Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 718: 718

Su sugar looked at his younger brother next to eat sugar, quickly stop "eat two enough!"

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Children love to eat sugar, but eat too much is to decay teeth, sucang will certainly look at a little bit, the little guy is also obedient, sister refused to eat, quickly put away the rest of the rest, to the elder sister hehe smile.

Seeing that he was sensible, Su Tang rubbed his head with a smile, and then looked at Luo Xingchen, "sauce business, of course, is to do, but..."

Luo Xingchen looks at Su Tang. What's the meaning of this?

Su Tang laughed, "is that big brother of your family the ant on hot pot recently?"

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Luo Xingchen looks at Su sugar this smile to be about to tremble, is finished, sugar this is to stare at who again, some people will have bad luck.

And sucang said that also confirmed the unfortunate object is who, Luo Xingchen looked at sucang, "sugar, what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing. The Luo family didn't want to cooperate with me all the time. Just after a while, I was going to suffer from the wind and frost, and I was in love with each other. So I was bored. I didn't want to continue to do business. I was ready to go out to heal my wounds. What do you think your elder brother would think if he knew my miserable experience?"

Luo Xingchen a pair of eyes clear and cool, with a few smiles looking at Luo Xingchen, see her so, Luo Xingchen hit a shiver "do you mean?"

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Su Tang didn't want to continue to cooperate with Luo family for a long time. If it wasn't for her, Luo's family would get so many tomato and pepper seeds. As a result, when she got the seeds, she would like to turn against her.

Luo Xingchen didn't say that, just as she didn't know, she had no way before. She had to cooperate with Luo's family. Otherwise, she could not accumulate wealth so quickly with her little spending road. 163 Novels

When the goal of the original accumulation of capital has been achieved, can Suchang continue to be a collaborator who only wants to get benefits for himself and stabs the knife behind his back?

"I'm a little peasant girl who has been hurt by love and has no intention of doing business. Someone has to take over." Su Tang blinked and looked at Luo Xingchen.

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Luo Xingchen also understood that "you want to sell the sauce business to luoxinghe?"

After thinking about it carefully, she also laughed, "sugar, the most correct thing I've done in my life must have not offended you."

"Please face up to your own strength, you want to offend me, do you have that ability?" What does she mean that she didn't offend herself, said Su Tang, on the level of Luo Xingchen, what a joke.

Luo Xingchen, who was once again bitten by the poisonous tongue, looked at Su Tang bitterly and said, "sugar, if you treat me like this, your conscience won't hurt. Don't you love me?"

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Sue sugar white eye "please don't continue to mistake your position like this, OK?"

What do you love or not? Su Nuo, who was watching the excitement, also covered his mouth and kept laughing. At first, he heard brother Luo ask his sister whether he loved or not. He thought it was offensive to her. But after a long time, he found that brother Luo and his sister were getting along like this, and each time brother Luo was hated.

"What about the soap and meat grinder business that you transferred to him? How much are you going to sell for the sauce business Luo Xingchen also accepted her fate. Anyway, she said that she couldn't sell sucang, so she was curious about how much Su sugar would cost.

"Luo's family didn't want to sell soap like this. If I don't sell it, I can still make money from meat grinder." The reason why sucang is so dissatisfied with the cooperation with the Luo family is that the food of the Luo family is too ugly.

Not to mention the ketchup and chili sauce business, the Luo family had tried to steal the recipe from sucang several times before, but still relied on Luo Xingchen to mediate. Sucang would also bring out some new things, otherwise the Luo family would have started.

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