Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 133: 133

Seeing that it was almost over here, sucang began to cook her and Sunuo's dinner by herself. On the small stove, she sat in a casserole and dropped two drops of fresh soy sauce. The Chinese cabbage in the space was torn open by hand. The white casserole was paved with three layers. Then mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and Pleurotus eryngii were put in, followed by potatoes, white radish, tofu, and finally chopped scallion and scallion.

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Turn the fire to slow fire, cover the pot cover of the casserole, and then sucang will stand up.

Luo Xingchen, who had been following sucang, saw that sucang had covered the lid like this, and was also surprised, "is this OK? Don't you need to put the soup?"

Although Luo Xingchen can't cook, he has experience in eating everywhere. It's the first time to see such an operation. There is no water at all.

Sucang shook her head. "No

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Seeing that Zhang Cuilan's grilled fish was almost done, she took an iron pan and spread some fresh vegetables, tofu, potatoes and so on. She poured the soup bottom that had been adjusted just now, and then asked Zhang Cuilan to put the roasted fish into the stew.

Zhang Cuilan roasted this one and went on to the next. The fish was stewed in the soup for a while, and there was a knock on the door outside the yard.

Su Nuo used to open the door, and it was really "miss!"

Holding ink to salute Su sugar, Su sugar put the grilled fish in a large casserole, covered with a thick cloth to hold Mo, "at noon, I cooked rice to heat up, just eat it, look at the teacher, don't eat more food in the evening."

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Su sugar said, holding ink agreed, and then sucang turned back, "mint, you carry the soup along with the past, and then come back."

Because the grilled fish is always to eat, Su Tang is afraid that the soup will not be enough, so he asked mint to send some soup in the past. Second Chinese network

Mint heard the promise of LISO, carrying the soup with the ink out.

Luo Xingchen left her eyes looking at the roast fish that could be eaten immediately, so she left her sight. However, Su Tang made it for her teacher to eat first. She could not rob it and could only wait for the next one.

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Zhang Cuilan roasted the second one. She learned the method of Su sugar and put vegetable tofu on the bottom of the pot. Then she put down the roast fish and continued to stew.

In the casserole that Luo Xingchen thought would dry the pot before, the Chinese Cabbage under the susang was heated to release the fresh and sweet juice, which was slowly filled with the casserole and mixed with the soup of other materials, emitting a unique and fresh good taste.

When peppermint comes back, it's time to eat. Before she gets out of the pot, Su Tang pulls out some grilled fish and vegetables for Zhang Cuilan and her wife to eat in the kitchen.

While Su Tang, Luo Xingchen and Su Nuo went back to the main room to eat. Luo Xingchen sat down and couldn't wait to hold a bowl and took a bite of fish. After the entrance was slightly sour, there was a spicy taste. The familiar taste made Luo Xingchen squint happily, "it's really this taste, delicious!"

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Su Tang and her brother prepare to eat together. Seeing her like this, she also laughs. For people who like to eat spicy food, chili is addictive. If you can't eat it, you will feel uncomfortable. Now Luo Xingchen is so fascinated.

Sucang likes to eat it herself, but now she wants to enjoy the fresh vegetable casserole with the best taste.

There was no water. All the water came from vegetables, which made the casserole full of fresh soup. She took a piece of mushroom and took a bite. The fresh sweetness in the mouth also made her enjoy it and narrowed her eyes.

Only a little soy sauce is added to the stachyose. If there is kelp sauce, the taste will be more fresh.

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