Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1160: 1160

When Gu Shi heard his son introduce Su Tang like this, he had a polite smile on his face, but his voice was a little surprised. "Qian'er didn't tell me before that the shop next door was run by a young master Luo. Why is this Miss Su?"

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Gu's words seem to be confused about Qin Qian's introduction, but in fact, he is questioning the identity of Su Tang.

Before, all the people in Qingzhuo County knew that it was Luo Gongzi who took over the Shijia warehouse. Now a little girl of this age suddenly came and said that she was the boss of the shop.

A little girl of this age, but claimed to be the boss of such a big shop. With Su Tang's appearance, Gu said that Luo Xingchen could feel many women's eyes and eyes around him.

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Looking at Su Tang's eyes is even more sour. Before the girls in Qingzhuo County, their dream was Qin Qian, a beautiful boy. Later Luo Xingchen came to Qingzhuo county. Her superior appearance and soft appearance were totally different from Tan Qian's weak appearance. On the contrary, they were energetic and good-looking, which attracted many girls' attention.

If it hadn't been for Luo Xingchen's plain clothes and filial piety, someone would have asked a matchmaker to come. As a result, a su Tang suddenly came. He and Luo Xingchen were obviously not brothers and sisters, but they were so familiar. Naturally, some people would discuss their relationship in private.

It's just that the matter is not on the table, so everyone is talking about it in private. Gu's question at this time, though not direct, is tantamount to bringing these questions to the surface.

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"This two legged beast..." Orange cat is lying on Su sugar's shoulder to watch the fun. After the space level is high, it can actually be seen. It just feels that it is convenient to be invisible, so it always follows sucang.

Now it is much more sensitive than it was at the beginning, so Gu began to speak. His inner thoughts were sensed by him. He realized that the other party didn't look down on his master. The orange cat was very angry. The master selected by the Lord beast himself is of course the best. Hacker Novels

Even if Su Tang doesn't have the ability to read the heart of an orange cat, it's not difficult to see from Gu's that she is not good at herself. When she hears Gu's question, Su Tang glances at Tan Qian.

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I saw the young man in his mother's question, his face flashed embarrassment, looking at his eyes with a bit of guilt.

Su Tang sipped her lips when she saw him like this, and then looked at Gu's family. "It was Mrs. Qin's family. I didn't know that the Qin family was even critical of its neighbors. It's really offensive for a little girl to open a shop next to the Qin family."

As soon as Qin Qian heard about his mother, he knew that she had misunderstood him. He was not in good health since he was young. In order to protect him, his mother has been managing the women around him very strictly. He is good-looking. Before that, there were some unpretentious girls who rushed to work and even calculated. His mother also protected him.

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However, Qin Qian knew that Su Tang was not such a woman. On the contrary, Su Tang hated him the first time he met him. After that, he basically didn't show any special attitude towards him. Instead, he was very indifferent.

Qin Qian himself thinks that the two stores are neighbors. He can get familiar with them gradually. How can he know that his mother's opening will directly offend people.

The most important thing is that Tan Qian knows that Su Tang is not a girl who endures all the time. Her mother is afraid that she will kick the iron plate this time.

Just want to say how to persuade his mother to go back to the Qin's warehouse first, Su Tang spoke here, and there was no accident at all. He was not polite at all.

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