Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1185: 1185

Fu Yi is also very good. When he was in charge of the imperial examination, it was Song Yi who presided over it. In general, all the people who took part in the imperial examination in those years should call Song Yi a seat master.

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This relationship between teachers and students is certainly not better than that of serious apprenticeship. However, in official circles, this is even a relationship that can be used to make up for one's voice. Now, Fu Yi's saying so is obviously courting.

Su Tang, of course, could see that he was actively courting him. He also said, "it's a coincidence that Fu was supervised by a teacher in the imperial examination."

Fu Yi didn't follow his advice, but he didn't refuse directly. When he heard that, Fu Yi took a look at Su Tang's delicate and bright face.

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After knowing that Su Tang was a good princess, Fu Yi was not curious why the little Duke of Pei's mansion was so obsessed. Now that Su Tang was dealing with himself, he felt even more deeply that a little peasant girl could become a close disciple of emperor Song Yi and be named a princess. Indeed, it was not luck that a little peasant girl could become a close disciple of emperor Song Yi.

Fu Yi didn't think that he could get on with the relationship this time. Since Su Tang came to visit and did business in Qingzhuo County, he would have some opportunities to show his friendship in the future. Don't worry.

"It's true. I don't know if the good princess is looking for the lower officer this time?" Fu Yiguan did a good job and was smart. He didn't say anything about the scene at this time. He asked the key points directly.

Su Tang met him and asked, so he said, "it's not a big deal. Lord Fu knows that our county has opened two shops in our county to earn a few pocket money. I'm here to visit him today. If you can, I'd like to help you take care of the shops in our County. I'd like to thank you very much."

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Sucang also directly explained her requirements. In fact, she thought that neither of them was in the shop. If there was something wrong with them and a local official was there, there would be no big deal. Huaxiu Chinese

If Fu Yi is really sincere, I believe it will only be more attentive. Su Tang doesn't appreciate Fu Yi's private life, but mature people will know that we can't only look at people on one side.

If the private life is not handled well, sucang will not be too close. However, as a cooperator, Fu Yi may not be a bad one. In any case, he will not be a close cooperator.

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Fu Yi thought that Sutang was asking him to help, but he didn't expect that it was this one. His tone was very relaxed. "It's this, princess. Please rest assured. I'll try my best."

After hearing this, Su Tang laughed, "thank you very much."

Fu Yi was also polite, and tried to ask a few questions about the imperial court and the Lord song. However, he saw that Su Tang was so mean that he only knew how to do business.

His mouth is very strict. Fu Yi can't get anything important from Sutang. He can't tell whether sucang knows or doesn't know. Anyway, sucang is very different from the legendary image in the capital.

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But regardless of whether he knows it or not, Fu Yi also knows that Su Tang is a rare opportunity that he can seize at the moment. To gain trust, it is not enough to meet twice once. So he chatted for a second, and when he saw Suchang's attitude, he didn't ask much.

He knows the current affairs so well that Su Tang can save time. After a while, when the time is almost over, Su Tang and Fu Yi have a word and go to the backyard to attend Mrs. Fu's flower appreciation party.

When Fu Yi sees that Su Tang has left, he thinks for a moment and quickly asks the boy to go to the backyard. "Please come over and say I have something important to say."

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