Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1171: 1171

Because Qingzhuo county is by the sea, glass products can be seen here, but not very often. It's even more rare that Sutang can get a counter directly.

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Because of its high value, the arrangement just like this completely shows the standard and consumption of the teahouse itself.

After Qin Qian went upstairs, he was already very surprised. Before that, no one would have thought that someone would do such a teahouse here, and the decoration style was simple and generous, with unique food and storytellers on the stage.

I have never heard of a unique story that attracts people's attention. We should know that these people who come to celebrate the opening of the business are basically businessmen from Qingzhuo county.

Because of its geographical location, Qingzhuo county has frequent exchanges with overseas countries. These businessmen are different from those in the inland. They have much more knowledge. However, these arrangements of Sutang can attract these people, which is really very unusual.

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"Are these desserts from the dessert bar? It seems that I haven't seen them before?" Qin Qian saw the ice cream and asked.

"This is a new product. I call it ice cream. It's only sold in teahouses. Qin Shao is interested in tasting it?" Answer him, it's sugar.

Although because of Qin Qian, Su Tang has a little tangled up with the complicated relationship between herself and Marius, but business can not be mixed with any other emotions. It is a business person's ability to introduce goods to customers.

"Naturally, I'm interested, but I'm afraid I can't stand it. Miss Su, why don't you recommend it, which is better?" When Qin Qian heard Su Tang introduce himself, he asked her with a smile.

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"My things, of course, are delicious." Sucang said directly that she made it because she thought it was delicious.

After saying that, Su sugar said with the attendant who was guarding here, "use a small spoon to make a ball for every two flavors of Qin Shao." 52 literature

In fact, ice cream is not difficult to make. In this era, the more troublesome problem is freezing and heat preservation. Fortunately, at this time, saltpeter ice making is very popular.

Sucang sells ice cream in teahouses. Naturally, the price is not cheap. There are two sizes of ice cream balls, one is small, the other is 200 Wen, and the other is large. Basically, it is not much different from modern ice cream balls. One is 500 Wen.

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It's a luxury, but sucan uses good things and can't be sold at a low price.

Because it is more expensive, the ice cream in teahouses can be made of two flavors, one small ball, and the other four flavors. If it is too much, it will not work. If it is so big, it can't make more.

Qin Qian said that he couldn't eat much. He also asked Su Tang for recommendation. He said that he was recommended. He asked Su Tang what he liked. Instead, he asked the waiter to spell all the flavors for him.

The waiter is also the servant of Su Tang's death contract. He has done special training in advance. After hearing sucang's words, he decisively put three balls in a white porcelain plate and handed them to Qin Qian.

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Seeing this, he quickly reached out to take it over

Qin Qian's body is really not good, this kind of cold things, really can't eat more, know what the boy wants to say, Qin Qian waved "nothing, I know."

"Miss Su is really good at business. The teahouse is full of surprises. I think the future will surely be gold."

"Then I'll borrow Qin Shaoji's words!" Hearing this, sucang is still very happy, making money is happy.

Qin Qian saw that Su Tang's attitude was much softer, and then invited him, "I wonder if I could ask Miss Su to sit down?"

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