Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1339: 1339

When asked by Shen Yan, what can Zhou say: "she came in from the window over there. How can I know how she got into the yard?"

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Zhou also wants to find evidence to prove that Su Tang came to her yard. The key is that last night, she really felt that sucang appeared out of thin air and could only point to the window where sucang first appeared.

Hearing this, Shen Yan immediately asked the Yamen to check whether there were Su Tang's footprints. He continued to ask Zhou, "the lady said that the good Princess brought Sun Hong to your room. How did she bring people in?"

As soon as this question came out, Zhou's face changed. "She's not a human being. She has magic. She didn't have it. As soon as I turned my head, Sun Hong was in the room. She's not a human being. She's a sorcerer. You believe me!"

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Zhou also couldn't understand. The only thing she could think of was that Su Tang was a monster. When she first saw Su Tang, there was no sun Hong in the room, and then Sun Hong appeared out of thin air, which scared her out of the blue.

When Shen Yan heard Zhou's words, his head was very big. "So what Madame said was that Sun Hong appeared out of thin air, and it was not brought by a good princess. For example, she was carried into the door by the princess or carried by her, right?"

Zhou Shi is not stupid and breathless. Seeing Shen Yan's tone, he knows that he doesn't believe himself. "She took me and Sun Hong to bed later. Yes, you can check me. She is so strong that she must be red to catch me."

After that, she showed off the wrist she had been caught by Su Tang. As a result, she saw that the wrist was clean. There was no trace. Zhou's head hummed, and she could feel the pain. Moreover, she had seen it just now, and the wrist was red. How could it all disappear now.

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She immediately looked up at Shen Yan, "Lord Shen, what I said is true. This good princess is not a person at all. She is a demon girl, so she..."

"I said," well, you can't watch our Lord Shen bully us and play rogue like this. Home of fiction

What you said is true. You have some evidence. Otherwise, if you say that you are the queen of the Dynasty one day, are we going to kowtow to you, and the younger martial brother will call you aunt? "

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Su Tang heard that Zhou was still struggling, so he added a sentence coolly beside him. Pei Xuan looked at sucang with disapproval after hearing it. Sucang blinked. Pei Xuan shook his head helplessly and didn't say anything.

"I don't read much. You can't lie to me. This case is all about evidence. If there is no evidence, it can be true by swearing and swearing. God, it's not that you don't have to do anything. You can't be busy chopping people all day." Make complaints about

Suzhou direct Tucao Zhou. There is no evidence to say that it's a waste of time.

Zhou's anger is about to die, "you're a demon."

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"I know you envy me for my beauty, but it's ugly to be so jealous. After all, it's not wrong for me to be beautiful, and it's not wrong for you to be ugly, but it's your fault to come out and scare people, right?"

What is mischievous, what is poisonous tongue can be hostile, see now Su sugar know, direct gas Zhou Shi can't speak.

In this Kung Fu, the Yamen servant who went to the window to check just now came back and said, "my Lord, after checking several windows, there are no female footprints. It's very clean."

Although it didn't rain last night, Zhou's courtyard planted a lot of flowers and watered them every day. Unless sucang could float in, as long as he stepped on the ground, there was no dust.

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