Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 387: 387

They were all family members. Because Luo Xingchen didn't come, Su Tang sat and talked to them for a while. It was all about family affairs. After a cup of tea, she heard someone coming again.

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It was Luo Xingchen who finally arrived. When she entered the door, she saw that not only Su Yongqiang but also sucang, who had been unable to get up in the morning, was there. She was very surprised. She thought that sucang would not be too early today.

But it doesn't show "Miss Su, I'm sorry I'm late." Salute and apologize to sucang.

Regardless of other people, Jiang Hong, who is following the service nearby, almost doesn't adapt to Luo Xingchen. He sees more Luo Xingchen playing tricks in front of Su Tang. Suddenly, he is serious and really strange.

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Seeing her like this, Su Tang also stood up and saluted, "it doesn't matter, master Luo, please sit down."

Luo Xingchen sat down and then took out four contracts. "Miss Su and I have also said the previous rules. The most important thing is to keep it secret. If you disclose the secret, it may result in hundreds of thousands of taels of business. You should know what it means."

Can be seen is really important, Luo Xingchen stressed one side, Su Yongqiang and their several natural well agreed.

Luo Xingchen knew that they all understood, and then took out the contract, "this is the contract, do you read?"

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Su Yongqiang nodded. He had studied with him for several years, but he didn't learn well and didn't recognize much. But the contract can still be understood. Su Tang came to read it word by word.

In fact, there is no content in the contract. That is to say, the Luo family asked them to raise seedlings, five seedlings for a penny, and then if they leaked the secret, they would be compensated 100 times, and the number of seeds and seedlings must be equal to this. Network of scholarly Novels

Seeing that the contract was the same as what had been said before, the four men pressed their fingerprints together.

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Even if the contract was successful, sucang then asked the four people, "that's OK. How many seeds do you want to get? You can report it. Take it back today and raise seedlings well."

In fact, there is no technical content in seedling cultivation. It is the same as that in general planting fields, but it needs to be more careful. Su Yongshun has seen what sucang looks like here before. They all know how to do it without Sutang saying.

Su Yongqiang looked at Su Yongshun and said, "we want to get 10000 seeds first."

Su Yongyong and Su Changle also asked for 10000 seeds. Su Tang asked Jianghong to go out and give them the seeds without saying a word. Although they asked for more, the seeds of pepper and tomato were not large, and 10000 seeds were not much in a package.

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"These are all in a bag of 10000. You can confirm the quantity and take back the number of seedlings and seeds that you will send back at that time. You can't make any mistakes." Sue said to them.

After hearing this, the four men also nodded. Su Tang asked Jiang Hong to follow them to the East chamber to confirm the quantity. Soon, the four people confirmed it, put the seeds back in their arms, cherished and carefully held them in their arms, and left.

Or Su sugar sent them out, Su Yongqiang holding this bag of seeds to thank sucang, "if it wasn't for tangnier, we would not have such benefits."

"Brother Qiang, don't be so polite to me. If you don't make mistakes, you can come to collect seeds in the future. If you don't make any mistakes, you can come and collect seeds. If you work hard, you will not only make this money." Su Tang said with a smile.

The four people who said this were all hot. Five seedlings and one Wen. If all the ten thousand seeds could grow successfully, it would be two liang silver.

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