Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 334: 334

Thinking that since he had to do it, he finished it in one go. Su Tang didn't even go back to the Lantern Festival. He spent six days arranging three small Chuang Tzu with a total area of about 100 mu into the right households.

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Just to buy these people, before Luo Xingchen gave her gold, the remaining fifty taels of gold spent almost, and finally went to zhougezhuang and Yanggezhuang.

The two farms are a little more complicated than before, because these farmers have lived for many years and will intermarry with each other, which is relatively complicated.

So when sucang got to the local area, she didn't talk about buying people and selling people. She just asked orange cat to look around and inquire more about the two farms, so as to make clear the relationship between these people.

Then they recorded all the useless things. There were about four families with more than 30 people in total. The older one was over 50 years old, and the youngest was only three years old.

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Because some of these farmers were born at home, and they were also deprived of Mrs. Zhou's specialty. As soon as everything was clear, they made clear all the sales contracts of these families, and then they could sell them to others.

"I'm not convinced. We've helped the master to farm for so many years. We didn't have any credit or hard work. Why did we sell us?" These farmers are very unconvinced when they know that they are going to be sold by the master.

Because they are all adult men, Jiang Hong is also afraid of something, so he quickly let other farmers suppress him, so as not to hurt Su Tang again.

These farmers were originally sold as slaves. Although the whole family in Chuang Tzu used to be slaves, in fact, because they didn't have to serve the master, they were afraid that they were more nourishing than the ordinary farmers in the village.

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Suchang will sell them as soon as they come up. If there are so many of them, they must be sold separately, and the family will disperse their things. How would they like to.

Seeing sucang so young again, I dare to question. 126 Chinese website

Su Tang is busy dealing with these employment matters these days, but she is also a little tired. When she hears such questions, she is completely indifferent to "week ago!"

Before this week, she was the head of zhougezhuang. Because Su Tang thought that she would go back to Qinghe town after dealing with the problems of the village owner. Although Jiang Hong was easy to use, she had to go back with her. Therefore, she specially asked Zhou to come to Yanggezhuang with her to help Mrs. Zhou get rid of all the farmers who needed to be sold, so as to avoid any other accidents.

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Hearing sucang call himself a week ago, he quickly came forward to salute "miss."

"Hire some cars, and you'll take a few people to the county before it's too early." Sucang told me about it a week ago.

Weeks ago, this was the second time I saw Su Tang. At this time, more than 30 people kneeling in the yard were screaming or abusing. The voice was really not small.

But looking up at Su Tang a week ago, I felt that the young girl's face was very calm and unaffected. In general, the crying voice of the child and the shaking old man did not show her any movement.

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This is no ordinary girl! This thought flashed through my mind a week ago.

That week, Mrs. Zhou also heard that Su Tang asked her own farmers to help her, and she also came to thank her

Then a week ago, I heard the girl's voice shallow, "those who are loud, the price is easy to say, they are sold far away, you can't help it."

The voice was still soft and soft, without any ups and downs. After hearing it a week ago, she suddenly raised her head and took a look at the delicate girl. She could not help but fight a cold war. She lowered her head and did not dare to say anything more.

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