Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 296: 296

Moreover, Hu also wants to know how much Su Tang wants to buy. He is also scheming.

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"Under 5000 Liang, you can recommend it to me." Su sugar heard him ask this, also did not conceal, said directly.

Luo Xingchen young sent 500 taels of gold, equivalent to 5000 taels of silver. She prepared to use them for farming. Although the processing workshop also needs to invest again, it needs to wait for tomatoes and peppers to mature, and then this year's share of soap will arrive, and she will have money.

Therefore, Su Tang had no room to spend all his money. Hu had been a middle-aged man in the tooth shop of Qingyuan County for ten years. It is not exaggeration to say that there is not such a big business in one year. Hu only felt that his heart was hot. If it did, he would not have to worry about it for the past two years.

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"If it's five thousand taels of silver, it will be more than 800 Mu if it's changed into good farmland. I've got a few places here that are just suitable for girls." With these words, Hu took out a rough map.

"On the south side of Qingyuan County, there is a piece of land, all of which are good fields. Before that, it was the farm of Mr. Zhang's family in our county. It was only because there were mountains on three sides and it was relatively steep. There was only one way to Qingshui town. After Master Zhang died, Zhangjia was selling this farm."

Qingshui town is in the west of Qinghe town, which is not far away.

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Su Tang took a look at it, but the area on the map was not small. "How many mu of land is this farm? Are they all good fields? How much is it?"

Hu San De also said, "the farm area is relatively large. There are nearly 300 mu of farmland, all of which are good fields. There are 20 tenants in it. It is almost a small village. It's also because of the large area, so from the point of view of selling, it has been sold all the time. Now the price quoted is 1900 Liang silver. " Wonderful book

Even if they buy three hundred acres of noodles in nongmi village, they hope that they can buy three hundred mu of noodles together.

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"You can have a look. Is there anything else?" This recommendation by Hu Sande is really good, which meets the requirements of Sutang. Therefore, Sutang nodded and didn't say whether to buy or not. He only said that he wanted to have a look.

Seeing her saying this, Hu also nodded and continued to point to a piece not far away. "Just this week, there is another place in the east of each village, which is surrounded by mountains on three sides. This place is not as big as it was before, but there are also nearly 200 mu of good farmland. These two Zhuangzi belong to master Zhang's family. Both of them have roads leading to Qingshui Town, and the carriage from Qingshui town to our county is only within an hour According to the girl's request. "

Sucang continued to nod, "what else?"

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Hu is also sweating. He has been a middleman for so many years. It is the first time that he has recommended him. However, if he wants to make money, he feels very hot in his heart, and Hu continues to recommend him.

After that, he recommended two farms near Qinghe town, with a smaller area, almost 100 mu of farmland, and two farms near Qingyuan County, which are also more than 100 mu of good farmland.

There are still three or four that are a little far away. Sutang plans to look at these nearer ones first. She has not been able to move much in the past two years. If she is closer, she can manage it easily. Anyway, the production, transportation and sales are all in Beikou Luo's home, so she doesn't have to worry about these.

Good at their own intention, Su sugar is also very simple, directly with Hu San de said.

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