Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 444: 444

"Yes, I have discussed with brother Shun about how to build a house today. The rest is the matter of employing people and wages. Because shunge is busy buying and watching the building of the house, I want to let brother Qiang get involved and help me, and I will pay more attention to the matter of employing people."

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Su sugar is not vague, directly with Su Yongqiang said.

In fact, the employer can also be directly handed to Su Yongshun, but Su Yongshun has to take care of building a house, and it is easy to make mistakes in managing the wages of workers.

Another thing is, although Su Yongshun is good, but this time to build a house to use their own people, if you really encounter a thorn in the head, Su Yongshun will still have to seek Su Yongqiang's help.

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He can't help himself. In this case, why not ask Su Yongqiang to help him? Anyway, it's just a matter of paying a few Liang more silver. With Su Yongqiang, the head of the Su family, he can handle any problems of the user at any time, and he can handle them.

Most importantly, it's also a matter of attitude. Before Su Tang said that building a house, Su Yongqiang advised her to use her own family. Then she left all the candidates to Su Yongqiang to choose. When there was any problem in the middle, Su Yongqiang would also bear the responsibility.

At the same time, Su Yongqiang is in charge, not to mention anything else. At least it represents what she is like in Su's family. She just asks Su Yongqiang for more. She can afford the money and get the benefits she wants. She won't be stingy and refuse.

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Su Yongqiang heard Su sugar say so, thought just let him help to have a look, directly nodded, "it's a family, help should be."

As a clan leader, Su Yongqiang thinks that he should help. As a clan leader, he should lead the Su family to become better and better. Beautiful book bar

As soon as Su Tang heard this, she knew he didn't understand what he meant, so she continued to explain, "brother Qiang knows that I live in the town now, and I'm busy. I can't live in the village and watch the building of houses. Therefore, the employment of people must be watched by people, and the payment of wages should also trouble brother Qiang."

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Su Yongqiang heard that Su Tang said he would ask him to help pay wages. He knew that this was not a simple help. He opened his mouth and said what he wanted to say, but Su Tang laughed and continued.

"I'll give the workers 22 Wen a day. They are all from our own family. They live in the village. I have no place to live here. I don't care about the salary. We can go home and eat."

"As for brother Qiang, I will give him five Liang silver in the past four months..." Su sugar finished the wages of ordinary workers, and then said to Su Yongqiang.

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On hearing that sucang gave so much money, Su Yongqiang immediately refused, "no, no, how can I use these."

Even if he wants to help pay the wages according to Sutang's advice, he can't get so much. You know, the cashier in the town can only get five Liang silver a year. He has to work for four months. How can he ask for so much.

Su Tang must say that although the Su family has such mouse excrement as Su Yonggui's, the family style is still pure. Su Yongqiang and Su Yongshun are both real people.

"Brother Qiang also listen to me. The house will be built for at least four months. I have a lot of things to do, so I can't come back and stare at it all the time. So I usually think that brother Qiang can help to keep an eye on the house, and then pay so many workers wages. I have to worry about it. The money should be given."

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