Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1269: 1269

"Not only that, many servants still resent the Zhou family in their hearts, and some even directly believe that it was Duke Pei who killed Zhou.

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Because Duke Pei had been married to the Zhou family for many years, he had been fighting Japanese pirates in the front line. He could not come back several times a year, and most of them did not live in Zhou's courtyard.

Zhou has always had a bad temper before, and the servants all said that she was out of favor. "

Sure enough, the oppression is too cruel. People's inner drama is very rich. Orange cat, who loves gossip, has satisfied his curiosity and heard a lot.

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"Why do you think Zhou killed Duke Pei?" Su Tang also raised eyebrows when he heard that Duke Pei and the Zhou family had a bad relationship. If so, Zhou's child came here by a coincidence. After five months of gestation, the fetus was stable. Then Duke Pei died.

It's just like to say, Duke Pei doesn't need Duke Pei any more. As long as there is a person with good control, it's very clear who is behind Zhou when Su Tang sips his mouth.

But there must be a reason why the servants are so suspicious of Zhou. Su Tang wants to know more about it.

"Because Duke Pei didn't like Zhou, she was pregnant, and her children would have a chance to inherit the palace when Duke Pei died. So many servants think that Duke Pei killed him.

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Most of the servants are speculators, but I have also seen several special servants. One is the young man who used to guard the door of the study of the Duke of PEI. He said that he saw Zhou's family quarrel with PEI Guogong in his study last year, and vaguely heard the topic of aristocratic son or something. " 163TXT

Sure enough, orange cat is more useful than any other. After Duke Pei's accident, the servants in the mansion all have the will to suspect Zhou. It can only be said that the relationship between Zhou and Duke Pei is not good. In other words, Duke Pei has never thought of covering up and has not done any superficial Kung Fu. That's why the servants are so suspicious.

However, emotional doubt is not enough, and there is not enough evidence. What orange cat said next is the key servants.

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"This young man is very sure that Zhou is going to kill Duke Pei. Besides him, there are also several servant girls in the yard of Duke Pei.

Because five months ago, Duke Pei, who was supposed to be fighting Japanese pirates on the front line, suddenly returned to his house and lived in his study. However, a very special event happened that night. Zhou took the initiative to greet Duke Pei and stayed down that night.

The two were married. The servants didn't think so. But the servants saw that Duke Pei had a big fight with Zhou the next day and left with a black face. Once again, there was news of Duke Pei, which was the news of his death. "

When Su Tang saw this place, she also understood that "so that was the last time Zhou and Duke Pei met?"

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Orange cat admits, "yes, according to the thought of the people in the mansion, that's it."

"Well, she was really lucky. The last time she met, she had a child, and she had no news of her marriage for more than two years. However, just once, she got caught and left the blood of Duke Pei. It's really a coincidence!"

Su Tang is full of sarcasm. Otherwise, she doesn't want to be shameless. This move is too straightforward. She treats people like a fool. If Zhou didn't rely on her, Su Tang would not believe her if she passed away for a while.

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