Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1133: 1133

From the beginning, the boy seemed to hate the family.

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Su Tang believed that he had also had expectations for his family. However, he was disappointed again and again and was hurt again and again. Only when he finally realized that these people were not his family members, they were only dependent on his sister.

Clearly hate this family, because the elder sister's words, also did not resist, also because now sucang came, followed the elder sister to leave.

No matter once loved, or hated, by this time, everything has a result.

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Su Nuo was stunned when he heard his sister talk about it. He knew about the family's report about his sister. Later, the family was punished. Then he followed Fang Xiaowen to study. Fang Xiaowen didn't know that these people were Sunuo's former family members. Naturally, he didn't pay attention to them.

So now when he heard sucang say it, he knew the final result.

He froze for a while, and finally sighed, "sister, I know that the result is very good.

But I still have some bad taste in my heart. Sister, why do you think it is because my sister and I have done something wrong, or we are not good-looking and can't do anything, or we don't know how to please. Why don't they like us?

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My husband recently taught me that I read fast and smart. But why am I so smart? They are not willing to Love me? "

At the end of the day, the boy was choking, tears were swirling in his eyes, and he didn't wipe it. "I know my sister doesn't like me like this. I shouldn't cry for them. They're not worth it, but I don't understand. I can't think of it!" Sister Literature Network

This is the knot that this young boy has been holding in his heart for many years. In fact, these questions have also appeared in Su Tang's own mind. Why is she not smart enough, not beautiful, not cute enough, or not healthy enough? Why doesn't her parents love her.

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She is also confused and can't think of it. But when she grew up, she realized that "xiaonuo, you know, there are many people in the world, not all of them are qualified to be parents.

Our mother gave birth to us and died, which is not her wish. She gave us life with her own life. We should believe that she loves us very much, right?

It's just that she left, and she couldn't continue to love us. But you see, we have suffered so much, and we are beginning to live a good life. Mother, she must be protecting us from the bottom, so there is the river god, so we are getting better and better. "

Su Tang can't tell a child less than nine years old what human nature is, so she can only use such language to tell him that no one loves him.

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"As for Su Dafu, he is not worthy of being a father. He just loves himself more than he loves us or others. He is just a selfish man.

Do you know why Wu killed him? Because he had been beating Wu and had two children. When Wu was caught by the yamen, her two children, her elder sister was black and blue, her younger brother had already died. Even Su Sanshou and Zhang's children did not escape the poison.

So in fact, he only loves himself. All his behaviors of loving others are just to satisfy himself, not just to love us. "

Sucang doesn't want this child to feel that no one loves him in the world, and that his relatives don't love him, so he is confused and distressed in his heart, so he will give an example like this.

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