Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 505: 505

It turned out that after the completion of the sauce processing workshop, the earliest batch of mature tomatoes had been sent to the processing workshop, and the first batch of tomato paste production was started under the leadership of Jianghong.

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Today, this just came out, Jianghong delivered it at the first time. After so long busy before, I finally saw the finished product. Can you not be excited.

Su sugar heard that the first batch of goods out, but also very excited, and then speed up the pace.

When they arrived at the courtyard where they lived, they saw Jiang Hong talking with Zhang in the courtyard. The setting sun dyed the whole courtyard golden red. Jiang Hong also had a food box beside him. When they saw sucang and Luo Xingchen coming back, they came to salute "Miss, master Luo."

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Su sugar nodded and agreed to go into the main room with Luo Xingchen. Then Jianghong came in with the food box and opened the food box in front of sucang and luoxingchen.

Inside the box were six small white jars. The jars were designed and customized by sucang. They had a simple white background and a unique logo on one side.

The light blue candy, the round toot sugar paper both ends twist out the fan, and in the candy round position, there is a yellow five pointed star.

This is the brand logo specially designed by Sutang for this separate product line. It comes from the name of itself and Luo Xingchen, named xingxingtang.

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Luo Xingchen just saw Jiang Hong coming. He didn't even look at it, so he went to look for sucang. At this time, he saw the sauce pot which was bigger than his palm. He reached out and looked at the sign on one side. He was surprised, "sugar, this is..." Yunhai novel network

"Star Candy!" Su Tang nodded when she saw her like this: "this is a brand line that only belongs to us. As long as we cooperate together, all products in the future will use this logo. If we do not cooperate in the future, the logo can also be separated into sugar and star."

"Don't think about it. I'll depend on you all my life. You can rest and get rid of me." Luo Xingchen heard that Su sugar did not cooperate, immediately said that she would not be separated from sucang.

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She had to be more lucky to meet a confidant who could understand herself and talk about the future. Luo Xingchen knows how to cherish such a fate more than anyone else.

And she said that the original promise, no matter who she is in the future and where she is, is effective, and Luo Er Shao's promise is never faked.

Jiang Hong was a little surprised when he heard Luo Xingchen say this to Su Tang. Then he realized that others may not know it, but he still understood that Luo Xingchen, the second young master in Luo's family, was not so valued. It was no surprise that he was so willing to cooperate with their young lady.

And this is a good thing, which means that Luo Xingchen and Su Tang did not cheat him. When Su Tang and Luo Xingchen are strong enough, they will give him a chance to revenge.

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"Well, I don't know if it's my luck or my misfortune." Hearing Luo Xingchen so frivolous words, Su Tang smiles, and then looks at the white pottery pot in his hand, as well as the star sugar sign on it.

The patterns designed by sucang are not so complicated as to show off their skills. Instead, they only use two elements: candy and stars. The candy is round and cute. The blue candy and yellow stars are very unique and beautiful.

Luo Xingchen heard sucang say this, and looked at her, but her face was full of happy look: "star sugar, the star is me, I can see it, so this picture outside is the meaning of candy, why is candy like this?"

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