Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 314: 314

She doesn't give sucang a chance to talk. As soon as Lu Waner sees sucang, she hugs her arm and murmurs a lot.

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Yang's daughter also mentioned that his friend had opened a dessert only for female guests. He had also eaten the cake brought back by her daughter. He came here for the first time today, and it was very strange to see the shop.

However, when she saw her daughter holding on to others, she also had a headache, "Wan'er, rules!"

Although the county magistrate is only a small official, she is also a top-ranking official in a county. As an official daughter, Lu Waner is not as good as a peasant girl with rules. Yang naturally wants to say that.

When Lu Waner heard her mother say this, she turned her mouth, and then she introduced to Su Tang, "Tangtang, this is my mother, who is very nagging. She always says the rules and regulations. My father has said that all rules are dead, and people are alive, aren't they?"

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"You this wench knows to take your father's words." Yang heard his daughter refute himself in this way, and said another sentence.

Then Yang looked at Su sugar "little girl does not understand the rules, I hope not to bring trouble to Miss Su."

He also knows what kind of temperament his daughter is like. As soon as Yang saw Su Tang, he could feel the unique temperament of this young girl.

Sucang is not the same as her name, is a sweet girl, on the contrary, she looks very good, before at home did not take good care of, so thin no human shape.

After the adoption, the nutrition can keep up with it. In addition, everything in the space is good. As the master of the space, her body is also nourished.

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Her white skin and delicate appearance are gradually revealed, but sucang's temperament is cold, which naturally gives people a bad feeling of intimacy.

Some things are in the bone, sucang's experience and personality doomed her not to be that kind of warm little cute, but if there are enough benefits, she can always pretend that it is very sweet and lovely. Reading for a long time

At the beginning, Song Yi was fooled by her. Later, she took Su Tang as her disciple. On the surface, she found that she looked like his wife's character. However, Mrs. song was intelligent and loved life, while Su Tang was detached from the world.

Su sugar has a kind of indifference to see through the world, so it has a unique free and easy.

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For sucang, there are only her and the people she cares about in the world. The others are ridiculed and indifferent.

So when Yang saw her silly and enthusiastic daughter, she felt a little disobeying to a girl who seemed to be cold and not easy to get along with.

After hearing Yang's words, sucang laughed directly, and his cold temperament was destroyed, which made him a little more tender and sweet.

Su Tang treats Lu Wan'er just as she looks at her little sister. Hearing that Yang is so polite, she answers with a smile, "Mrs. Lu is polite. Wan'er has a very good character and didn't give me any trouble."

Lu Wan'er found the backing and looked at Yang immediately. "Look, I didn't give sugar any trouble. We are good friends."

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"My best friend?" Yang didn't quite understand the word.

Lu Waner's proud popularity "is the meaning of a close friend in the boudoir. Hehe, Tangtang said, she is so good that she knows a lot of things I don't understand."

"That's the case, there should be rules, or what outsiders will look like." Of course, Yang still educates her daughter.

"It's my father who said it. The rules are dead. My father said that I'm so good." Lu Wan'er is unconvinced.

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