Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 448: 448

For Wang Changhe, the Su family has always been afraid of his existence. He knows that his village head did not come clean. Once the Su family has any action, he will care about it. What's more, there are some things about the news released by the Su family before.

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So as soon as he heard that Su Yongqiang called the family together, he immediately let people spy on him, fearing that the Su family would make any more trouble.

Su Yongqiang doesn't often hold family meetings. It's usually a big event. Before Su laoshuan died and adopted, it's one thing. This time, it's all done quietly.

However, those families who got benefits before and got rich in seedling breeding were all running very fast this time and came here early.

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When many people went to Su Yongqiang's house, they saw a carriage standing at the door. Sujiatun was so big that some things could not be concealed. Therefore, many people recognized that "this carriage was not used by tangnier before she came back?"

"Tut Tut, this carriage is really beautiful. Tanggu milk and uncle Nuo are well-developed. Before xuenier got married, Tanggu milk gave a gold ring as a make-up. There is nothing more respectable than that of xuenier in getting married."

"It's better for the clan leader to help Tanggu and uncle Nuo before, otherwise they won't have these."

As soon as the people of the Su family recognized that the carriage was su Tang's before, they all talked about it. Before that, Su Tang's brothers and sisters had been thrown into the Qingjiang River to worship the river god, and they could come back well.

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Many people in the Su family feel that they are evil and have talked about it behind their backs. But that is to say, most of them don't have too many bad thoughts. Moreover, Su Tang's brothers and sisters are hard-working, and they won't be able to overcome others after their adoption.

Su Tang and Su Yonggui's family met several times before, and their words and deeds were watched and heard by many Su family members. It was not easy for the two brothers and sisters to live before. Moreover, when they saw the conflict before, they could see that sucang was a powerful one, and they didn't dare to say anything more. UU stack room

Naturally, there are some who don't speak, but also some sour ones. It's better to separate the baby's family by themselves than in the previous home. It can be seen that in the previous home, it is not conscientious

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"I don't know where the money comes from for a doll of that size."

There are two sharp faced women who speak in a sour tone. They are a pair of sister-in-law. They are also su Tang and Su Yongqiang of their generation.

They had a bad life in the Su family, but they were not so bad in comparison with the old Shuan's family who worked so hard before.

Later, Su laoshuan died, and Su Tang's brother and sister adopted him. They thought that they were not the worst in the family. Who knows, in less than a year, Sutang could even send out the gold ring. Of course, their psychology was not very good.

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When Su Changle and his daughter-in-law heard their sour remarks, they immediately refuted them: "I don't agree with Auntie Yongwang and aunt Yonglai. Sugar aunt has the ability to make money, and even baby milk lives alone in front of the door.

If you have the ability to make money, not to mention buying a gold ring is to buy a golden mountain. It is also our sugar girl's own skill. Which department is trying to live on her own, and who still doesn't think about her own family's affairs and stares at other people's homes all day long! "

Sucang had said this before, and she had been living her own life, and how she made money would not be publicized everywhere. When she got to Sutang, some people would read all day about how she made money.

No matter how she makes money, she doesn't break the law, doesn't commit crimes, doesn't poach, doesn't steal, doesn't rob. Why should she be discussed like this.

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