Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 326: 326

However, when Su Tang and Mrs. Zhou went to the farm by car, the tenants of several farms were just like ants on the hot pot. They were very flustered.

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At the beginning, sucang bought Chuang Tzu very quickly. Because there was an orange cat, she could know whether the land met her requirements. As long as it met her requirements, she would buy it. After reading it, she would go back the same day and decide to buy it and go through the formalities the next day.

She was so efficient that the one who sold Chuang Tzu didn't have any nonsense. After she sold it, she immediately informed the tenant farmer that Chuang Tzu had changed his master. If she wanted to rent the land, she needed to discuss with the new owner.

As soon as these tenants heard that Chuang Tzu had changed their owners, how could they not be flustered, for fear that the new owner would not be charitable, or that they would have to increase their rent. They were afraid that it would be more difficult in the future.

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Because they were worried, these tenants were always concerned about the activities of Chuang Tzu. Before sucang's carriage arrived at the farm, some tenants saw it and wanted to meet the new landlord.

Naturally, sucang didn't know what these tenants thought, because they couldn't get into the space with Mrs. Zhou. As a result, she felt that her bones were going to fall apart, and the whole person was a bit listless.

However, some god beast who has no desire for survival rolls around in the car with a smile. When Su Tang sees that a certain meow behaves like this, she also hums. If it is not useful for a while, she will not throw the meow out of the car and let it run with the car.

It was cool when I laughed. Later, I noticed the owner's sight. The beast also felt that there was a cold wind on the back of his back. He was careless. How could he forget that his master was a dark Lori.

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It was the first time that Mrs. Zhou took such a good carriage, and she was still energetic when she went to the place. Su Tang said that she could not underestimate the working people!

"Who are you?" However, Niu Er drove to the gate of the farm. As a result, he saw many people waiting at the gate and asked. 315 Chinese website

Niu Er also knows that the Chuang Tzu was bought by Su Tang. Normally, the original owner should have cleaned up and left. Now that he sees someone at the door, he naturally asks.

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Su Tang and Mrs. Zhou also heard him and looked at each other. Mrs. Zhou opened the door directly.

Then sucang saw a group of people waiting at the door, about a dozen of them. At such a time, although the Spring Festival had passed and it was still cold outside, their cotton padded jackets were patched with patches. There was a boy who looked at his teenagers and seemed to be standing outside for too long, and his face was a little pale.

"Are you tenants of this village?" When Mrs. Zhou saw these people, she reacted, took a look at Su Tang and then opened her mouth.

These people saw that Su Tang and Mrs. Zhou were in the car. Mrs. Zhou was a middle-class person. She lived a fairly prosperous life at home. She was wearing a thick brown cotton padded jacket and a silver hairpin on her head.

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Then he saw a young lady dressed in plain clothes, but the hat and cloak of white fox and beaver fur that she had just put on was quite extraordinary. Her face was exquisite and calm, and she was looking at them with a stove in her hand.

For a while, they could not tell who was the new master of Chuang Tzu. At last, only a young man bowed forward and said, "yes, madam, we are all tenants of this village. We don't know that we are the new owners of Chuang Tzu."

Seeing what they called themselves, Mrs. Zhou quickly said, "I can't be a wife. I'm a grandmother in the tooth shop of Qingyuan County. This Miss Su is the new master of Chuang Tzu."

Mrs. Zhou said this directly. Only when these tenants knew that Su Tang was the new owner, they all came to salute.

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