Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 124: 124

After they were bought back by Sutang, they realized that there was only their sister and brother in Sutang's family. It seemed that Sutang had a teacher who taught her to read. However, Zhang Cuilan and mint only knew that there was this person, and they didn't know who they were.

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As for their courtyard, only a few of them have ever been in contact with each other, and no one has ever visited them. It is naturally surprising that someone knocked at the door today.

"Miss?" Zhang Cuilan stood up from the yard, ready to enter the door to ask Su sugar, just saw her also opened the curtain to go out, then asked.

"Open the door!" Hearing sucang say so, Zhang Cuilan rushed to open the door, sucang also followed in the past.

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When he opened the door, he saw a familiar face. The young man was stunned when he saw Zhang Cuilan open the door. As a result, when he saw sucang, he saw a smile on his face and bowed down.

"I've met Miss Su. Our second young master delayed some things on the way, so I asked the younger one to pick up the goods. I don't know how much soap Miss Su has made these days. Seeing that it's getting cold, er Shao tells us that we can take advantage of the waterway to carry more soap out a year ago..."

As soon as Su Tang saw the arrival, she felt familiar. It was the entourage who had been with Luo Xingchen before. She was about to speak when she saw a line of "be careful of this man" on the head of the orange cat lying on the top of the door

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Su Tang, who wanted to let people in to pick up the goods, was immediately awed by Su Tang. He only saw him riding a horse alone. He seemed very anxious. The horses around him were a little impatient and tired. He had red blood in his eyes.

Seeing this, Su Tang also laughed, "it turns out that it's the Yongwang little brother around Luo Er Shao. What's the delay of Luo Er Shao? Didn't you encounter any danger?" Read books

Seeing Su Tang, he didn't invite himself in, so he exchanged greetings with himself at the door. Yongwang also tried to cover up his anxious expression and continued to say, "thank you, Miss Su. We are not in any danger, but the weather is getting colder and he is not hardy. So we let the little one come to pick up the goods in advance, so as not to delay the time of making money."

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This Yongwang said so, but Su Tang saw that he just looked impatient. He didn't really mean to say such a thing. Moreover, Su Tang clearly remembers that Luo Xingchen said when she was talking to her alone that she grew up as a man.

Her mother was afraid that she did not look like a boy. She had specially asked her to learn martial arts in order to have a strong body. Luo Xingchen came out at the age of 12 and began to help her family do business. As the second young master of the Luo family in Beikou, she crossed the North many times. How could she be so spoiled.

Although looking thin and weak, Luo Xingchen's body is quite good. This Yongwang said so in front of her. If she is multi-minded, won't she think that Luo Xingchen doesn't attach importance to the cooperation between them?

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Su Tang thought about it carefully and sneered in her heart. It was really interesting!

"I think Luo Er Shao's body is weak. It's OK. It's just that it takes time to make this soap. If the weather is good, it's all done at this time. But these days are always cloudy, and it's getting colder. I'm afraid it'll take a few more days to get better."

Su Tang casually made an excuse. She wanted to see what the play was today.

When Yongwang heard Su Tang say this, he was worried again. "Miss Su doesn't have any goods in her hand, and there are the details of the two soy sauce businesses. The second young master also specially explained the small one, and talked about the details with Miss Su again..."

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