Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 353: 353

Song Yi looked at her little disciple and said, "all of them have gone out. What are you doing so quickly? It's easy to raise some meat. After only a few days, she's thin again."

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Although she called her unworthy disciples all day long, Song Yi really loved Su Tang as her daughter, and also loved her hard work. Although she hated her coming back late, she knew that she had worked hard and was distressed.

"I'm sorry for the meat that the teacher helped me raise. I'll try my best to rest and eat hard later. Hey, my teacher has lost a lot of weight recently. I'll make you delicious food in a moment."

Su Tang is very nice.

Song Yi has no words to say when she looks like this. He has taught the little girl these days. Can he not understand her? If she wants to, she can always pretend to be good, but she will please. She is as weird as a little fox.

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"Do you want to go out after that?" Song Yi said something to her and asked again.

"It shouldn't take a long time to go out for a while." In fact, sucang doesn't want to travel around. The ancient carriage is not very comfortable. To be honest, modern high-speed rail and airplanes are not necessarily comfortable for a long distance.

No place is more comfortable than lying at home to rest. If you can lie at home, you can make money. If you want to go out, you have to go out.

This time, sucang left Jianghong and his wife. Zhang is also a quick witted person, and he has good rules in dealing with things. Su Tang wants to stay with him for the time being, while Jianghong can be responsible for the processing workshop and be regarded as a housekeeper.

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In this way, the management of sauce can be left to Jiang Hong, and she does not need to run by herself.

Song Yi knew that Su Tang didn't have to go out all the time. She also felt very happy. "Well, I don't practice calligraphy for a few days. I'll write it in the afternoon." Worry free literature

"Can't the teacher not mention this, disciple Xin Sai." When Song Yi said this, sucang was really depressed.

She can never forget, reciting things is very fast, understanding is no problem, but the painting and calligraphy in Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, this thing is not only talent can, must be hard to practice ah, Su sugar up to now this word is quite invisible, said too much is tears.

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When Song Yi looked at her little disciple's pitiful appearance, she couldn't help laughing. "You also know that your handwriting can't be seen."

"It's just as cool as my disciple's It's like a heart shaped candy.

When he came in with a cake and milk tea, he saw that Su Tang was playing tricks. His master was holding his head down and secretly enjoying himself. "Master, miss, the cake you brought this time is very nice. Have a try."

Song Yi looked at Su Tang playing tricks with herself, but also ordered her "you, you!"

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"Hey, hey, teacher, try this frozen cheese cake. It's delicious." Su Tang was said in this way, but she was still smiling and happy.

Song Yi also took a look at the translucent multi-layer cake. It was really beautiful. She nodded and prepared to eat it. By the way, she looked up and said, "don't send me away with a piece of cake. Go and make lunch for my teacher."

"I can see that the disciple is hard-working. I will do it for you." Su Tang sighed like a mold, and did not wait for Song Yi to stare at her eyes and ran to the kitchen.

Song Yi stares at her back as she slips out, and holds Mo with her head lowered to smile. When Song Yi sees this, she stares at him angrily, "what are you doing here? Go to help quickly. There are clothes made by xiuniang two days ago to send to miss."

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