Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1116: 1116

Everyone can see that the closed door suddenly opens from inside, and sucang is standing at the door. Su Dafu just turned around and cut with a sickle. Because there was no gate to stop him, he came directly to sucang.

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Not far away, Su Yongqiang and they were shocked to see such a situation

Su Dafu, however, with a crazy sneer on his face, looked at Su Tang and said, "you son of a bitch, I don't want to shrink my head, right? Give your father silver, or I'll kill you!"

As he spoke, he did not take back the sickle in his hand. Instead, he came straight to Su Tang's front door. Jiang Nian's eyes flashed a little worried, but still did not move.

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When Su Tang sees Su Dafu like this, he seems to be shocked. As soon as Su Yongqiang and Su Yongshun see this, they all run to Su Dafu to stop him.

But no matter how fast they run, they also need time. Seeing that Su Dafu's sickle in his hand immediately cuts into Su Tang's face, "Su Dafu, you can't let go, tangnier is a good Princess appointed by his majesty. You can't hurt her!"

Su Yongqiang at this time did not care about the promise to keep secret. If Su Dafu really hurt the princess, all of them in Sujiatun would be affected.

Su Dafu would not stop because Su Yongqiang said this: "if she were a princess, I would be the king of heaven!"

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Su Dafu didn't intend to hurt sucang. If sucang died, he would put the sickle on sucang's neck to threaten him.

The plan was very good, but I didn't expect that sickle was out of control and went to the front door of sucang noodles, but suddenly stopped when she touched sucang's face. Xuanxuan book bar

Su Yongqiang and Su Yongshun also came here at this time. They saw that Su Tangbai Nen's fingers grasped Su Dafu's elbow, making him unable to move at all.

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Su sugar hands a force, Su Dafu's hand a bang, and then there is a cry of Su Dafu, his sickle fell to the ground, he also covered his arm and squatted down.

Sucang's strength is very strong, but she usually doesn't go out of her way to perform or do work that requires strength. Therefore, no one knows about it except herself and orange cat.

Now Su Yongqiang and Su Yongshun, when they see Su Tang's expressionless appearance, they are all subconsciously shivering.

Jiang Nian looked at Su Dafu, who was crouching on the ground and howling, with obvious anger on his face. "You Sujiatun are so brave that they even get together to murder the princess. Are you afraid of your Majesty's surrender?"

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Jiang Nian's words seem simple, but they have brought the whole Sujiatun together. Su Yongqiang let his people control Su Dafu, the culprit. Now hearing Jiang Nian's words, he knelt down and said, "the grass people dare not!"

Seeing Jiang Nian like this, and what Su Yongqiang said just now, Su Laixi and Su Fu'an had contact with Su Tang, but they didn't know that sucang belonged to the princess in advance. They were all a little confused by "Daddy, how did Tanggu become a princess?"

Su Yongshun saw that they didn't know, so he quickly went over and pulled them to "kneel down to see the princess's wife!"

After saying that, Su Yongshun also looked at Su Tang's expressionless face. "Princess, Madame, this is Su Dafu's own action. We Sujiatun has no intention of murdering the princess. We will come here to catch Su Dafu and don't want to bring trouble to the princess's wife!"

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