like this to ever happen again!

And please, raise my living standards to a decent level!

Especially food!


T/N: Tsk, why do I feel like this is going downhill??? I really liked the start…Risha should just shout her inner musings

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