Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 473: 473

It's a serious iron ware. It's more than one person tall. It's not only big, but also very heavy. So now the craftsmen say that they can only tear down the walls. But it's mid June. Basically, the first batch of tomatoes and peppers can be picked in less than half a month.

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If the wall is removed and rebuilt, it is likely that it will not be able to catch up with the time. This is a seasonal thing. If you delay a day, the loss can not be estimated.

Luo Xingchen after understanding the situation is not sure, this in a hurry to find Su sugar.

"I wanted to take the meat grinder apart and put it together again, but it didn't seem to work either." In fact, the small manual meat grinder is really very convenient, and it is not big.

But when they made this large meat grinder, in order to adapt to the power of the water wheel, they changed it and added a huge chassis. This is not afraid that the water power is too big, but it also leads to new problems.

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But Luo Xingchen also gave up this practice, because the meat grinder is now selling well, which is full of people. It is really disassembled to let others see the structure. It is much easier to imitate.

The key is that it's not easy to get in if you have to dismantle the door. It must save some time. Luo Xingchen can't think of any solution. It's up to sucang.

Su Tang took a look at the huge black meat grinder. Then she looked at the built house and said, "is the pulley ready?"

Luo Xingchen heard her ask, directly said "done, commonly used and two spare."

Jianghong used to take the pulley. Su Tang took a look and nodded, "don't tear down the wall, just put it in from above."

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Don't say Luo Xingchen and Jianghong what expression, one side of the workers are directly startled, "this is to make, so heavy things, how to carry up?"

Luo Xingchen also felt that it was impossible. "I'm afraid boss Su doesn't know that this thing needs to be transported, and it needs to be lifted by more than a dozen strong men. Now the wall is so high, it can't work."

It's big and heavy. Luo Xingchen, which has been transported before, is the most familiar one. It's easy to lift a house. It's hard to lift a house at least two meters high. Novel of new pen interest Pavilion

"If you can, naturally, you can. Jianghong, you can buy some of the strongest hemp ropes, and then you can find some cattle and horses." Su Tang said to Jiang Hong.

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Then he said to the craftsman next to him, "keep this pillar up to twice the height of the wall. Can you do it in an hour?"

Hearing this, the craftsman nodded, "at most one hour is enough."

Because Sue sugar said is to raise a pillar, this is not difficult, just go up base.

Su Tang nodded, "then start to act. Within two hours, we'll hang this thing in!"

Luo Xingchen can't see what Sutang wants to do, but now when he hears sucang say hang in, he also has a little reaction: "do you mean to use pulley?"

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Sucang nodded "yes!"

"But that meat grinder is really heavy. Is it really OK?" Luo Xingchen thinks that sucang is a little too fantastic.

Sucang directly laughed, "you can not believe me, but you should believe in science, I said yes, you can!"

Lever principle has, Archimedes said, give him a fulcrum, he can tilt the whole earth!

Although this is an exaggeration, the lever itself is a labor-saving method, so it can be hoisted in, and it will not be too difficult. It is definitely much simpler than demolishing a wall.

Because the things needed by sucang were not complicated, so after more than an hour, there were more cattle and horses in the processing workshop. All the people watched the little girl climb up the pillar just now.

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