Naps and Temporary Goodbyes

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 Seriously, I’m a little lost after hearing all this. It’s not the same as a crossbred, artificially created beast.

 Domesticated animals may have a little bit of a temperament, but that’s an individual thing, and I don’t think they have the power to seriously harm people.

 However, this pup has lived in the wild.

 I don’t know how the pup was brought to this country, but its wild instincts are stronger than any other pup.

 He may be small now, but as my husband says, he can be a threat if he gets serious.


“Before I go any further, I’m against it. It’s dangerous to keep a beast that could eventually become a vermin capable of killing even people around. It is over two meters long and weighs quite a lot. If such a beast were to attack you, you would have no choice but to die.”

“But…it’s very quiet.”

“Risha, it’s quiet now, but you can’t tell what it will do in the future. I’ve never heard of any cases of Vancouries harming people, but that’s just because I’ve never heard of it. I don’t really know.”


 There are many aspects about this specie that we have no knowledge of.

 Taking it lightly just because it’s just too cute will only get you hurt.


 I stared at the pup in my lap.

 His blue eyes that were staring back at me, as if sensing something, were shining with a very mysterious color.

 Besides, the truth is ――…


“If I could, I would return it to his mother.”


 If it was smuggled in, maybe his mother is looking for it.

 At this young age, it’s too early for him to be separated from his parents. He’s probably still at the age where he wants to be spoiled by his mother.


“I just don’t know if they’ll accept him again after being separated from his parents, albeit forcibly.”

“As long as they’re living in the wild, they can’t keep waiting and worrying about a lost child, can they?”

“Still, if it’s possible…”

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 I lost my mother when I was a child.

 So, I wanted him to be pampered and protected more.

 When I think of how difficult it must have been for this little body to get here after being separated from his mother, it breaks my heart.


 My husband patted me on the head as if he was soothing a child.


“It is difficult to go to a neighboring country and enter their habitat, but it isn’t impossible. If we file a formal request, they will at least let us visit. This year is supposedly their shearing period, and it’s exactly right around this time of year. In case you’ve forgotten, this is the dukedom of a great nation. A mere King of a small country cannot refuse.”


 Un, you’re amazing, Husband.

 Honestly, I’ve almost forgotten about it…


 I don’t really feel it, but it’s times like this that I realize how influential I am.

 Since my husband answered with full confidence, I felt that the Dukes of Lindbeld is indeed as powerful as a small country.

 And since our backer is our country, which is a major power, it is certainly scary to refuse us.

 Although wars and armed conflicts are not popular nowadays, the difference in military power is so great that if our country wanted to, it could eliminate one or two small countries.


 So, the head of the Duke of Lindbeld’s family. I’d like to confirm something, can I?


“Um, are you suggesting that we use force?”


 It can’t be, right? You wouldn’t do that, would you?

 Everyone looked at me.


“By no means, if we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it thoroughly. This time I have a plan.”

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“A plan…?”


 Something suspicious suddenly settled in the air…or is it my imagination?


“Why are you looking at me suspiciously? What do you think I’ll do? I’m basically a pacifist, except that I don’t condone anyone who opposes me.”

“Pacifist, you say…?”


 Everyone agreed with Michel, except for Ragnard.

 My husband seems incredibly unwilling, but does he realize that pacifism is not a word that fits him at all?

 I mean, his face alone doesn’t exude pacifism at all.


“That aside, are you okay with that, Risha?”

“What do you mean?”

“You can’t take naps when we go to the neighboring countries.”

“I know.”


 However, I love to take naps after lunch.

 In fact, I usually get sleepy these days. Perhaps, my body has just got into the habit.

 My husband gently touched my cheek.


“Well, your complexion is great. You’re in much better shape than when we first met.”

“…My life has improved since.”


 It took a lot of work to improve my life, though, didn’t it?

 When I think back on it, I still felt a bit angry with the husband…


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“Now, since Risha says there’s no problem, I’ll accept some long-standing official business.”


“If we’re going to a neighboring country anyway, why not? Since you insist on keeping this guy, I’ll let you keep him to your heart’s content.”



 What do you mean?

 Michel and Diego shook their heads at my gaze, while Ragnard gently handed me a letter.

 The seal had already been opened, but I looked at the seal stamped on the wax and slowly looked up at my husband.


 I hope my mouth didn’t look cramped.


“Er…what’s this?”

“It’s a gift from the Emperor.”

“O-Of course you were going to decline, weren’t you?”


 I had to force myself to keep my hands from shaking as I stared at that stamped seal once more.

 It definitely belonged to a neighboring imperial family.


“It wasn’t anything special or important, so I was going to decline. However, since Risha is motivated, I’ll take it. Don’t tell me you thought you can go to a neighboring country just like that, as if on a trip?”


 Yeah, I did, so what?


 Perhaps, my feelings showed all over my face.

 I had never been out of the country in the past, so I was envisioning a short trip.


“Risha, for the record, do you really think that a member of the Lindbeld dukedom can leave the country so easily? You’ll be treated as a state guest. In case you forgot, the Dukes of Lindbeld are the closest relatives to the royal family. So, if the royal family is short on manpower, they may approach us.”

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 Husband, did you just emphasize ‘manpower shortage’?


“Did you know that thanks to the self-serving actions of someone, somewhere, one member of the royal family is gone?”


 Uh, that…

 Yes, I know about that.

 Hey, there, Michel! What’s with the ‘I had nothing to do with it’ look?


“As a matter of fact, the imperial family has also asked me to arrange a big wedding reception banquet. It’s a great opportunity to have a social gathering abroad. We don’t have to prepare for it, and just invite a bunch of people from other countries. That’s great, Risha. You’ll enjoy yourself more without having to host it here.”


 Enjoy myself, really?


 Husband…from the start, even without this, you were thinking of foreign diplomacy, weren’t you?


 Besides, you just said I can take my time easily, but a party like a wedding reception is an evening party hosted by men, you know?

 I’m somewhat involved, but it’s mainly your job to make decisions, Husband!

 You just want to reduce your own workload, don’t you?


 I glared at the master who took away my nap time and smoothly reduced his own workload. He must have been planning to take away my nap time even without this incident.


 I can’t blame him, though, because I volunteered to give up my nap this time, but now he’s definitely thinking that he killed two birds with one stone.


 It’s going to take you a lot more to gain my trust, Husband!

Translator Note: I’m not quite sure if I translated this one right, but this one 披露目の席 came up as wedding reception…or just a reception banquet??? (-‸ლ)

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