Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1360: 1360

However, Su sugar heard Luo Xingchen say this, and after seeing his younger brother came, he kept staring at the boat on the lake and said, "Sulan will call a boy and take the young master to play in the boat."

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"Is that all right?" Although Su Nuo came here in a big boat, he was not seasick. He didn't feel seasick all day. Now he saw that the lake was full of Koi, and there was a shed on the boat. So he became interested in catching fish and picking lotus flowers.

"Will it be bad?" Although Su Nuo is very good at looking at the lotus and Koi, the governor's office is still holding a funeral. Is it not good for him to play like this.

"It's OK. Go and play." Su Tang shakes her head. She is here because there are no more guests. Pei Xuan has to prepare to return to Beijing. After all, the weather is getting hotter and it is not good to continue to delay.

It's nothing to play by boat. Don't laugh in front of Pei Xuan.

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"Well, I'll keep it down!" Children, or play heart heavy, see sister said yes, Su Nuo said so, and then went to play with Sulan.

Jiang Nian also has an eye. Seeing that Su Tang has something to say with Luo Xingchen, he also finds an excuse to say that he is out to fetch water, so he leaves the pavilion to two people.

"I decided to try with Pei Xuan!" When there were only two people left, Luo Xingchen was holding a tea bowl and just put it in his mouth. The tea didn't come in, so he heard Suchang.

"Cough..." Luo Xingchen was frightened by this sentence and suddenly looked up at Su Tang "what?"

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Then he stood up and said, "no, what's the situation with you? It's only a few days. Why are you together.

I remember correctly. It's only five days. Aren't you planning to get married? You didn't mean anything to him before. Now you say something together. Are you being seduced? " Wanshulou

Speaking of this, Luo Xingchen sat beside Su Tang, holding his head in two hands. "Sugar, are you sober? Even if you really want to marry, Qin Qian is better than Pei Xuan."

Luo Xingchen is really full of question marks. The main reason is that sucang has not shown any kind of attitude towards Pei. In other words, sucang has always been indifferent. In addition to making money, eating, drinking and playing, there is no pursuit.

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As a result, after a few days, he suddenly told her that Su Tang was going to be with Pei Xuan. Luo Xingchen could only think that Su Tang's brain was not clear.

What's more, there is no one else. Even murongzhao is better than Pei Xuan. Pei Xuan was the one who almost killed Su Tang and made her seriously injured.

Why do you want to be with the people who hurt you? Is it because you don't think you are being abused enough? Is Qin Qian not good-looking? Is Qin Qian not good-looking? Or is he short of money? Why do you choose Pei?

Make sure that her black sugar is not under the Gu, the brain is not clear just like this, or just a few days the world will change.

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Seeing this guy's two hands picking his face, Su Tang forced to pull open, "you've just been under the Gu, I just said together, when did you say you got married."

Luo Xingchen heard Su Tang's words and looked at her, "what do you say when you don't get married You scum

Just finish saying, see Su sugar raised his fist, to her head knocked down, "slag girl, you head, I am willing to try to talk to him about love, marry you."

"What's more, it's not the same thing if you don't marry or if you don't fall in love!" The principle of non marriage means that you don't want to get married, but it doesn't mean you don't fall in love.

Why is it that she's married for the purpose of being a rascal?

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