Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 1399: 1399

He knew that Murong Zhao had guessed when he heard Su Tang's engagement. In fact, he had suspected Luo Xingchen's identity before.

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Because every time he saw himself, he was the same as a mouse meeting a cat. He would hide whenever he could. If he could not get close to him, he would say that he was uncomfortable.

Having known each other for a long time, he knew that stars were extremely afraid of death and were afraid of being beheaded by him all day long. Murong Zhao always thought that he was not a violent person. Why did the star always fear to be beheaded, unless he had something to do with it.

But he checked Luo Xingchen's life experience and found nothing strange. So he took the opportunity to appoint him as an official. If Luo Xingchen was really a woman, he would not be willing to be beheaded. At first, he refused, but in the end, he not only agreed, but also chose an emissary who did not often see him.

At that time, he no longer doubted, on the star that afraid of death degree, if he is really a woman, absolutely dare not promise to be an official.

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As a result, Murong Zhao himself gave up, but now he heard Su Tang say this to him. At this time, he still had what he didn't understand: "you already knew it!"

Now think about it. Su Tang's cousin suddenly appeared more than three years ago. However, because she trusted Su Tang, Murong Zhao would not investigate the people around her, and Luo Xingchen did well at that time.

Before dark Wei even told him that star and Hua Qingyun went out to have a party together. He heard that it was not sour at that time. Anyway, he mixed up with Pei Xuan.

If according to the meaning of Sutang's words, Hua Qingyun and Luo Xingchen have existed at the same time for a long time, it is clear that they have planned to change their identities. However, in the past years, sucang and Luo Xingchen have not disclosed this matter at all.

The two men also signed a marriage document and made a serious marriage, so the two girls played him and Pei Xuan together. Murong Zhaoya was itchy and "too pit!"

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"Well, thank you for the compliment." Hearing him say his pit, sucang thought for a moment, can only answer like this.

After saying that, he saw Murong Zhao staring at her, "who praised you!" Just listen to the book

"That's a pity!" She said again.

Murong Zhao looked at Pei, "you take care of your daughter-in-law!"

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"I'm sorry, I can't help it!" Pei is also tough. His daughter-in-law is in charge of him. His daughter-in-law is in charge of him!

Murong Zhao was convinced, "you can do it. I promise you to prepare the dowry for her. I will keep the position of the queen for her."

He was gnashing his teeth when he spoke. When he was waiting for his wife to see how he dealt with her, he dared to pit him for so many years.

Su Tang didn't say anything when he saw him like this, but said to Pei Xuan, "I want to talk to elder martial brother alone."

Pei Xuan knew that there was something about Hua Qingyun, which was inconvenient for her to know. She nodded, "I saw that the flowers sent by the house of internal affairs are good. This time you come to Beijing and live in the princess's house, I'll pick some pots to deliver to you. If you don't like it, I'll buy you another one!"

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"Well, I like bigger ones. Don't get those little ones. It's boring." Sucang nodded.

The two of you are not polite enough to accept their friendship

"I'm gone!" When he saw Murong Zhao like this, Pei ran away.

Murong Zhao sighed again that the younger brother who turned his elbow out could not be taken!

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