Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1139: 1139

Although Su Tang is not in Qingzhuo County, she also got the news here. Looking at the Bauhinia, she also nodded with a smile, "then I'll wait!"

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Bauhinia heard Su sugar promise, also happy, after saluting with sucang, continued to go busy.

"You don't know how many people came here to try to poach her in the past six months. As a result, you know that they are the servants who have signed the contract of sale. They are willing to redeem her at a high price, or they want to marry her into the house. Thanks to the girl's sincerity to you, she has not wavered."

When Luo Xingchen said it, she still admired Su Tang. All the servants bought by Su Tang were extremely loyal to her. If Bauhinia was a good skill, if she was redeemed, where could she be short of a good life in the future, but so many people came to visit, she did not let go.

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When Su Tang heard her saying this, she took a look at the back of the Bauhinia and then laughed, "she is an official slave. In her early years, she always had some knowledge in Pei's mansion. She has seen it everywhere. Where can those people coax her away with a few words?"

Bauhinia is not a dull person. When she saw how she was a demon in the Duke of Pei, the girl was still willing to follow Su Tang. It shows that although she can't be nice, she has a bright mind and is very smart.

Although it may be risky to follow sucang, it's the people you know and contact. Who knows what it's like to sell it to others. If you don't follow sucang, you'll always be able to get a little bit of temper. A little girl's brain won't be able to do that. You can understand this carefully.

Luo Xingchen heard Su sugar say so, also smile nod "you see, which have stupid."

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But I also admire sucang's wisdom and rationality. She doesn't think that these servants are because of her personality charm or the domineering spirit of the protagonist, so they are conquered by her and used by her.

Where is human nature so simple? In the final analysis, no matter who the emperor is, or a common servant, all are human beings and have their own thoughts. Peerless Tang clan

Even the servants who sell themselves as slaves don't push people to the bottom line, so that people can live a good life with clear rewards and punishments. Naturally, most of them are OK. Besides, if the orange cat is able to distinguish the nature, the people under Su Tang's hands will be easy to use.

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Luo Xingchen and sucang enter the main room. The room is warm with charcoal fire. A little girl brings up two cups of hot milk tea and puts them down. Jiang Nian and Sulan see that they have arrived at the place. They take the two girls to take them out. They want to clean up the bedroom and study for sucang, so as not to live in a bad mood.

"You two girls are also good, that is thirty liang?" There were only two of them left in the room, Luo Xingchen said.

"What thirty Liang, people are su LAN!" Su sugar saw her say so, glanced at her and said.

Luo Xingchen also laughs, "no wonder Hu Daniao is so scared."

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"I haven't seen you for months. Where do you learn these twists and turns?" Said that the Su LAN looks average, also can be so circuitous.

"Don't do wrong to others. Who else can I learn from besides you?" Luo Xingchen was said to be not angry, on the winding, who can be compared to a sugar demon ah.

"Yes, I do not wrong others, I wronged you!" Su sugar did not have a good temper of white her one eye, "how is the department store now, how many goods have been settled?"

After a little joke, sucang asked about the department store for the first time.

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