Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1279: 1279

Thinking that it would be time to wake Pei Xuan later, she told Su LAN, "you go to the kitchen and ask for a small stove and send it to the guest room. Then she goes out and says to the housekeeper that nian'er has been out for a day, but she hasn't come back yet."

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Before Su Tang asked Jiang Nian to thank Qin Qian. It was only a matter of time to go out seriously. As a result, people haven't come back yet. Naturally, sucang has to ask.

When Su LAN heard that Su Tang was such a fan, she nodded and went to the kitchen to get the stove. However, sucang herself went back to the room where she had been resting before and locked the door into the space.

The space has always been the same, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, peaceful and peaceful. After sucang came in, she found some fresh vegetables and eggs from the warehouse, and specially made rice to clean it.

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Although Pei Xuan had a rest for three hours, after all, he had been running all the way before, and then knelt down there for two days and two nights without dripping water. No matter how good the foundation is, it can't be said that it has no effect at all.

At present, Pei Guogong is dead. As a son, he should be filial piety, and he can't eat any meat nutrition supplement. Therefore, Sutang wants to make some food with space.

Now the space has reached 83 levels. Besides the best taste before, all the products have more good effects on the body. Eating these can repair the hidden problems hidden in Pei's body before, so that he can recover to the best state.

After all, all this is just the beginning.

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Taomi, add milk and jujube stew, Su sugar is her usual menu, milk jujube porridge.

In addition, Sutang also specially made some snacks, and then made several stir fried dishes. Before that, in order to make a fool of his reputation, he had been filial piety for three years on the surface. At this time, the vegetarian food was very smooth. Fat cat novel

In the middle, Sulan came to deliver a small stove and some cooking stuff. After that, she went out to find Jiangnian. By the time Sulan found Jiang Nian and came back, Su Tang had already prepared four vegetarian dishes and porridge.

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"Miss!" When Jiang Nian comes back to see Su Tang, he salutes first.

Su Tang saw that she came back well and nodded, "take the food box and go to the green pine yard!"

Qingsongyuan is Pei Xuan's courtyard in the governor's house. After hearing this, Jiang Nian and Su LAN went to Qingsong courtyard with a food box in their hands. On the way, Su Tang asked Jiang Nian about seeing Tan Qian.

Hearing Su Tang's question, Jiang Nian told Su Tang about his meeting with Qin Qian.

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After Jiang Nian came out of the governor's house, he went straight to the inn where Qin Qian lived. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Chuyao was glaring at him. Jiang Nian was su Tang's servant girl. He always followed Su Tang and had frequent contact with him before. Seeing his expression and attitude, he probably knew what he was doing, but he still came forward.

"Hoe medicine, miss Let me come to see Qin Shao. I don't know..." Jiang Nian asked about the hoe medicine.

Before she finished the painting, she asked, "you'd better go back if you don't feel well."

This attitude is really a little hostile. Jiang Nian heard this and looked at the hoe medicine. "Miss, I have to see Qin Shao with my own eyes. Then I'll wait for Qin Shao to wake up to see me!"

"You..." I didn't expect that Jiang Nian would be so stingy and angry, and then his eyes were red. "You and your girls can only bully people. Before you cheated us, what are you going to do now? Do you continue to please and work hard for her?"

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