Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1275: 1275

Those servants who were still silent and despairing just now reacted. Then they rushed up like crazy and knocked down those servants who were not ordered by sucang and tied them up.

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There are also a few 10-year-old girls and boys running out to take a lot of hemp rope out, those Zhou's vassals naturally want to resist.

But those who have been oppressed for too long, and even have relatives died in these people's hands, are also oppressed for too long. At this time, because Sutang has the opportunity to revenge, they all fight hard.

Soon, the courtyard was in a mess, and the housekeeper Lao Zhang looked at this scene, and he was also a little tongue tied: "princess, this..."

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"Even a few servants can't clean up. What's the use of the governor's office?" Su sugar see someone can resist, and roared at these servants.

Then he turned to look at the housekeeper, "what did the housekeeper say just now?"

I don't know why. The girl's expression in front of her is light and her tone is very relaxed. But at this time, the housekeeper feels that her back is cold, and he shakes his head.

Su Tang's words are obviously very inspiring. Those servants who can finally resist are more and more cruel, and the situation turns over. Su Tang looks at it and estimates that after a while all the people can be controlled, and then he continues to sit down and talk to the housekeeper.

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"There is not much knowledge in this county, and I don't know much. It happens that I have to ask the housekeeper what to do with this disobedient and disobedient servant. Especially, those who are close to the master know more than ordinary servants."

Su Tang's lips curled up when she spoke, and her tone was light and flowing. But Lao Zhang clearly recognized the coolness in these simple words. 16 reading

He also saw that the people Su Tang bound up were basically Zhou's, some of them were brought by Zhou's marriage, some were originally Pei's government, but they were subordinated to Zhou's family for the sake of benefit.

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When he heard sucang ask him this again, the housekeeper Lao Zhang suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Tang. He only saw the girl with a beautiful face sitting there, but it was unfathomable.

It was clear that she had only arrived at the governor's house today, even for a few hours, but she seemed to have seen everything clearly.

This good princess is definitely not the vulgar peasant girl in the legend before. Lao Zhang sighed in his heart. No wonder his grandfather likes such a girl.

After hearing sucang's words, the housekeeper quickly replied to her, "if such servants make mistakes, the master will be able to deal with them. If they are kind people, they will not be able to send them out again. They will always save their lives and cultivate a good heart."

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"Wuwuwuwu..." When those servants who were tied up and their mouths were blocked heard the housekeeper's words, they all glared at the housekeeper Lao Zhang.

Naturally, Lao Zhang also saw these people's eyes, but as if he didn't feel it, the good Princess really didn't know how to deal with it. He just said it through his mouth.

What's more, these servants used to bully Zhou in the governor's office. They didn't know how many lives they had killed, and they were not innocent. Lao Zhang thought in his mind that to deal with such unruly slaves, we should act like a princess to frighten people.

In fact, Su Tang also means the same thing. She and Pei do not have so much time to delay these servants. Since they are standing in line to Zhou's side, they naturally have to bear the corresponding consequences. No one can do something wrong without paying the price.

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