Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1353: 1353

Pei Xuan also wants to be with sucang all the time. However, whenever he is sure to put her by his side, he can completely protect her. Even if he takes his life to protect her, he will not say anything to let her leave.

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His father has left him, how he hoped that when he was very tired, he could see her by his side and hear her say that she was still there, just as if all of a sudden he had the power to fight against the world.

But he can't help it. He can't give up, but he doesn't want her to have a little danger and even a little hurt. He swore that he would always protect her. He can't be selfish and only care about himself. She should be good and she must be good.

"Is it difficult?" Seeing the young man's eyes full of red blood, his face full of fatigue, but also so anxious to explain to himself, Su Tang sighed and asked.

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This sentence, but let Pei fan feel more eye acid, but still shake his head, "it doesn't matter, I can still."

It's his battlefield. Even if it's difficult, he can't retreat. He can only keep going.

Since childhood, his father told him to be an indomitable man. Now he is going to hold up the sky and protect the land and people. His father has left, but he will inherit his father's will, and his father's spirit will continue to be passed on and will not be lost.

Looking at the young man who was so obviously pressed that he could not breathe, but still said he could, Su Tang's heart had always been like a solid ice place, as if it had collapsed.

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Mingming also said before that it was the battlefield of two teenagers. Mingming had arranged everything and was ready to leave these disputes. But seeing Pei Xuan like this, his heart was uncontrollable.

Who can remember that the young man in front of him was once a young man in the capital city, who was once so proud and arrogant that he was teased by Su Tang. He was a pig. He was so angry that he would guard at the door to protect his younger martial sister. He was the child who would be very happy for Su Tang to call himself a senior brother. Xiaofei e-book

Once that crystal like transparent and beautiful soul ah, how cruel the years and reality let him become this with not mature broad shoulders, take on the appearance of the country and the world.

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Obviously, it was su Tang who taught him to protect his real self with a mask, but in the end, the crystal clear youth disappeared.

That young man has become the Duke of PEI. Maybe one day, he will become another god of war, meritorious family and spiritual inheritance worshipped by all the people of Qihuang kingdom.

It seems that she is aware of the compassion in the eyes of sucang, or it is rare in those clear eyes. Because she is infected with warm tenderness, Pei looks at sucang "Tangtang!"

As if she was out of control, she looked at the young man pitifully at herself. She was so tired and hard-working, but she still tried to hold on to the heavy burden on her shoulder. Su Tang's hand was lifted up and touched the young man's cheek.

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But Pei Xuan saw her like this, but her body trembled. Her big hand covered the back of the girl's white hand, and let her palm close to her cheek "sugar!"

Ah, seeing his action like this, Su Tang sighed in his heart, as if, to plant!

Su Tang blinked, did not take out his hand, calm a breath, just opened a mouth "I bought a big ship..."

Pei Xuan obviously didn't expect that sucang would suddenly say this. He was stunned for a moment and looked at sucang

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