Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 403: 403

This arrogant, Su Tang immediately laughed more gratifying after hearing, "thank you, elder martial brother, you are the best!"

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This attitude is good. Even Song Yi shivers and looks at his disciples sympathetically. Little fox can't easily please others like this, but Song Yi is also curious. Today, Su Tang is the first time to see Pei Xuan. What can he do at first sight.

Pei Xuan looked at her face to please the way, nodded, small money fine so look at the eye more "MM!"

"So I said, I've been practicing for a few months, and my shooting percentage is only 20%.

I don't know, elder martial brother. My arrows have their own ideas. I always like to fly to freedom. In the past, I thought they were yearning for the sky and the earth. But when I saw you, they all yearned for you. It can be seen that you are really charming. "

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Su Tang looks at Pei Xuan. This little guy is coming well. She can finally have a moving target. Come on, you can make him promise.

Pei Xuan heard sucang say this, a little confused "what?"

"Elder martial brother, I don't know. In fact, the teacher accepted me because I was miserable. My mother died when I was two years old, and my eight year old father would drown me. Now I have no father and no mother.

The key is that ever since I was accepted, the teacher has been in deep trouble every day. You know why, I am stupid. I have been learning archery for so long, but the target is the same as the new one. Why do you say, because I can't hit the target? "

Song Yi laughs and doesn't speak. Her elder martial brother and sister are always friendly. By the way, she often sees a little fox fooling him. Now, Song Yi looks at Su Tang and deceives others and finds it quite interesting.

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Holding Mo with his head down, he did not speak. He was a servant. He did not know anything. At the same time, he quietly gave little Gongye some wax.

Su sugar here simply do not care to see other people's reaction, all flicker, all start from selling miserably! 8090 Chinese

Song Yi and holding mo were completely ignored. When she said that she was stupid, she almost didn't hold back her smile. Pei fan heard Su Tang say this, but she also felt a little sympathy for "you don't have a mother either."

Su Tang didn't expect the reaction of the Youth Association, and suddenly remembered that the boy had no mother since he was young. He quickly added, "yes, my mother has been gone since I was two years old."

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"No wonder you are so stupid!" Originally, sucang was still a little distressed about this guy, but when he heard such a sentence, he laughed directly. OK, he looked down on her, right? Ha ha ha.

The orange cat shivered, "stupid two legged beast, you really know nothing about my master's darkness!"

Su Tang nodded "yes, yes, I'm very stupid, so elder martial brother, you must help the teacher out of trouble, and help the younger martial sister in the future, so I can't disgrace the teacher."

Pei Xuan looked at the small money Jing, big eyes at himself, a face of pleading, hands on the mouth, clear throat, "well, you can ask me if you don't understand in the future."

After saying this, he raised his head with ink and took a sympathetic look at Pei. He would certainly regret it.

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"Well, you are very kind, elder martial brother." Su Tang heard his promise and compared her smile with a v.

"Let's start now, elder martial brother. I find that my archery accuracy is always poor, and I miss the target every time. But you are different, elder martial brother..."

Pei Xuan looks at Xiaoqian Jing. Why does he feel that the topic is heading for danger?

"Look at my arrows. They have their own ideas and are addicted to the charm of senior brother. So I see that I may not be suitable for fixed targets, but for moving targets, so..."

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